Saturday, 26 September 2015

God's mills are grinding slowly, but the mills of mankind are grinding even more slowly

This came up some time ago. Was it Your’s?

Certainly it was Mine’s.
The Dutch say this.
But the mills of mankind are grinding even slower.
You all are God's hands on earth.
And if you do not want or do not can or do not see anything, God can only wait.
Or if your eyes only can be opened through difficulty and crisis and problems, God can only wait.
Therefore the mills of God are grinding slowly.
Because those of mankind are setting the pace.

But actually this phrase is referring to something else, namely there is a time for everything.
And God is realizing this better than mankind.
Therefore man is forcing things.
And therefore God is never forcing things.
It is a matter of discretion.
And that's good, for God has more insight than man. That keeps us all busy.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 295

Sunday, 20 September 2015

Are you worshipping a small or a big God?

You can tell the size of your God by looking at the size of your worry list. The longer your list, the smaller your God. ~Author Unknown

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God is big.
God is in everything.
God is in man.
And the more space man is giving God, the more God can Be in this person.
Thus God in Christ or Buddha or Mohammed is bigger than in a common person.
Not because the Spark of God can not be bigger, in Itself, for the Spark of God and God are ONE, so the size of a Spark of God is theoretically infinite.

But the common man, oh!
To what is his attention inclining?
To what his worries or is he inclining to his hope?
To what his needs or is he inclining to the needs of his fellow man?
To what his fears or is he inclining to his ideals?
To what his desires or is he inclining to the desires of others?

Again and again is the space becoming smaller and bigger the spark of God can take up.
For the free will is holy to Us.
The spark of God is only taking the space that is deliberately offered by man.
God is omnipotent, but in man Its power is relinquished, therefor necessarily modest.
To what is the attention of man inclining?

You can tell the size of your God by looking at the size of your worry list. The longer your list, the smaller your God

Every day, again and again, man may choose, man is choosing. And the Spark of God is waiting.
And you, you can tell from your fellow man and from yourself,  how largely the spark of God is working in man. It is visible and clear, open and demonstrable.
But not many of you look at men in this way.
It would be a great revelation for mankind if this was becoming your perspective, if you were going to look at man with the following sharp observation: the larger the list of worrying by man, the smaller will be his God.
The smaller the list, the bigger his God.
And having a small or a big list of difficulties in life is subject for other blogs.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 294

Saturday, 12 September 2015

God answers first the prayers we should have prayed (Robert Brault)

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God has an overview and insight, and vision and perspective and is monitoring everything you are experiencing. And when you pray you do not always ask the right or appropriate or the best. Yet, God listens to all your prayers.
But while you pray it can be the case God has already done what you need for your understanding, your support, your help, your energy or for wise lessons. Therefore, the probability is 100%, that when you pray, God already has started to provide you for what you actually had to ask.

For God is love.
And God is always with you.
And God is always helping you.
And God knows every event, every change, every problem, every situation, every experience.
God acts immediately with providing what you need most.

So from the perspective of God the most beautiful form of prayer is when you thank God because God has heard the prayers you should have prayed.
Because this is the way it is.
Robert Brault is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 293

Sunday, 6 September 2015

God tabernacles a plain woman (W.H. Auden)

I read a poem by W.H. Auden, "In Schrafft '' and especially this part struck me:

Having finished the Blue-plate Special
And reached the coffee stage,
…A somewhat shapeless figure
of indeterminate age
… our globular furore,
…Which of the seven heavens
Was responsible her smile
Wouldn’t be sure but attested
…That, whoever it was, a god
Worth kneeling-to for a while
Had tabernacled and rested.

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What can I say?
Didn’t Auden say it all inspired by his "My God" ?
But because you want so, I will indeed comment on it.

Having finished the Blue-plate Special
And reached the coffee stage
A somewhat shapeless figure
of indeterminate age

Do not underestimate the sight of a man.
Do not underestimate the ordinariness.
Do not underestimate the inconspicuous behaviour.
Without exception every person  is cherished, seen, tabernacled,  forseen and beloved. by God

our globular furore

The agitation, the stream of refugees, the killing by Muslim fanatics, the intense environmental pollution are raging on this furious planet, but this has nothing to do with God visiting man

…Which of the seven heavens
Was responsible her smile
Wouldn’t be sure but attested
…That, whoever it was, a god

The spiritual world is pointed here as the cause of her smile.
The hidden God can be seen and suspected in man, if you look carefully and if you feel quite accurately.
Auden is making God great by letting a god, whatever god, make Itself known

Worth kneeling-to for a while

Auden let man really do something to bring god within.
He doesn’t underestimate at all what is needed here.
God waits for man if man makes an effort, knocks, works for it.
This is an interaction, a long process.
That man can experience happiness and satisfaction over here.
But also only by kneeling, by surrendering, by the willingness, by the Thy will will be done, by asking, by waiting, by letting go.

Had tabernacled and rested

This will really need a separate blog, My son.
God who comes to rest in man.
And then to be visited by God. After an invitation to God experiencing “God is coming within”.
The "My God" or the My Allah or the Atman or the "My Yahweh", the spark of God, "whatever god".
Who is waiting for so many years, and labouring, and trying, and giving, and hoping, and beckoning, and searching for man, a god vulnerably waiting.
And then resting in temple of man.
Almost better than any religion Auden is bringing man very close to God, very close, very close.

W. H. Auden is blessed

My blessings to you all

Nr. 292