Saturday, 27 July 2013

Sincere love for yourself comes from God

“If you can not help a hundred people, why not just help one”
Mother Teresa

When I read this, I thought for myself , "and that one should be me”?
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I’ll like to.
Of course man should take into account what he is capable of. So don’t be discouraged by the suffering and difficulties in the world, but do what you can. And just start somewhere.
Mother Theresa is saying true words. She shouldn’t even have started when she had been despondent by seeing all the suffering. She just started, got some help, got companions and founded an organization. And nowadays her organization is viable and flowering and impressing, even though she for herself has passed away to a better life.

Helping one person is already beautiful. Committing one act of love is already special. Making one loving gesture is already valuable and is welcomed by the spiritual world and nurtured and noted. Because no sparrow will fall from the roof to his death, without God knowing this. So even your smallest deeds of charity are noted.

You are asking Me, "Am I the one who needs help from myself?"
Yes, all of you should consider to help yourself.
You all are intolerant to yourself, and unloving and judgmental. Even the biggest egoists.
That is why you are creating unloving and intolerant gods.
It seems you all, especially in the rich countries, are have everything and are enjoying everything and making things all right for yourselves.
But it only seems so.

God sees into your inner self.
God sees a neglected child.
God sees a troubled and on the material outside world oriented mind.
God sees the human thinking not allowed to make mistakes.
God sees man pretending better than he is.
God sees man startling blankly when he gets some justified criticism.
God sees man intolerant to oneself.
God sees man condemning oneself.
God sees man making too many demands on oneself.
God sees man not tolerating his small and imperfect sides.

What am I going to do then, you might ask?
Tell the people of the exercise I have given to you some time ago.

Well, here it is.
I think of something cute, loving and tender, for example a little dog, a little baby, a bird in his nest.
I feel softening and love. I cling to this softening and love and then look at myself. That’s all. And I try to do it as often as possible, sometimes four times a day
J. And I am feeling then more love. Life is becoming then more bright. And You seems to be more close then.

And with this attitude, this way of looking at yourself  you are coming very close to God.
For God is looking in this way to you, this loving attitude, this love IS from God.
So if you do this, you are very close to God. And God can come very close to you.
You only have to try this once to experience the love of God.
And if you would do it more often the earth would progress faster than currently is the case.

My blessings to you all

Monday, 22 July 2013

Euthanasia can be an act of love

A few years ago I was indirectly involved in the euthanasia of someone. I struggled a bit then with the acceptance because of my religious background, and asked God: “What must I think now of euthanasia?
A voice inside said to me:  "Ending someone’s  suffering is an act of love."
To me this was very satisfying. I let it go.
In the Netherlands it is allowed a little at a time, with clear rules and with medical supervision. The debate is every time on discriminating when it is unbearable suffering and when it isn’t. So to speak the criteria of application.
Will You comment on euthanasia?

"Ending someone’s  suffering is an act of love" I said to you. You didn’t know then Who was talking to you. But you have heard My voice and since then you have dealt the subject with great openness and love. Thanks for this.

Why finds your God it okay to stretch life endlessly and is it forbidden to occasionally shorten life with good reasons?
Medical science is encouraged and cherished by the spiritual world, which is why man is growing elder.
You can cure many diseases, thanks to the medical and the spiritual world.

Imagine: someone will surely die, from medical perspective, is suffering hopelessly and has no more courage and strength, is just wanting to die.
Do you think then We are enjoying someone is dying in this way, 10 points for his soul, We are desperately wanting someone is afflicted that horriblely ?
Imagine: the loved ones are arranging with the doctor the closing down of the medical equipment, or administering a sedative and morphine or a lethal injection.
Do you think then We Above are waiting with indignation, will punish the deceased and in due time will condemn the relatives for having committed a murder on their precious one?

