Sunday, 31 March 2013

Easter in the spirit, on earth the Crucifixion is yet to come (Future, 1)

Would You like to comment on Easter?
In the spiritual world around earth it has already become Easter, Easter forever.
Christ has risen means: the Christ consciousness has risen, the spirit of God has risen and has triumphed over the limitations, the disturbances and the injuries of mankind on mother earth.
In the spiritual world around earth a new era has born of greatness and purity and union with God. There One is building a new human civilization of spirituality, of love among men, of communion with God.

One of God's laws is matter follows spirit.
Many people think matter is the cause of spirit, oh earthly illusion.
God says: matter follows spirit, and this stands for the earth, the human world and mother nature will increasingly express the spiritual rebirth in matter. It has become Easter.

You mankind will see the following symptoms as a wound has to be cleansed by a doctor before it can heal. It will hurt, but the recovery is being prepared:
  • the growth and profit-based economy will be further demolished
  • the hidden malices of banks, corporations and politicians will be all exposed to broad daylight. It will be a big cleanup under corrupt and Mafioso powers
  • the demolition of the old nature will continue further on
  • a new big enemy of mankind will be born, where no cure is for: bacterial and viral epidemics
You mankind will then see the following symptoms, as a sign of the in the spiritual world already realized Easter:
  • mankind will build a new society based on autonomy of the small group, different economical relations, simplicity and a respectful relationship with mother nature
  • a new morality of openness and honesty will dominate the earthly organizations
  • the new nature will with her newly acquired space explode in a grow of new species, no longer killing or being eaten: an explosion of herbivorous species at the expense of carnivorous species
  • humanity will in number decrease
  • The new man will be born with a natural relationship with God and religions will be less needed
  • One will experience a new vitality, live in smaller groups, in harmony with nature and will have a future again with new clean technology.
It has become Easter in the spirit, but on earth the crucifixion of the physical personality  is nearby to give room to the spiritual personality.
The spiritual world is considering your liberation with confidence and will receive you in your bewilderment with love and support.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 23 March 2013

The unloving Madam (of whores)

For You have discussed in the previous blog a deranged Muslim male, You had the intention to comment on the life after death of a deranged female western Madam (of whores). Would You like to do so?

Man is really quickly on the run with spiritual messages. Before We know where We are, Muslims are angry, just because it is a story of a Muslim, or Somalis are because it is a story of a Somali or what so ever. Before We know there is chauvinism for the own group,  narrow,  somewhat loveless, excluding people. So for now a completely different person. But the message may be: derailment and the saving of earthly personalities are happening among all races, people, religions and social classes.

So for now a loveless, lustful Madam of whores and her special way after her earthly death.

Madam is with a selfish nature, a materialistic upbringing and wrong friends ended up in the world of prostitution and big money. She had the misfortune to be very pretty and to have a strong will. She loved her work in prostitution en loved to manipulate men with her body. In this world she rose from the ranks into business for the powerful and wealthy of the earth. She acquired for her own business first class prostitutes. She was strong and independent and dominant, so she needed no pimp. She specialized in the  exclusive world of SM, very young girls and other decadent forms of prostitution. She was in her work ruthless, insensitive to the feelings of her employees and had built an entire business to manipulate innocent young foreign girls into real slavery.
She died at the age of 55 during a for herself organized orgy with three men. A fatal heart attack.

By the heart attack she is thrown out of her body. She was identified with her body, because plastic surgery had conserved her beautifulness.
She has lived like a beast and therefore she has the appearance of a beast. Her spiritual body reflects all her features, on earth somewhat hidden behind her beautifulness. Which features do present: the shape of a boar, the lust of a baboon ass, the skin of a leech and the snout of a hyena. In the spiritual world everything is possible. She has misused her hands hitting her girls, and therefore she has no arms. She has kicked with her legs her dependent, vulnerable women and so now she has no legs. She lies on the floor between endless heaps of money and jewelry, sees nothing else, but she can not touch it only with her snout. But the snout only wants some food. And food is not available. She has always fed only herself, so nobody is feeding her now. She is rolling in her money, that rubs her leech skin, and between her jewelry, which is stabbing with their sharp edges into her body in a thousand ways. She has pain everywhere, because she has always hurt others.

