The psychiatrist / professor Frank Koerselman talks about the spoiled society.
He says, "no matter how beautiful, smart or rich you are, the only predictor of happiness is whether you are able to cope with setbacks."
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Actually, this is also the great focus of the
spiritual world when one beholds man. How does one react on one’s situation?
We know of the genes.We know of bad characteristics.
We know of poor conditions.
We know of poverty.
We know of a loveless upbringing.
We know of misfortune.
We know of bad luck.
We know of fate.
And this We
all know, when We behold man.
And all what happens to man is just the key for
this only: how does one react on one’s fate? And only this reaction determines
how happy one can be.No wealth.
No prosperity.
Not upbringing.
Not appearance.
No health.
No friends.
No past.
Only this counts:
Does one complain about the acidity of lemons
or does one make lemon juice from lemons?Does one remain a victim or is one going to make something out of it?
Does one blame life or is one accepting one’s fate?
Is one exaggerating the suffering or does one put everything into perspective and is one counting one’s blessings?
And in this all the free will is playing the
only role.
Therefore God cherishes and respects that free
will.Only then one can be happy in miserable conditions.
Only then one can be unhappy and at the same time having it all.
Only then one can become a criminal, just by making the wrong choices
Only then one can become a holy man just by making the right choices.
"How does one react on setbacks?" is considered by God to be more interesting than the setback itself.
Frank Koerselman is blessed.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 305