Saturday, 28 November 2015

The predictor of happiness

The psychiatrist / professor Frank Koerselman talks about the spoiled society.
He says, "no matter how beautiful, smart or rich you are, the only predictor of happiness is whether you are able to cope with setbacks."
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Actually, this is also the great focus of the spiritual world when one beholds man. How does one react on one’s situation?
We know of the genes.
We know of bad characteristics.
We know of poor conditions.
We know of poverty.
We know of a loveless upbringing.
We know of misfortune.
We know of bad luck.
We know of fate.

And this We  all know, when We behold man.
And all what happens to man is just the key for this only: how does one react on one’s fate? And only this reaction determines how happy one can be.
No wealth.
No prosperity.
Not upbringing.
Not appearance.
No health.
No friends.
No past.

Only this counts:
Does one complain about the acidity of lemons or does one make lemon juice from lemons?
Does one remain a victim or is one going to make something out of it?
Does one blame life or is one accepting one’s fate?
Is one exaggerating the suffering or does one put everything into perspective and is one counting one’s blessings?

And in this all the free will is playing the only role.
Therefore God cherishes and respects that free will.
Only then one can be happy in miserable conditions.
Only then one can be unhappy and at the same time having it all.
Only then one can become a criminal, just by making the wrong choices
Only then one can become a holy man just by making the right choices.
"How does one react on setbacks?" is considered by God to be more interesting than the setback itself.
Frank Koerselman is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 305

Sunday, 22 November 2015

Nature will stand up for herself

Yesterday I read in the newspaper that by the flow of polluted sludge from iron mines the river Rio Doce in Brazil is polluted totally. The river is completely dead. And the area of her flowing with the size of Portugal has been affected. Common people are in terms of drinking water totally dependent on this river. And the (partially Western ) owners of the mines didn’t  even warn the people or warned them too late.
My God, that's too much, what is mankind causing nature? This can not go on at all?

This will go on, My son. And it will get worse. Even though groups of people are doing their best, mankind wants the economies in the world keep growing. The world is overwhelmed by even more polluting useless things, which are produced in an environmentally harmful way. This pollution is directly caused by the purchasing behavior of mankind, and by many companies, which have only one purpose: to make money by encouraging mankind to buy excessively.

But nature will put mankind a knife to her throat. And it will be stopped, although after yet more destruction, pollution and extinction of plant and animal species. Eventually mankind will be forced in harmony with nature, but it will go unwillingly, because willingly it takes too long.
So be concerned rightly

But do not worry.
Everything has a place and a time. And from the ruins of the world a more conscious mankind will emerge in harmony with a more refined nature.
But for now, the time is at hand that nature mankind will put a knife to her throat, My son.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 304

Sunday, 15 November 2015

There are no virgins waiting for dead terrorists

I am in the monastery of Zundert and hear about the bombings in Paris through my smartphone. So much peace and tranquility I am experiencing in the monastery and at the same time those attacks on innocent people in Paris.
My God, I know that the terrorists are convinced they are righteous, maybe they are acting out of revenge, they for sure belief that Allah is on their site.
Coincidentally in the service Psalm 34 is sung by the brothers, for verse 16 really strikes me:

“but the face of the Lord is against those who do evil,
to blot out their name from the earth.”

Thus says the Lord of the Jews in this psalm about those who do evil.
What are You saying, my God?
What does God say?
What does Allah say?

God and Allah, the Lord of the Jews, Jehovah, even Brahman, they all say the same, for They are ONE.

“but the face of Them is against those who do evil,
to blot out their name from the earth.”

The terrorists kill out of hatred. They are not killing soldiers in a battle, then there is still something to be said, man to man. But they kill innocent civilians who want to be happy and loved ones are waiting innocently at home for their dead beloved ones. These fanatics are not loved by Allah, no virgins are waiting for them in paradise.

What is awaiting them, depending on their state, are darkness and loneliness.
For them are the consequences of their heinous acts.
They crawl around like animals, are trapped in astral pens, await their fate with pain and fear, are baffled about the welcome they will get in the spiritual world.
It is a welcome of hatred because they have sown hatred thus hatred will be reaped.
Even though their fate is temporary, it is for sure not what they have expected.

