Saturday, 25 May 2013


Tina van Leuven@InnerDelight23 meiObstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals~Anonymous”

Would You like to comment on this  tweet?

Why don't you go into it for yourself first? I have led you to this tweet.

Oh, yes of course.
The day before yesterday I had a dramatic day in which I lost myself in doubt and despondency. In short, I was completely baffled and had lost any perspective. And even when I remembered everything would pass, this didn’t mean anything to me. I was lost and it was intense. Yesterday I asked You to send me the spirit of perspective and then I had a wonderful day of hope and lust for everything. I was open to nature, open for the challenging things in my work and open again for working with the blog and tweets. And only then it was I remembered I had lost myself completely ..... I've only seen “frightful things taking my eyes off my goals”. And now I'm so surprised, because it was a lovely day. Emotional type, Frenkieboy, crying and laughing.

You have averted your eyes from the goals. The major goals you have set: Me, the meaning of life, patience, saying yes to everything.
And then you got lost on your way, drifting from one thing to the other. You did not even recall your goals, you didn’t even try to remember it would only last a day.

Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goals”

But do know you did unlearn something important, you did it after all quite well. Because you have not comforted yourself with addictions, but you have done nothing. And that's a big step forward compared to the past. Then you really pushed yourself even deeper into the swamp with everything there was to attachments and comfort rows and alleged delights. You've done nothing, My son, you've just been waiting. So that's a big step forward.

Henceforth, you will remember when you are crying, you will laugh again the next day.
And real progress it will be when you are laughing, will remember you were crying before.
Then balance in your inner self has born and spiritual maturity, then a goal has been set and has been held, namely trust in life, trust in Me. Then you will always listen to the one goal, not to many goals, then you have grown from plural to singular, to simplicity. Then you will be complete, healed, whole. Then you are in Me.

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 19 May 2013

God in my life

Will you tell your fellowmen  how I interfere in your life ?

Yes please.
I thank you for Your help and for Your comfort.
I'm struggling with a problem and You are bringing me insight.
I'm down and You are giving me new courage.
I'm stuck in old, addictive habits and You let me feel how oppressive and restrictive they are.
I control myself, say no to old tendencies and You are rewarding me with enthusiasm and lightness in my heart.
I condemn a fellowman and You are reminding me this fellowman is a child of God as well.
I'm afraid of life and You are giving me hope.
I am not able to face difficult moments and You are leading me through them without a problem.
I am worrying about others and You thank me for my compassion.
I am helping a poor soul and You make me feel how heaven on earth can be.
I renounce my ego and You make me experience my soul.
I work for you, and You are thanking me for my energy.
I ask You for advice and You are giving me insight.
I lose myself in emotions and You are helping me to take stock of them.
My good God, I thank Thee, and acknowledge I am not realizing with Whom I dealing with.

I see your struggling and send you the spirit of relief.
I see your addictions and remind you of Me.
I see your fears and send you the spirit of hope.
I see your suffering and know of the necessity.
I see your suffering and remind you of your co-responsibility.
I see your suffering and wait for your cries.
I see your suffering and look forward to your liberation.
I see your suffering and lift you up to My bosom.
I see your sorrow and comfort you with My touch.
I see your desperation and bring you a day of joy.
I see your attachments and let you feel their shackles.
I see your austerities and bring you the blessing of your soul.
I see your good deeds and bring your heart to heaven.
I see your compassion for others and bring your consciousness a patch of My Kingdom.
I see your endeavor and send you the spirit of inspiration.
I see you enjoy yourself and let you recall it on difficult days.
I see your joys and rejoice therein.
My child, you indeed do not know with Whom you are dealing with.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 166

Saturday, 18 May 2013

The Holy Spirit, Female Aspect of God

Will you tell Me what the Holy Spirit is meaning to you?

At Pentecost inspiration and lightness seem to be stronger in life than other days. Such as Christmas and the birth of hope and Easter and suffering and liberation.
That's the Holy Spirit to me: inspiration or an experience with the lightness of life. Or a thought of brightness, by which I trust life more and by which I am more open to the beautiful and the refined of life. I feel a little bit uplifted. I am happier with everything, but more in my inner life. I see more of the beauty of nature. I am more armored against the nasty things of life. I therefore feel like I'm more up in my body, not somewhere downstairs between my crotch and my heart, but more upstairs between my heart and my head. And very odd sometimes higher as if I am looking down at myself and know there is more than my earthly personality.
But the dove of the Christians that’s not my piece of cake. Why a pigeon, I should prefer a turtle-dove above a wood-pigeon. I like other birds more such as the nuthatch or a long-tailed tit, or a stork. Well, that’s it.
Oh of course and the Holy Spirit is bringing me to You?