We are love, We know the challenges of life, We love mankind. We welcome this act with love and understanding. We receive the euthanatized deceased with an environment of peace and healing and provide this person loving companions so one will be healthy and strong again  and one can continue spiritual life.
We are sending energy and support to the relatives and help them to deal with this unbearable act. It's a tough decision to euthanize a beloved one especially because one will for sure have feelings of guilt. We however will bless them.
We will strengthen the doctor in his medical responsibility, so euthanasia will be handled with great care and proper supervision.

Yet there is more to say, We are always mad on the whole story.
You people look different to suffering than the spiritual world is doing, We see how often suffering will free the personality from old patterns and old burdens, We see how his soul and spiritual body are blooming and can be freed especially by this suffering.
And we do not advocate euthanasia in all cases and an application with much ease. Because every situation is requiring care, love and attention, and it is not meant to be to end a valuable life because the family has a hard time, because the situation seems hopelessly and maybe isn’t. Or because the medical world thinks she is god and she isn’t.

But basically carefully considered euthanasia with the consent of the suffering person, in the presence of all loved ones and with medical supervision is a godsend for a needless agony.

My blessings to you all

Monday, 15 July 2013

Loving oneself

I have observed man is treating oneself rather harshly. Almost unlovingly. Why is it so difficult for man to love oneself? And to reconcile oneself with own imperfection?

Because man loves children more than adults. Man loves young and naive and helpless and vulnerable, so to speak children and young animals. This is calling up parental feelings within. But the attitude to adults is the opposite. And I exagerate for the sake of clarity. Adults are on their one, do not need anybody, have to be able to everything. And then love is replaced by demands and duties and responsibilities and obligations. And especially not too much understanding and empathy, rather judgment and rejection. But the attitude to others implies some decency, civilization, social rules and polite willingness. So then the demanding attitude is softened and is becoming more one of understanding and loving.
But the attitude to oneselves deep down inside! A big attitude of demands, wishes, duties, laws, rules, obligations and how it should be.

That is on the long run unbearable. So in difficult moments then one is inclined to consolation, and not always in a healthy way, addictions are an example. And then one becomes more unlovingly and more condemning one selves because addictions are not fine.
How to get out of this vicious circle?

Very simple: adopt yourself, accept the child in you, be prepared to accept everything inside without judgment. Say yes to all feelings and thoughts and instincts and inclinations and desires and cravings. And saying yes doesn’t imply to be a slave and express them all. There is a difference between what you think and feel on one hand and what you do on the other hand.
Saying yes to your inner self is saying yes to everything inside, implies lovingly accepting you are human, imperfect, being who you are,  all is well, so to speak everything may be seen, everything may be felt, and may be thought. Without judgment.

Then light is falling on the inner self. Then it is possible to give love to yourself, anyway. As a mother is cherishing her child, anyway.
And changes and improvements and refining and unlearning and learning and becoming a better person are ingredients of chapter two.
Chapter one is considering yourself lovingly, accepting yourself lovingly, acknowledging you may be who you are. And knowing no one has the right to judge you and condemn you. Nobody. Because even God does not. And God wants you not to do it either. Not condemning the other, and not yourself.

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 7 July 2013

The all-pervading power of the Spirit

If the power of the spirit could fail, the earth would cease to spin on its axis and the seasons no longer follow one another in orderly sequence. If the power of the spirit could fail, the sun would cease to be a fiery orb and the moon fail to reflect its illumination. If the power of the spirit could fail, no seed would flower, no fruit would grow.  (Silver Birch)

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Exactly why the Spiritual world is cherishing your free will and is respecting it, and let it waver to all sides to produce the right action by trial and error so has grown as well the will of the Spirit and has become so supreme. And the power of the Spirit is merely aimed at preserving life, without one moment of failure. Without one moment of inoffensiveness, without one moment of inactivity. How could it be otherwise? How could the Spirit take the liberty to let disintegrate an universe just by absent-mindedness what has built up with care and attention over millions of years? The Spirit is always alert, always available, always working, always giving, always loving, always full of patience. And this activity takes place within carefully constructed never failing laws, therefore the progress of man is regarded with confidence. With great confidence.
My blessings to you all

From The Silver Birch Series “Philosophy of Silver Birch”