Terrorists are living in the wrong area.
The area of women.
The area of peace.
The area of education.
The area of open-mindedness,
The area of global consciousness.
The area of growth of the divine spark in the human heart.

Terrorists are living in the wrong area.
And they get just for a while some authority, some power, some prestige.
But they will come more quickly to their downfall than Hitler did.
Because everything is going faster, these times, the decline of evil men as well.
Their existence will extinct on earth.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 303

Saturday, 14 November 2015

Be still and know that I Am God

My God, may I ask you something?

Sometimes I am so terribly preoccupied that even talking to you is hard for me.
I know that You are staying in my heart.
I know that You are there.
I know that I always can come to You.
Why then, do You seem to be so far away?

My son, I am never far away. You are regularly going far away.
And then I wait. For I know that you are always coming back.
But then you have entered the world again, and you have left me again.
You are worrying then, and you forgot me again.
You are then directed to the outside world and do not feel any longer that I wait for you in your inner world.
You are dwelling then on the rotating wheel of life and I am waiting then in the axle of Your Self.

My God, I know, I know, what a dork am I.
I'd like to try to come more often to You.
I really want to try to remember more often that You are there in my heart.
I want to remember more often that you are staying there in that secret Inner Castle.
That you are waiting for me in the Rose garden, that Summerhouse of Silence.
I'd like to try to come more often to You.
Would You like to help me with it?
Maybe I'm too impertinent, if I ask You to really may feel that I'm with you, that I am experiencing You. I really need this emotional experience.

My son, come then, and come with great attention, with great confidence, with much silence.
Come and leave the world behind. You're welcome.

I go to that room in the silence of my heart.
And feel nothing.
As for a moment I tend to be impatient and think "there you are, I want too much."
But then I remember. And wait, wait in silence.
And it is silent around me. There is nothing of my ego, no thought, no feeling, no sense of ego, just an I-consciousness, and then I feel God.
I feel a great, loving presence of Space, of Silence, of intense Rust, of Being. And I'm so happy, so pleasantly surprised that I can experience this and I say to God: "Oh my God, are you there, are you still there, can I really always come to you, is it true?"

It is true, and you can experience Me, every time you are doing this. You may experience me, you may experience, that you are in My Bosom, you may trust on this.
Be assured, My son, you have tried enough, you have renounced enough, you've waited enough, you've sacrificed enough, you have let go enough.
Come,  join Me and be welcome in your, for now My heart.

And the following days, every time that I remember this, and I try it, I get touched, I experience God, I'm in the Silence of the Incarnate Love, in the Kingdom of God on earth. Simply, just in my heart. So simple, so close, so true, that I can not believe it.

Be blessed.

My blessings to you all
Nr. 302

Saturday, 7 November 2015

Humor of life is based on the humor of God

I do not believe you really know God if you do not recognize His sense of humor (Robert Brault)

Would You like to comment on this saying?

In the spiritual world is much laughter.
We love humor.
The spirit of humor is powerful and is almost always invited.
And why?

Because life is wonderful.
Because creating is wonderful.
Because meeting each other  is wonderful.
Because mutual understanding is wonderful.
Because life is a party.
Because everyone in the house of God is happy, can be happy.
And I do not refer to singing hallelujah all day long, that’s deadly boring.
But because joy is so easy.

And of course in the spiritual world, there are serious, important, complex issues and meetings.
Of course, laughter is not always there.
We are not a cabaret.
But We see more than you do on Earth humor everywhere.
We see more than you do on Earth an opportunity to take life lightly, to keep life lightly.

And on earth bigots, rigid fundamentalists and orthodox bookworms almost invariably have banished the spirit of humor.
Therefore, they have life against themselves.
Therefore, they have mankind against themselves.
Therefore, they have the spiritual world against themselves.

Because humor is life.
And anyone who makes someone laugh on earth, is very blessed by God, despite the fact they are believers or not.
Robert Brault is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 301