Thank you.
The Holy Spirit is not a dove from heaven indeed.
She is the female aspect of God, the love of God for mankind,  descended on earth. The Holy Spirit is God / Allah / Brahma/Yahweh, the Al working on earth, in man. The Holy Spirit promotes man in his path from beast to spirit. She is God expressing Her motherly love and saying: come to My bosom, be reassured of My love. Know there is hope and know you will succeed. Remember Me, come to Me, feel loved. I am touching you in your heart and in your mind.
Where the Father-God wants to express His Will and wants to develop His intelligence in man, the Mother-God, the Holy Spirit is spreading Her love and wisdom, is beckoning softly and wisely. She is measuring time and space and the place where man may be touched. She is teaching Her love in wisdom and gentleness. She is tempting and beckoning meekly.

The Jews are touched when they show wisdom and compassion in their lives, honor Her in Asherah, companion of El.
The Hindus honor the Goddess in their modesty, their compassion for the environment, in Parvati and Tara.
The Buddhists receive Her in the silence and humility of prayer and devotion, in Kuan Yin, the Female Buddha.
Christ promised the Holy Spirit, because the apostles weren’t managing without Her. The both Mary’s  and the feminin John were already touched by Her, did already get their own Pentecost. But the apostles, the men, needed Her badly. Christ knew this.
The Prophet Mohamed expressed her in a part of the Quran, in the loving, gentle, quiet sutras of awe and love and wisdom

The atheists find her on their path, when they feel compassion for the suffering of the world.
The humanists are fulfilled with Her, if they treat man with respect and humility.
The social organizations are working with Her when they are lifting up the vulnerable out of their misery.
Politicians are inspired by Her when they make laws of humanity and compassion.
The managers are feeling Her when they support and encourage their employees.
The dying are visited by Her, when they are fed up with the carcass of their body.
The deceased are inspired by Her when they have thrown off the earthly ballast and are going to feel they’ll have a hopeful future of lightness and growth.

The Holy Spirit, the Mother Goddess.

Patroness of the women of the Bible and the Koran: Sara, Rachel, Leah, Mary Magdalene, Kahadija, Zainab.
Supervisor of the priestesses and female pastors in the world.
Accomplisher of the incarnated love on earth.

Pentecost is reminding you of Her.

My blessings to you all


Monday, 13 May 2013

The bond of man with God will be transformed (Future, 7)

Would You like to tell us about the future? Can You say something about our relationship with God ?

When different believers talk to each other, they will soon stumble on the differences, and that’s leading to disagreement, and sometimes even to war.
When different believers look at the similarities they are soon on speaking terms:

  • There is only One God
  • All men are children of God
  • All humans are thus brothers and sisters
  • Man is destined to acquire eternity
  • God is dwelling everywhere, so in man as well
  • The band of man with God is the most important band on earth
  • All saints, prophets, pastors have only one job:  to refer to the band of man with God, everything else is secondary
  • Religions are just tools, the goal is God. 
The spiritual world is not particularly interested in how man comes to God, how man is naming God, how man is praying.
The spiritual world is particularly interested in man coming to God, man accepting God, man praying.

The spiritual world really wants this, not because everyone necessarily has to believe, but because believing is giving more opportunities, more power, more energy, is giving man more confidence than if he does not pray: h
e seems to be so alone and lost then.

The past thousands of years were marked by variation, individualization, freedom on religious grounds. This resulted in a variety of religions.
The next hundreds of years the differences will recede into the background and above mentioned principles will become more important. Because man will become more spiritual, will go into his inner self, and man will meet God there, the rest is not that important anymore.

Time will ever be mankind will be religious without religion
Time will ever be mankind will build a relationship with God without the intervention of deacons and priests, imams and rabbis.
Time will ever be man will be religious in what he is performing for his surroundings, for his fellow man, for nature.

For if man arrives in the spiritual world, God is not asking what this man has thought, what he has believed, what he has felt, but what he has done for his fellowmen, for his surroundings, for nature, for his inner self.
Therefore is an unbeliever with a big heart after death received by more angels than a believer with a cold heart.

