Thursday, 25 December 2014

Whoever enters through Me will be saved (Christmas 2014, 3)

John 10:9 . “I am the gate; whoever enters through Me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture”

Would you like to explain this quote?

Yes please.
Jesus spoke these words as a prophet, as visionary, as innovator, at the time of much discontent among ordinary people and the religions of the day didn’t offer enough inspiration and help.
His path, his truth, his message, his example were very special, and that is why he could say this with confidence: he was the path, the truth and the life, especially compared to the conditions in that time and the derailed religions.

But now, in this time, no one should say, that

  • only those who believe in Jesus, find the way
  • no one gets to heaven except through Jesus
  • only Jesus is the truth, has the truth
  • only those who follow Jesus are preserved.

”Because all will come in and go out, and find pasture. All, sooner or later. All”

The words of Jesus may taken literally, but in the following manner:
  • All those who believe in God, Allah, Yahweh, Buddha, Brahman etc. will find the path
  • Everyone will come in heaven, who opens his heart for life, for the fellowmen, for nature, for art, science. In short, anyone who opens his heart will come in heaven. And the others will open their hearts finally, and still come in heaven, but  after death ánd after a spiritual detour
  • Each lives in truth, has the truth, find the truth, when one is practicing love, because God is love
  • Everyone will be saved, only those who follow the path of love, have taken the shortest path, the others who follow the path of hatred, are taking the longest way. But all the paths will finally lead to heaven, before or after death.

Let this be said: Jesus was and is the prophet of love, the herald of love, the messenger of love, the very true Son of God, because he realized and lived the love and the will of the Father-Mother God. Jesus may therefore be a very, very, very great example for the children of mankind.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 254

Tuesday, 23 December 2014

The light of the world (Christmas 2014, 2)

John 8:12 When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life."

Would you like to comment on this quote?

Yes, I would like to.
Is Jesus the light of the world?
Did he do something other prophets before him and after him didn’t?
Was he the one and only prophet, as many Christians like to think?
Is no coming to the light but through Him?


The spiritual world does not like apartheid.
The spiritual world does not like exclusive prophets claiming the truth more than others.
The spiritual world does not like believers boxing other’s ears with their truth.
And the spiritual world really doesn’t want to support this boxing.

The spiritual world likes to leave open which prophet, what religion, which holy man or woman. which minister and which religion is having more knowledge than the others.

So who is the light of the world?
Who has to be followed to never walk in darkness again?
How will mankind find the light of life?


The light of the world is love.
If mankind follows  the religion of love and the spirit of love, one will never walk in darkness again.
By loving,  man will find the light of life.

And in his time Jesus was the prophet of love, brought love on earth in a new way and his followers found by loving the light of life.
And if Christmas is having óne meaning, it is the birth of love.

Therefore, everyone is joining together.
Therefore everyone is more attentive to others.
Therefore loving songs are sung.
Therefore, there is a ceasefire.
Therefore, in this period the spirit of love is additional supported.

Because every year the biggest feast on earth is celebrated, namely the birth of love.
And by loving the earth, by loving our fellow man, by loving nature, by love oneselves, by loving art, by loving science, by loving the spiritual world, by loving the great prophets, by loving just one of these aspects or this all, one will find the light of life.

For that reason one will find God.
For God is love.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 253

Sunday, 21 December 2014

I will give you rest (Christmas 2014, 1)

Mathew 11-28 Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest

Would you like to comment on this quote?

Yes, I will.

Christ said this to mankind.
For Christians He is a living example.
And the Muslims, the Hindus, the Jews, the Buddhists, the New Agers and all other believers on earth, they don’t know how to set about it?
Accepting this as a living example to deal with? Or disregard it because they do not follow Christ?

To all of them the spiritual world says:
The Father-Mother God sent His strength to the earth, and uplifted the human consciousness with a Man who did nothing but follow the Will of the Father-Mother God.
Because of this attitude the Kingdom of God on earth was realized in this Man.
And to the Muslims, the Hindus, the Jews, the Buddhists, the New Agers and to all other believers on earth, the Father-Mother God says:

“Come to Me, all you who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest”

And that I is the Father-Mother God.
And that I is Allah.
And that I is Brahman.
And that I is the Buddha.
And that I is Yahweh.
And that I is the Eternal.
And that I is the ONE.
And that I is the Power and Strength of the cosmos.
And that I is the Living Reality in the heart of man.
And that I is the Entrance on earth to the Kingdom of God.
And that I is the key to the Heart.
And that I is the Spark of  God in the individual man.
And that I is the Potency capable of transforming the earthly man into Son or Daughter of God.

Because if the earthly man labours and  is heavy laden, he will, if he wants to and if he chooses to, find peace close to God Itself.
In this way everyone can celebrate Christmas, with what so ever belief.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 252 

Saturday, 13 December 2014

Comenius, a Gandhi of the 17th century

I would like to say something about Comenius, in the Netherlands a biography about his has been published. In English was published earlier:*

Comenius was ahead of his time, he had a hard life and was a voice crying in the wilderness, but also a bearer of light, a visionary who could see beyond three / four centuries, so it seems.

In his life he has suffered greatly.
He fled from the Czech Republic for the Catholic Reformation. In villages all young people were cut off an arm or leg by the Catholics as a warning. He had to flee. His wife and children, who had remained behind there, succumbed to the plague. Eventually, he has lived 14 years in Amsterdam in freedom and peace and died there.

