Saturday, 25 February 2012

With what attitude are we doing things? (Dalai Lama)

Dalai Lama@DalaiLama "The nature of our motivation determines the character of our work"
My God, would You comment on this tweet from the Dalai Lama?

The Dalai Lama is one of God's great sons on earth, suffering a lot and he has fathomed many of the mysteries of life. This is one of those mysteries.

A saint can sanctify a meaningless work by His energy, a criminal can infect and fail a seemingly good deed.
Which attitude, which feelings in your heart are influencing your deeds?

Two bricklayers build a brick wall and are asked what they are doing.
One replies: I build a brick wall.
The other replies: I am helping to build a cathedral.
Apparently the results of their work are the same, but the bricks cemented by the second bricklayer carry more energy, more spiritual life and more eternity than the bricks of the first one. A damage of the wall centuries later, for example, a car collides against the wall, or a sagging may be connected to the "weak bricks" of the first bricklayer. This is just an example.
The energy associated with these bricks can be felt as well by someone who is sensitive. And the weak spot is certainly to be observed by Us in the spiritual world. Everything has an energetic component associated with the connected appearance, colors, charge.

We see the fruits of man's labor on earth. And We see how the work already contains the spiritual futur wealth or decay.

For example, one city goes to rach and ruin, the other grows to beauty and prosperity.
For example, one project succeeds, the other fails.

People do not always realize the attitude of their work is performing the results of their work, until bloom or decay.

"The nature of our motivation determines the character of our work"

The words are so true.

The labour of Hitler was already containing his fall and the labour of Christ was already containing His successes

And let no one question My words
The consequences of the life of Christ on earth are a thousand times bigger than can be seen. Your world without the life of Christ would be many times worse off than it is today. And despite the excesses committed by the servants of Christianity, the results of the work of Christ are still a permanent blessing to mankind.
Because the nature of the motivation of Hitler is from the Ape, and the nature of the motivation of Christ is from God.

My blessings to you all
Nr. 49

Saturday, 18 February 2012

God is your sponsor

@Urban Yoga Girl “and now a word for our sponsor: God ~ Psalm 34:8 Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him”

My God, you would like to comment on this tweet?

God is indeed your sponsor. And you can test God, and then find out that God tastes good. My big issue is so much more is possible in your life. More support, more love, more confidence, more future,more present, more understanding. But not without God. God whispers you always everything good and useful, and exactly what you can handle.

But you cherish many other idols.
How much time do you spend on your property, your food, your family and friends, your work, your hobbies, your jobs, your TV, your internet, your addictions.
And compare this to the time you spend on your inner self, on God's Presence in your inner self, on listening to God. Amazingly little.

And this is not not surprising from My perspective because I know your difficulty in walking on the narrow path. God is working longer with you than today. God also knows your longer path and the painful consequences of it and the experiences connected with this longer path.

But still amazingly, because you all know so successfully to postpone your happiness, your only Handhold, your Consolation. And amazingly, because you always choose false happiness instead of Real happiness, fake opportunities instead of Real Opportunities, quicksand instead of God as Rock, addictions and attachments instead of Consolation by God.

And now a word for our sponsor: God  Psalm 34:8

"Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him"
There is so much more possible in your life. Always more, always more beautiful, always richer, always lighter,more durable, always better than how it is now.
Blessed the man/woman who seeks refuge in God.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 48

Thursday, 9 February 2012

On the pain of man and Allah's understanding

 "That moment... when you realize only Allaah understands your pain" . #TheMuslimMoments 7 september

Would You like to comment on this tweet ?

Being muslim is being a man at peace. That peace is available for everyone.
If Muslims want everybody to be a man/woman in peace, then they’re right.
If Muslims want everyone to be a Muslim then they’re wrong.
Everyone needs to become a man/woman in peace.
In peace with oneself.
In peace with the fellow men.
In peace with life.
And if this fits within your desire: peace with Allah, or God, or Brahman or Yahweh or whatever you call God.
I tell you, it does not matter how you call Me.
It does not matter in which religion you seek Me.
It does not matter in what form you recognize Me.

I am the Unnamable.
I am the Noble One.
I am your All.
I am your Father and Mother.
I am your Love.
I am your Future.
I am your Strength.
I am your Consolation.

"That moment... when you realize only Allah understands your pain"

That moment when you are disappointed in men, tired and smashed by the anxieties of life, searching for a foothold.
That moment, if it’s there and you realize that only I am understanding your pain.
That is the truth. For I am the Father-Mother.

I understand your way.
I oversee your failure.
I cleanse your wounds.
I soften your grief.
I am the Truth.
I am your eternal Consolation.

And whether you ask Me for help or not. Whether you believe in Me or not, I’ll send you help on the road. And My help consists of spiritual power of My angels or spirits, your fellow human beings who you find on your path, of the means available for you, of hope, of courage, of healing.
And when you have to perish, My help will be of comfort and strength.
All these assistances are My hands on earth.

"That moment... when you realize only Allah understands your pain"

I understand your pain.
I'm waiting for you.
I look forward to you.
I have patience, if you avoid this moment.
I understand if you neglect this moment.
I have compassion if you misinterpret this moment.
I am your durable, solid, reliable and everlasting Consolation.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 47


Saturday, 4 February 2012

Inner diplomas are eternal (Patanjali, 2)

"The only worthwhile accomplishments are not those we achieve outwardly, but the victories we win over ourselves" (Patanjali)

In the peace and silence and space of your inner self, where God likes to stay, even if there is no room for it, God sees you acting. Well, what do you give the outside world much attention, what do you give the outside world a lot of energy. Now is God not asking you: to stop it, no, go on. You are of good will and that’s what We cherish to see.

But please give a piece of your time, some of your energy, some of your attention to your inner self? The presence of God in your life will benefit from it, the spiritual world, is waiting for it but for what after all?

We should say: for your inner performance, your inner diplomas and certificates, driving licenses and certificates, inner successes and deeds.
Those of the outer world are hanging on your walls and lying in your drawers. But the inner diplomas are in God's hand.

Why are the diplomas of the inner world specially?
I say you, why not?
Because We provide all the diplomas of the inner world, which are more important and more sustainable and of eternal value.

Isn’t your inner world more important than your looks?
Isn’t your heart more important than your brains?
Isn’t your happiness more important than your possessions?
Isn’t your inner security more important than external security, which you derive from status, job, home or appearance?
Isn’t your inner peace more important than the outward calm, which you acquire with great difficulty by holidays, exercising, sauna, satisfaction of your physical needs such as food and sex?

The outer peace is dependent on many factors, how vulnerable are you by this.
The inner peace is only depending upon yourselves and upon God.

The external wealth depends upon so many other people.
The inner wealth depends only upon yourself. And your choosing for it.

The external benefits are usually temporary.
The inner performances are always everlasting, My children, everlasting. And I know that you do not realize how true these words are.

"The only worthwhile accomplishments are not those we achieve outwardly, but the victories we win over ourselves"

God advises you therefore this:

1. Think about God's words.
2. Take some time each day for your inner self.
3. Ask yourself what is important and what isn’t.
4. Talk to your inner self.
5. Assess the results of your outer and inner performances.
6. Assess the results of your securities and vulnerabilities.
7. Assess the results of your life as if today will be your last day on earth.
"For you know the day nor the hour". Would you be satisfied?
8. Assess the results of who you are, what will remain when you peel away the externals.
What remains left?

The inner certificates are accompanying you into eternity, when your outer performances and achievements are for a long time forgotten and destroyed.
Will you give it a try? And if you are already working on it will you continue to do so?
Because if you are making one step toward Us, We'll make ten steps to you.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 46