Because she recently deceased, We are sketching a scenario how things will work out. For many thing are following predictable patterns.

With her strong mind and her strong will she is clinging quite long to her anger over this terrible body, over this situation, because on earth she was always controlling situations in  her terms. She is in increasing powerlessness, because she was always realistic. So she now sees the hopelessness of her situation. Understanding comes with age, still quite early, after about 18 years. First reason is her caring for close relatives, especially her parents, even though she expressed it financially. Second reasons is her intelligence. In the 18 years of hell she has found out without any outside help she had herself to blame and was sitting on her own blisters. Only after 18 years she is getting a conversation with an older male companion. This is because someone has to ask for help or has to have a question mark in his mind. That took a while. She had always found out stuff for herself. She gets an older male companion, because a much younger would give her associations with sexuality and because she had had always in her inner self a latent need for a father figure. This need is now honored, because in the spiritual world everything is known. It is clear her own father was not a father figure.
The conversations with her supervisor are aiming on two goals, firstly there is more to earthly life than matter, power and sexuality, and secondly the suffering she caused to her girls. Now she has stumped up, the coaching period may take only half a year, showing the following changes:
  • her environment is changing into a simple room with a sea view (a releasing effect on a control freak)
  • her appearance has become human, she is acquiring the right on limbs and a normal skin
  • she can move freely
  • her pains are disappearing
  • all the money and jewels are disappearing
  • she is getting some fruit, bread and water.
Because Madame is having a strong will and a strong personality, she insists on experiencing all the feelings of her victims. So she is experiencing a lifetime of pain, grief and helplessness in exactly half a year. One is preventing her to perish in all this suffering. It may happen that such a person is becoming crazy, if one wants to experience too much suffering one has caused. And then the whole process will take longer. One is controlling this all, though she always wants to experience more than she can tolerate. She is going fastly. Her regret and remorse are growing with the months and she only wants one thing: a thousand ways to correct what she has done wrong. She can quickly be used in helping situations, first with accompaniment, later independently. In the lower spirit world one is regularly relieving her, because in her assistance to young women she is completely indulged in fights with demons. She is assisting at first in the spiritual world and later on she will help from a spiritual level personalities on earth.

Madame will be a very valuable and loving helper in the spiritual world and once proceed to a life of Light and Love, although her past will never get into complete oblivion. This is what Madame will arrange for herself.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 156

Saturday, 16 March 2013

The Somalian husband

Would You like to comment on the life of the “Somalian husband?
See blog

The husband of the in the blog mentioned Somali woman was no sweetheart.
He was arrogant and unjust and took his wealth, the possession of his wives and many male children really for granted. He had a high opinion of himself. He thought to be entitled to his wealth. Life has given him much, but he has few returned.
In short, much of his behavior was partially culturally determined, but he showed an extraordinary indifference to the feelings of his wives and helped the poor more out of religious duty than out of being touched. He abused and raped his always much younger wives (sometimes girls of 14) without any regard for their feelings. He had a high opinion of himself (actually he was quite stupid) and he had a high opinion of his manhood.
He enjoyed his power and abused it. When his wives, as for example the in the blog mentioned woman, lost their daughters, he was indifferent to that loss, because women did not count in his life, and he was certainly indifferent to their grief. He was only furious if he lost a son. He locked up his wives and always treated them as his slaves.
When the in the blog mentioned woman dies, he was staying with one of his youngest, newly acquired wives.

This old Somali man has died in his own bed, in prosperity and was surrounded by his seemingly weeping women (so faithful are they). He has always fulfilled his religious obligations to Allah, but more out of habit than out of love for Allah. After his death, he was mourned by no one and almost nobody has prayed for him.

He believes in a life after death and expects in his complacency to be welcomed in a beautiful environment with many beautiful women.
There is nobody. He has ended up in a desolate area, and is laying half paralyzed for a shabby shack like structure. He is laying in the dust, and is hardly capable of dragging himself in and out. He has abused his body so often, in terms of all lusts, he is having a human, but at the same time beastly appearance. He has abused others psychologically and physically so he is now almost disabled. He suffers from pains and severe physical discomforts: hunger, thirst, cold, dust. He has sores on his skin, because he often has damaged the skin of others. He is suffering from pains, because he has too often hurt others. The pains are concentrated around his genitals and his eyes, because he has abused his sexuality and his eye for beauty.
He is laying almost paralyzedly for his hut and is waiting.
He is perplexed on his surroundings, outraged thinking to be innocent and furious he was not welcomed by a bunch of beautiful women, because this is what he was used to in his earthly life.