But it is a fact that in this time of energetic confusion all the prayer houses of the world are necessary transformers of energy, badly needed in order not to derail societies. So the predictions in this blog are coming true after this transition time.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 164

Sunday, 5 May 2013

Mankind may comply with nature (Future, 6)

My God, I am not very eager with publishing this blog.
It is time.
But the content is so terrifying.
The truth has to be said.
But I want to support messages of love and tolerance.
Am I not looking with you behind the scenes of life?  I am giving messages of inspiration and truth as well.
But can a prediction be that truthful?
This prediction is one of the most probable scenarios. Can this explanation relieve you?
Yes, I am feeling less responsible.
Who is responsible for this blogs, My son?
You are, My God, You are the Source. I am just a messenger.
So will it be.

But you told me once 10 % of the blogs content consists of noise, interpretation, subjectivity? So indeed my peace of cake, my responsibility?
Let this be said. Is it all now acceptable for you, My son?
Yes, better, thank You.

Would you like to tell us about the future? Can you comment please on what is happening to mankind?

Earth is a beautiful planet and mankind a special race. But Mother Nature can not tolerate more growth of mankind, according to sociological planners from seven to ten billion in fifty years. And Mother Nature is itself a large autonomous personality, increasingly taking action supported by the spiritual world. For monocultures were and will be reduced all the time. And mankind has become nowadays a everything devastating massive monoculture.
So We are waiting for the correction.
Mankind has overcome many diseases, has left behind wars mainly, is producing almost enough food for more and more people. But this all is at the expense of nature and the living space of animal and plant species. One of the instruments of Mother Nature in monocultures are bacterial and viral epidemics. So will it be.

Too many people are living in a nonchalance,  originating from ignorance : "it will last my time, what can I do about it, enjoying life here and now, what the hell those few plant and animal species, they'll find a way to it".

And meanwhile Mother Nature is suffering in full intensity.
We are having confidence in the course of affairs, and are knowing mankind will learn from her mistakes in due time.  Man will proceed in his loving way back to God after having realized the truthful facts of life. But as We see not many will realize this on earth. Not many. The next transition time will wake up a lot of people. But in the spirit, not on earth. Mankind is very sensitive for bacterial and viral infections. She hasn’t built up a lot of mental toughness when the major challenges are facing nowadays mankind. Mental and physical toughness are brother and sister.

The current period is showing an increased decay of human civilization. Economies, based on environmental pollution and materialism and luxury will continue to stagnate. Environmental pollution, population numbers, the crisis, the agitation among poor peoples, the protests and national riots will all increase and escalate into situations not handled properly by governments at all. All hidden affairs will be revealed. Nothing of indecent affairs will remain secret. The social cesspool will be opened completely. Chaos will increase and will make an appeal to mankind, to the human civilization, in order to pull out all the stops and to uphold ethics. The one country will succeed better than the other.
At the same time major bacterial and viral epidemics are occuring, often with fatal consequences for entire populations. The one country will show more mortality though than the other country. Eventually during this period a significant part of mankind will die.

The next period, the environmental pollution will continue despite the decrease of mankind. This will happen because of a cumulative escalating principle (due to the polluting processes of 150 years). A large part of the animal species, and a significant part of the plant species will have became extinct.
Then a gradual slowdown of the escalation in nature and in human societies will show up , one will make a start with the cleaning up and restoring as much as possible of the bond between man and nature. Any form of environmental pollution and acting against nature will be labeled globally as one of the most serious crimes and the highest form of criminal law. In these years the world's population will shrink further to a number nature may endure properly.

In the subsequent period, nature and mankind will come together in a harmonious future with respect for the outer and inner nature of man. A final integration of mankind in the natural environment will emerge. Strict laws and a new morality will punish the least environmental pollution or environmental threat. Manufacturers will not survive if they produce environmentally unfriendly packaging etc. Nature will show a strong recovery with clean air, clean water and an unexpected return of supposedly extinct species. Initially, one estimates the number of extinct animal and plant species higher. But in unexpected places lost plant species and incidentally animal species will show up, and they will cause a great joy among mankind and a respect for God and nature. It will be world news. The joy of the returning of these species will be greater than what the world has enjoyed of nature during centuries.

While the number of herbivorous animals will be more important than the number of carnivorous species, mankind will adopt en masse a vegetarian menu. Eating meat and fish has become dangerous and a taboo.

So I foresee no ending times, but a necessary cleansing period out of which mankind will rise up wiser and more spiritual. Every one will be helped during this period. The Doctor is necessarily cleansing the wound only supporting the restoration of the beautiful skin.

My blessings to you all