Sunday, 24 February 2013

God asked me to go "digital"

I cycle 28th of June 2011 home and pass a blind lady. I ask God:  please bless this blind woman?

She is blessed.

I pass then an old lady crooked walking behind a walker. I ask God: please bless this old woman?

She is blessed.
You are quite sensitive to those who are physically vulnerable. You are blessed for it.
But do you know, particularly in the
modern West, who are nowadays really vulnerable?

I do not know.

Young people. They are spiritually vulnerable. They grow up in the illusion of material products and enticements, the new status symbols, but some of them have no knowledge at all of a loving God, no knowledge of the soul, of spiritual values​​. They seem to be confident with their outward looks, but they have a neglected soul. Would you like to tell them about this all? Would you like to start telling them on Internet?

My God, You are scaring me a lot. May I consider this for a while?

Be assured, We are doing step by step. Be blessed.
My blessings to you all
Two months later, on August 26th 2011 I start on and Twitter the Watchthegod messages.

Nr. 152


Saturday, 23 February 2013

God isn't sad

I had a conversation with the Christian L. who said God is grieved at all what people do.
God, are You grieved?

Saying God is grieved is an anthropomorphic projection. But I do regret the many detours man is making and because of this is experiencing there is a lot of sorrow in his life. It demands time and insight before man is realizing the sunny garden of surrnder in his life and preferring this all above the swampy basement of desires and addictions.

Every detour is good, but woe man. He has such a tendency to choose for large and tortuous detours and to loose the balanced paths. A combination of earthly temptations, human imagination and Our modesty along with the antics of the monkey, then you get this all. We do find it a pity, because it is not always necessary though suffering is always enriching and never pointless

So I am not sad, but do sympathize with your suffering
But I know in the suffering of man is hidden his future happiness. So God does have trust in Its own projects. 

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Babaji has brought you the acceptance of God within you

I have roses and candles just before the portraitof Babaji, guru in the line of my Kriya Yoga initiation. I ask his blessing for mankind. Then I ask God if Babaji has heard my question.

Babaji, Lord of the love and of the East, brother in the spirit of Christ has heard your prayer and He has blessed mankind from this place. Babaji has truly been a lord of love and has inspired his disciples to bring the wisdom of the East to the western, seeking intellectual. The entire movement, connected with this, so from other Indian gurus as well, is a movement of openness, sharing and respect for each other (western and eastern) qualities.

It is a source of inspiration for Western man in his search for God. Greatest success in this is the acceptance by mankind God is within you and not as the Jewish, Christian and Islamic religion have suggested that God is only existing highly and farly away.  

We are All happy with this among many western men accepted insights.
For God can be more nearby by your accepting God is in you.  

My blessings to you all

Monday, 11 February 2013

Man is a God in coverings

The body is a covering.
Emotions are a covering.
His thinking is a covering.
His work is a covering.
His house is a covering.
His desires are a covering.
His daily life is a covering.
Man is a baby in coverings.

The Father-Mother knows the difference between the baby and its coverings.
The baby itself doesn’t know.

Therefore cherishes the Father-Mother the baby.
And cares for the baby.
And provides the coverings.
And sees the baby grow.
And let the child cloth itself in new coverings.
And waits.
And let the child get enough of his coverings.
And let the child discover he is not the coverings.
And blesses the grief tearing the coverings of the baby to pieces.
And comforts the child mourning of grief for the lost coverings.
And blesses the child, when it is fed up with its coverings.

And the child is discovering Itself.
And the child experiences he has always been God.
A God in coverings.
And discovers he is not the coverings.
And smiles the smile of the Buddha.
And the child becomes Son or Daughter.

And the Father-Mother lets go.
It is accomplished.

My blessings to you all
To paraphrase, The Book of Mirdad by Mikhail Naimy, Chapter 4:The man is a God in coverings, Watkins Publishing

Saturday, 2 February 2013

God is becoming man in our will

From the spiritual perspective everything on earth is well.
How is this perspective possible?
Because everything is what it is.
Because everything has value.
Because life is experience.
Because life is development.
Because in evil the good is hidden.
Because suffering is purifying your inner self.
Because happiness is strengthening your inner self.
Because even the detours of man do have one direction, to God, to liberation, to redemption, to perfection.
Because you are given a free will to experience it for yourselves, to find it out for yourselves, to make up your own life.

Because God is giving energy to the desires of your heart.
Because God is following and supporting you in all your actions.
Because God is supporting you in the desires of your heart, what ever it may be, you are receiving in this all unconditional support of God.

But above all:
Because God is becoming man in your will.
Because God is becoming man in your heart.
Because God is becoming man in your life.
God has therefore given Itself and is living in your heart and God is becoming man. This is the way of the Spirit to the earth.

And so that men may become the sons and daughters of God , for now the greater part still children.
So you are becoming sons and daughters of God. That’s the way of the earth to the Spirit.
Therefore, your heart and your will will be always supported and nourished by God, always.
And finally, ever, in this way earth will become a planet of Light and Love and will be transformed into the spiritual life.

And it is therefore why God is becoming man in our will.

My blessings to you all