He doesn’t understand it at all. And this situation will last for many years. Many years. In his experience centuries, in earthly terms for many years.
Because he has never helped, he is not helped.
Because he has never showed any compassion, there is no one around him showing him any compassion.

His "My Allah”, his soul and his guardian angel are looking down with love on this spiritual creature, this caricature of a man, the product and result of his own actions and One is awaiting with hope for a first sign of doubt. Because only if his consciousness begins to wonder whether he might himself has contributed to this situation, he is entitled to experience some human contact. This period could have been shorter if he had done something good on earth, a blessing, a useful contribution to society, but he was merely a parasite. The period also could have been shortened if someone had prayed for him, if someone had loved him.
This is hell created by himself.

After about 45 earthy years a first form of doubt is arising in his consciousness.
He therefore gets a visit from a spiritual being who has agreed to accompany him. This creature has  necessarily a feminine appearance. It will take another two years before his consciousness is desperate enough, and experiencing enough doubt to be open to a conversation.
But the radiation of this spiritual being and her visits to him are energetically at his benefit, even though he has rejected her during her visits. After two years there is a first conversation.
The entire coaching takes another full year.

The experiences in the spiritual world are the hardened, stubborn attitude is taking the longest period of time. Has the spirit of doubt started her influence in a human consciousness than the period of regret is relatively short.

In this year the following is changing:
  • His environment changes gradually into a normal, natural environment
  • His appearance changes into a timid, thin man with no physical discomfort or pain. He can move freely in and around his simple home.
  • His mind has opened to the power and strength of the feminine
  • His complacency has changed into modesty
  • His egocentrism has changed into a certain willingness to look around
  • His heart has opened up gradually by feeling what his victims have experienced (this was indeed his own choice)
  • He is confronted with the possibilities of more loving actions (this is obligated)
  • His understanding is increasing and consequently his remorse as well.
In the last three years of doubt and regret mister is growing into a willing servant. 48 years after his earthly death, he is allowed to meet his first fellow men. He is going to fulfill very simple, humble tasks in the spiritual world before he has acquired entitlement to more responsible tasks. At times he may meet one of his deceased former spouses and children. These encounters are always leading to a long period of remorse, self-reproach and depression, especially when the other is loving and forgiving.
Mister ultimately becomes a loving helper in the spiritual world. The earthly past will eventually be forgiven completely, however, never forgotten by the personalities themselves. Perpetrators are less willing to abandon the past than victims.
For the nuance the next blog will present the life after death of a loveless lustful madam (of whores).

My blessings to you all

Nr. 155

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Man is a vulnerable child

A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it (Frank Howard Clark)

Would You like to comment on this note?
The human world consists of many adults. And man is treating his fellowman as adults in his communication, in his reactions to other people, in his work and in his private life. He is expecting in this fairness, objectivity and sincerity.
But do remember òne thing.
Deep down, unconscious and hidden every man is still a baby, needing to be loved. And this will never disappear.

In aggression, in criticism, in misunderstandings, at accidents, in disputes, in failure, in difficulties this is playing a part. The solution of the problem, the approach of an issue, the prospects for the future would be infinitely magnified if everyone remembered one important factor is playing a part, affecting everything, influencing a lot behind the scenes, namely this:

”A baby is born with a need to be loved - and never outgrows it” 

When one is remembering this in contact with the others and if one is willing to take this into account, many contacts would be facilitated and many issues would be resolved quickly.

My blessings to you all

No 154

Sunday, 3 March 2013

God does not like me to have self-pity

I did have a bad day, a despondent mood and when I dropped something, I sigh aloud:
My God, there's really no hope for mankind.

Are not you a bit melodramatic?

I really couldn’t help laughing, and suddenly I saw myself through the eyes of God: there was nothing wrong, a moderate day and the ego exaggerating a lot.
I thank God for Its response and immediately I am feeling a lot better.
Honesty and humour do help.

 My son, thank you for your self-mockery and openness.

My blessings to you all

No 153