Saturday, 24 August 2013

God is love

I am on my cycle passing a farm, apparently quite neglected. I see an older woman, the woman farmer. She is talking to a man who seems to be her son. He is looking like a drug addict, skinny, gray, unkempt.
I say to God: "Please bless these two people? What a difficulty, being a mother of an addict, taking care of a farm, with maintenance in arrears, maybe they can hardly manage it all financially " ?
I suddenly feel such a compassion. I say to God: "How many people are coping difficulties. How many people, even in this rich country, are struggling with illness, addictions, disbelief "?
I am really feeling compassion. My heart has become warm and tingles all over.

They are all blessed.
And thanks for your sympathy.

Gradually my compassion is changing into a great sense of love for suffering man, for mankind, for the victims of war and poverty and unhappiness.
I say, "Oh, My God, this warm feeling in my heart, this feeling of love, of course You are giving me this. Are You always feeling this love?

Always. Always pure love, always love for everyone. Always love for all, anyway.
God is love.

Yes, I know, but suddenly I'm feeling so close to You, as if we are ONE.

Not as If, We are ONE.
All people are ONE with "My God," with God.
And in such a moment the destiny of two strangers has just end up in your heart, as if they are your loved ones.

Because you are really looking.
Because you aren’t judging.
Because you do feel compassion.
Because you sympathize.

So one may live all the time, if one really is beholding mankind.
So one may live all the time, if one is really following God.
Because mankind is ONE. And because mankind is ONE with God.

Be blessed.

My blessings to you all

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Sunday, 18 August 2013

Man can be a bigger hatch (There is hope, 3)

Do you want to continue with the issue hope?

"The more open your hands, the more they can be filled."

Man is a God in coverings.
If man would focus his attention more on God than on the outside world, man would become a hatch. The more he is doing this, the bigger  the forces flowing through him.

How can he realize this?

By choosing for unity and simplicity instead of complexity.
By choosing for the highest instead of the lowest.
By choosing for the inner world instead of the outer world .
By choosing for God instead of the monkey of the world.
By choosing for the spiritual rather than the material.
By choosing for holding open hands instead of grasping everything.
By choosing for the whole instead of the separation.

Such choices seem to be difficult.
Therefore, man must be wondering: "what do I really want?"

Where insight is, motivation is following.
Where motivation is, the heart is following.
Where the heart is, the will is following.
Where will is, there's a way.
Where the will has begun, accomplishing is following.
And what you are able of, is already accomplished.
Why seem such choices to be so difficult?
Why are so many people struggling with life?
Why there is such an indescribable confusion on earth?
Why there is such an indescribable confusion in man himself?

God has given man a free will.
And the world is making the senses supreme.
And the ego likes to be the lord of the senses.
And on the throne of the inner self remains the ego instead of God.

This is causing confusion.
This is causing the struggle.
This is causing suffering.
This is causing separation.
This is causing illusion.

But man is still a God in coverings.
And God only ascends the inner throne at the request of man himself.
Did Christ not say:
"Ask and thou shall be given”?
And man is asking often, but in the wrong way or only for a moment.
And man is asking for things he does not need.
And man is asking just for a short time.

This is what is happening:
Man cherishes hope for three days.
Then man is having a bad day.
Man loses then courage and faith and hope.
Man is drawing then premature conclusions.
Man is giving consequently the ego all the space to muddle.

The only difference between man and a saint is the saint is cherishing his intentions.
The saint is not afraid for challenging moments.
The saint is clinging to his ideal.
The saint is holding his hands open, even in difficult times.

"The more open your hands, the more they can be filled."

And man is losing his courage already after three days.
And life needs more days to create a god.
Does a top athlete win his medal in three days?
Is a doctor fully qualified in three days?
Is a city built up in three days?

If man does not lose its high intention after three days, and will persevere in difficult moments, nothing stands in his way to become a god. Nothing.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 179

Saturday, 10 August 2013

Optimism and the spiritual world hit it off well (There is hope, 2)

Do You want to continue with the issue ‘hope’?

Optimists are more quite right than pessimists.
Is this not an imperfect world with many difficulties and suffering?

Yes, it is.
Pessimists look at this all and see the reality and are seeing it correctly.
But ... they shouldn’t draw conclusions to the future out of this current state, because then they are wrong.

Optimists are seeing the future brighter, with more hope, with more chances, with more opportunities.
In short, with more hope.
And that's more according to how the spiritual world is considering everything.

And believe Me the spiritual world has more overview, more insight, sees more transparency than man on earth.
And therefore is the spiritual world seeing more perspective.

Whatever difficulties there are, there is perspective.
What misery there is, it's temporary.
How many doors will be closed, a window will be opened.
How hopeless a situation may seem to be, it will be dissolved.
The spiritual world sees perspective in everything.

Therefore optimists do have more connection with eternity than pessimists.
Therefore optimists do receive more energy from the spiritual world than pessimists.
Therefore optimists do recover better than pessimists.
Therefore optimists in general can achieve more than pessimists.

And the spiritual world, just as the sun, is giving pessimists as much as optimists, We do not discriminate.
But someone in a basement is simply receiving less warmth from the sun than someone in a garden. That is a very practical fact.
So optimists are taking hold from Us more than pessimists do.
For the free will is sacred to Us.
You really have to want to receive Our assistance.

All pessimists of course are very blessed.

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 4 August 2013

Man can be a God on earth (There is hope, 1)

Sometimes I think: what are we all creating many blockages in ourselves, what are we holding on to things, what are we so little a hatch.
Would you like to comment on this issue?

The material world has its own strength and power and fate is connected to this all and will happen then.
Man could become fatalistic out of it.
But, there is another, better and greater truth.
There is a promise for man and it can be fulfilled in the here and now.

Even more man is carried by God.
Even more it is true matter has to follow spirit.
Even more is it true you can be spirit.
Even more it is true spirit is ready to reach out whatever you want.
Even more is it true your mind is too often winned over by matter.
Even more it is true well-being and happiness and success may fall to your’s share.
Even more it is true Christ told you: knock and thou shall be opened.
Even more it is true Christ told you: ask and thou will be given.

But you do not really ask.
But your questions are half-heartedly.
But you ask just a short time and let it linger.
But you do not really want.
But you are stuck in the issues of matter.
But you are stuck in the issues of the day.
But you are stuck in the idea suffering and difficulties and misery are the natural state of mankind.

And that is not necessarily the whole truth.
We will give you this and coming blogs hope.

For the True Life.
For the Real Life.
For the Great Life.
For the Unlimited possibilities of the mind.
For your opportunities.
For your power.
For the power of God available for you.

On how small and restricted and narrow minded your thinking and feeling are.
On your fears and your oppressive attitude.
On how small you are making your lives.
On how great and realistic the promise of a better life is.
On the power of God.
On the strength of your focused will.
On the power of hope.
On spirits and angels capable of shaping your hope.
On the power of the mind, even yóúr mind on matter.

Are you joining Me?

My blessings to you all