What are his visionary performances?
  • He discussed once for four hours with Descartes, who had the perspective of the ratio in man. Comenius argued that man is more than just a rational being, and that a society only based on the ratio sooner or later will derail, because it is one-sided then. He suggested a pansophic philosophy, with the purpose of improving the world and promote peace between people and nations.
  • He developed a pedagogy that was very progressive at the time: schools were workshops of humanity, he argued for lifelong education for both men and women and wanted parents to play with their children, even now in some cultures a strange thing. Then it was very unusual.
  • He wrote about a global "college of light," a kind of United Nations, but the belligerence that time came out on top of these ideals.
  • He was already into ecumenisms: every religion was capable of contributing something good, and in one of his books is a carving,  made of by Comenius, of a monk and a rabbi debating with the Prophet Mohamed.
I believe he did interfere a few times with psychics and sects, so he did not stay the scientist he was. Well, oops.

Would you like to comment on this?

Comenius was indeed centuries ahead of his time, he spoke of  things mankind is trying to realize nowadays. And he has suffered above average. But his suffering has not compromised his ideals, but strengthened them.

Comenius is after his death reunited with his wife and with his children, meanwhile grown up in the spiritual world. From out of the spiritual world he is one of the most influential spiritual protectors and inspirers of philosophy and politics. Especially in these times where the narrow principled capitalism is going to failure, his thought will be breathed new life. He was a holist, so he took everything into consideration, not just one aspect of man. Holism will take her flight.

May Comenius be blessed.

My blessings to you all

*John Comenius: The Labyrinth of the World and the Paradise of the Heart (Classics of Western Spirituality) by John Comenius, Howard Louthan and Andrea Sterk (Jan 1, 1997)

Nr. 251

Sunday, 7 December 2014

Frenkie actually doesn't stop

My God, this is the 250th blog.

I am 3 ½ years now busy blogging. Could it be time to stop it all? Isn’t this all what can be said? The blogs have covered so many topics. Life after death, criminals and their spiritual body, the early death of a child, the relationship with our soul, Your power and splendour, evolution, environmental pollution, the silence in our heart, the Spark of God, guardian angels, healing through music , hope and love. Isn’t enough now? Aren’t the Watchthegod blogs in Dutch and in English not to be stopped now? Would you like to comment on this? What You want, of course!

My son.
You have no idea.
You ask if it wasn’t enough now? If everything has said?
Do you think the stories can be told on the omnipotence of God, on the knowledge of a Spark of God, on the greatness of cosmic life, on the special evolution of the earth, on the sparkling world on which the soul is born, on former monkeys acquiring eternity because of the Love of God,  do you really think the 250 texts have said it all?

How about 250,000 texts required to tell mankind what the spiritual world knows? In order for the earthly man to lift a corner of the veil. And in this new century to tell stories in a more modern way than most spiritual movements or books have told so far?
How about the topic of the guardian angel, the special messenger of God, who is assigned to the earthly man and who accompanies him on his path to eternity? Only to this messenger I could easily dedicate 100 texts?
So do you still want to pose your question whether I should stop passing more texts through you?

Sorry, My God, actually I do.
I do understand and know I am not overlooking  it all, and You have surprised me again and again with the content of the blogs, often hearing things of which I am having no knowledge. But what about me, I am the messenger? I have to write it down. I am your instrument. Is this all not the maximum of what I am capable of getting through?  Is the content of the blogs not limited by my consciousness? Is this all not my limit? Can I take more? You really said once there is 10% of distortion on the blogs?

That 100% truth does not exist on earth. Are the distortion and the subjectivity not increasing? Is the content of the blogs not hindered by my consciousness? Shouldn’t You  choose a better and more generous and more spiritual type to go along with? Am I not running up against the limits of my capability?

I really was thinking I would change a lot, that everything would be different, that I would be much more spiritual. But that's disappointing me. I remain just Frenkie, with my ego on the throne of my inner self, and with all my naughtinesses. What can be your further concern with me?

My son, as far as you're not unknowingly fishing for a compliment, it is in any case clear that you still do not understand and overlook My strength and power. And you do not know what I am capable of. And that the most paltry instrument is no hindrance whatsoever for a Spark of God. And I also see you are underestimating your changing in the recent years.

I tell you this: you are My instrument, and I know your limitations, I know your naughtinesses, I know your old patterns, I know the resistance of your ego, I know of your attachments, I know your doubts, your fears, your human tricks, I see your clumsiness, I know it all.
But it is of no hindrance. Is it all not My job? Am I not always raising you above your limitations? Am I not always breaking through your old habits?
Therefore I suggest you to just continue. If you want.

Because the topics for future blogs and the depth of the texts will still grow. And the pureness and the depth of what will be written down will increase.

And accept you have been chosen deliberately, that you are clairaudient and that not everyone is having this, you can hear Your Spark of God, My son, you are hearing Me, accept this talent. Don’t be too modest. The spiritual world loves humility and surrender, but not false modesty. Be proud of your talent. Do not suppress it. Give it space, because everyone with talent is allowed to be a tall poppy. Is this not one of the messages of the Watchthegod blogs that mankind is grand in his talents and can become more grand?

I can see your acceptance of this talent is not yet optimal. So I still see perspective. And accept also your humanity, with all its limitations. Be loving to yourself. See all your inner changes. Even though you're still on the road. Is this not one of the messages of the Watchthegod blogs mankind should be more loving, but also above all loving themselves? Because the one who is considering himself with love, is automatically more loving towards others. Much hatred and war in the world comes from hate and war within oneselves.

So I do want to go along with you?
Do you want to go along with Me?
Yes, My God, of course. What You want. Thy will be done.
Look at Your servant.

You are blessed, My son.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 250