Sunday, 29 March 2015

The relationship with God in an airplane

I always feel myself in an airplane so unreal and cut off from You. Would You like to comment on this?

From the perspective of the spiritual world  an airplane is an unguided missile.
And you are not cut off from Me, but you can not feel your relationship with Me. That's impossible for you, because you are in an energetic bubble.
But your emotional, physical and energetic relationship with God is clenched. You would, if this was taking a long time, be spiritually lost.

Only when you should dwell above the earth for a long time, like astronauts, spiritually a line is built up, quite intentionally and artificially but necessary because the astronaut would race otherwise. But it happens under great benevolent efforts of the spiritual world, not because you people are capable of it.
So you are saying it correctly: you are feeling cut off, but of course you're not cut off at all. How could someone or something be cut off from God?

Other species who “dwell” for a longer time in the air, have developed an evolutionary physical organ so that they can hold a line with the spiritual world. For how can something exist without its base, the energy and the Will of the spiritual world focused on evolution?

My blessings to you all

Nr. 268

Saturday, 21 March 2015

The challenge for the Japanese people (Japan, 4)

I believe You are having another blog about Japan?

The Japanese people has heart for the surroundings, for the beauty of nature, has an eye for beauty itself, and has great respect for the other.
The Japanese is humble, unobtrusive and respectful to get on with.
But however, We have to take up the causes of polluting nuclear energy, the ruthless killing of whales, the empty food from the sea, the excessive attachment to matter, to engineering, to the Internet, to gadgets, and the uncritical adaptation to capitalism.

There's one simple reason.
The split personality of the Japanese, so to speak between reason and feeling.
And I make a distinction between the man and the woman.
The man seems to be the problem in Japan. Japan is still for a while a patriarchy.
The women are strong, grounded, more in harmony with themselves and their emotions. But they adapt themselves too much to the man, in this sense they have a common problem.
The woman just needs to act on her abilities, the man on the other hand still has to learn a lot.

The men are facing a major challenge.
They are more attached to the mental, and are suppressing the emotional more than the women do. So the Shinto basis of the Japanese people has been overlooked a lot. And capitalism has taken over it all. Just for a while.

The feeling, the compassion, the bond with nature, respect for the spiritual world and for God's servants on earth, especially for the spirits of trees, mountains, and rivers and cities and forces is still enormous.
But has been overshadowed by a fascination with the mental, with technology, with the Internet, with capitalism, with thinking, and must be balanced with the emotional.
And this is what will happen this time.

The turning point is the period from the Second World War to the present, the extreme cruelty of the Japanese abroad during the war, the beating by the USA with the atomic bomb, the adaptation  to American capitalism, the reliance on the market mechanism, the devastating disaster after tsunami and nuclear power plant, this all belongs to the turning point. And this will be accompanied by a shift from the mental to the emotional, from the masculine to the feminine, from technology to nature, from patriarchy to matriarchy.

By more economic crises and environmental disasters, the Japanese man will bow to the Japanese woman, who is still adapting herself too much and who has more binding with the inner self and already is realizing what is meant to be.

Namely living in harmony with God, with the spiritual world, with nature, with the inner emotional life.
And only then Japan will build again.
Now she is still in the demolition phase.
The Japanese people are blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 267

Sunday, 15 March 2015

Japan, a nation between West and East (Japan, 3)

I have spent a week in Japan, and I would like to ask You if You would like to comment on the Japanese people?

The Japanese people can be blamed for much, for who is perfect on earth?
But this it has acquired throughout the centuries: it has acquired a great deal of humility, of civilization, of politeness, of compassion for others, of empathy for others, of awareness of the  group, of oneness and commitment with the environment and respect for the spiritual world in all Its manifestations.
That is the reason why young people in Japan are still capable of a high degree of sensitivity for others, for the group, for the community and for the world. And this all despite the acceptance by Japan of Western materialistic individualism.

The spiritual world however does not idealize the Japanese with his cruel behaviour in World War II and his killing of the whale, this extraordinary and intelligent animal species. In the eyes of God, still doing this is a shame for this country. And God also sees the Japanese with his addiction to gambling, his fascination with the imaginative digital world, and especially his fixation on the mental world.
God sees the Japanese with his mental concepts, his emotional limitations, his conservatism, his deeply hidden nationalism.

But as the German by his Nazism became notorious in World War II and then rose to become a peace-loving and leading nation in Europe, so the Japanese people will after its cruelty in World War II in the same way become a bridge of nations. Not the Chinese, but the Japanese.

What kind of bridge?
The Japanese people will be a bridge between the East and the West.
The Japanese people will be a bridge between the earthly and the spiritual world.
The Japanese people will be a bridge between the human and the digital world.
The Japanese people will be a bridge between nature and technology,
The Japanese people will be a bridge between faith and science.

