My God, would you like to comment on this tweet?
How true are these words. At least the second part. God only wants to cherish you, keep an eye on you and support you
The first part is less true. Even believers do not trust their affairs to God. Certainly not in a great degree. Sometimes when it is convenient, always when it went wrong. God is asking: please come always back to Me, stay with Me, join Me ?
With all your good intentions and your affairs apparently in order, there is still something wrong. Deep down in almost every one of you there is a hidden and indescribable confusion about life. And a battle between your thoughts and feelings. A attachment to one thought and oppression of an other one. An attachment to one feeling, resistance to an other one. And you thought stream is a sequence of associations, judgment, opinions and prejudices based on the past.
God says: If you come to Me, truly, with your heart and your mind, open and diligently, I can comfort you, really take action.
"I entrust my affair to Allah, verily, Allah keeps an eye on (His) servants"
Would you really want to know what it means if Allah keeps an eye on you?
God Itself, Allah will ensure that:
• verything will flow
• things will fall into place
• you’ll feel strengthened in trouble
• you will enjoy beautiful moments much more
• life will smile at you
• you’ll better handle difficulties of life
• you’ll feel safe and reassured in your heart
• you're acting more lovingly to your fellow man
• you are calmer and less fearful
• you are looking forward to the day of tomorrow
• you’ll trust on life
• you will be more caring for nature
• you’ll become modest about your successes
• you’ll become more grateful about what isn’t obvious
• you are drawing less conclusions on moments of misery
• you’ll experience more space in your heart
• you'll experience more peace in your head
• your body becomes stronger
• you are less waiting for something to come, and you’ll live more in the here and now.
Why is this all?
Because then you allow God in your life, because you do not fight against God, your
Are you going to try it?
Are you coming to God?
My blessings to you all
Nr. 55