And so it will acquire its rightful and leading position among the nations.
The position in the international community which it has lost lace by the atrocities in World War II.
The traumatic experience of the nuclear bombs and the large and generous and profound faith of the Japanese people and its deep bond with the spiritual world will be increasingly visible in the international community.
For the salvation of the world.
The Japanese people are blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 266

Sunday, 8 March 2015

A Buddhist temple in Tokyo (Japan, 2)

My God, February 17th I've visited the Senso Ji Asakusa Temple, it is the oldest temple in Tokyo, one thinks the 7th century is it’s origin. I was especially surprised at the large number of young people. What a difference from the many aged visitors of Christian churches in Western Europe.
Would you like to comment on this?

I will.
You were overwhelmed by the atmosphere and the age and the involvement of the visitors. It is indeed an overwhelming religion, with a wealth of rituals, with a focus on devotion to the Buddha, and especially the most important thing: with  the ease Japanese people combine different religions, because there were Shinto images and shrines as well. In this manner one brings ordinary people very easyly and accessiblely closer to God. This may be repeated. To bring ordinary people closer to God.

The atmosphere of this temple, the splendor, the beautiful Buddha statues in the park, the respect for the female aspect of God by the presence of a large statue of the female Buddha, Kuan Yin, all this nourishes man, feeds the hope, the faith and the love of man.

This all supports man in his efforts to cope with the hard reality. This all feeds man to go on, to be happy, to live life, to let go. This all feeds men to surrender, to rely on the spiritual world, her support. To rely on the willingness of the spiritual world to empathize with man and his problems, to cherish, to nurture, to care, to guide, to help, to support, to carry man when life is too heavy.
And this all man is experiencing over there. And this all is man taking home in his heart.

This is what the spiritual world appreciates.
It's good, and it's very good that young people also are experiencing this. Very good.
In that sense, the Western world can learn from the Japanese people.
Because the Japanese people might be traditional in a certain way, at the same time they cherishe the big and important truths from the past.
May the Japanese people be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 265

Sunday, 1 March 2015

A Shinto shrine in Tokyo (Japan, 1)

My God, I have visited on February 16th Atago Jinja*, a Shinto shrine from 1603.  It lies in the heart of Tokyo on a hill. I was overwhelmed by the atmosphere, the old trees, the pond with Koi carp, the different shrines, the corners with memorial stones, the honours, the notes you can dedicate in the temple to the god of fire, god of water, god of the mountains, etc.
Would you like to comment on this shrine?

It is indeed an overwhelming religion, with a wealth of rituals, forms of God, and especially the most important thing it is a very easy and accessible path to help the common man in his daily life.
All rituals are aimed at nurturing the hope, supporting a searching, surrendering the fate, asking for blessings and obtaining favours.

The powers and forces of God on earth as manifested in the fire and the water, the earth, the spirit of trees, of a mountain, of a city, of a river, the ancestors who stand by in this religion, they are all and immediately available to the believer.

This is one of the reasons that the Japanese on average are becoming the oldest in the world, are eating the healthiest, are having a lot of compassion for nature, compared to other nations. Didn’t you notice how clean the streets are?
The Japanese would feel throwing something on the street, as if he did it in his own home. And that feeling is very correct. You are doing this then at your own home. For the earth is your home, the only home you are having. And this thing I am referring to the garbage on the street, or rather the lack of it, is a symbol of a deeply felt sense of Japanese culture with its surroundings.

The other hand, nuclear energy, the killing of whales, the gambling industry are we saving for another blog.

In almost the same time as the Buddha the revelation of Shintoism arrived on earth, in parallel and independently of this.
And there is almost no religion on earth so exclusively cherished by one nation and used and developed as Shintoism in Japan. Japan is after all an island.

And a monotheist would get sick from it, such multiform religion. God not at all.
For it is true that the monotheistic religions are cherishing the simple truth, that all is stemming from God, and God alone should be worshiped and given thanks.
And it is true that the Shintoists often forget that behind all the powers of all the spirits only God is in charge, only God and nothing else. But there is more to comment on.

The spiritual world only looks at what a person does with his faith.
And then is a Japanese Shintoist with a big heart for his surroundings and being open to the whole spiritual world of more value than a monotheist. For the sake of argument this contradiction is used.

Because this monotheist (Christian, Muslim, Jew) is regularly missing much of the power and splendour of God as shown in the spiritual world on earth and through all Its servants. The wealth of forms, the forces and powers, the variegation of the multitude, of all energies, of inspirations, of radiating energies, of situations, of blessings connected with a cloud, a tree, a river, a flower, a rainstorm. And without feeling this all everything soon becomes a little bloodless.

For the ordinary person is just an ordinary man, developing from ape to spirit, and in the long path of evolution, all those forces and forms and powers are a nice incentive, a tool, an opportunity to move forward, to overcome life , to endure life, to keep hope.
And therefore the spiritual world has welcomed Shintoism very much and will continue to do so.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 264

* The image is another Shinto shrine