Saturday, 25 June 2016

Edith Drori (Slowak hero, 2)

Would You like to say something about Edith Drori (1920)?
She joined the resistance after her mother was killed.

You have chosen well.
Mankind needs examples of simple women still performing great deeds.
Edith Drori shows that an ordinary person can be special.
She shows that great sorrow can lead someone to great deeds.
She shows one can open up for a fellowman doing an essential suggestion on key moments.
She shows that women can perform the same things as men can.
She shows that not sex but courage, the heart, the will are basic characteristics of man.

She was in the resistance as a woman in a man's world and stood her ground.
She took care for people got messages about misfortunes of the Nazis and so kept one’s spirits up.
She fought against the Nazis.
She stood  up for the Jews in a very dangerous time.
She performed brave deeds to make resistance and underground work together and to learn from each other's work.

Because her mother was sent into death and she opened up at the right time for some good advice, she did not fall into the hands of the police, but she instead joined the Resistance.
She made out of the lemons of life lemon brush.
She chose for courageous deeds instead of wallowing in grief.
She lost her loved ones but chose to live for her country Slovakia.
Edith Drori is very blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 338

Sunday, 19 June 2016

Juraj Jánosík (Slovak hero, 1)

My God, would You like to say something about Juraj Jánosík? I found his name on the Internet when I was reading about Slovakia, and I found it remarkable that he did the same things as Robin Hood, but he is in any case totally unknown at least to me. Such a beautiful life in such a harsh time, I would appreciate it if You wanted to say something about him.

My son, that's allright.
The spiritual world always cherishes earthly heroes better than mankind on earth does. There have been in more times and in more countries men and women who stood up for the wretched ones of the earth and fought against the most of the time loveless rich. And there are more heroes like Robin Hood and Juraj Jánosík who were honored by their own countrymen, but now we will make the world some more acquainted with the beautiful soul traits of Juraj Jánosík. Robin Hood did receive enough attention.

Juraj lived three hundred years ago in a time of violence and lawlessness, a time when many people did not know at the beginning of the winter if they would reach the end of winter.
Juraj saw this all and had besides a sense of justice also the courage and physical strength and natural leadership to do something about it.

Not everyone knows that, and that was at that time very unusual for a strong and courageous man, he has had slain or irreparably injured nobody. He knew from deep down inside that this behaviour was not what was meant to be. And if he had robbed by his comrades, another rich man he left the rich man and his company for the time being pass unharmed, with the high risk that he would be persecuted because rich men have power and connections and do not like to be deprived from their wealth . Eventually this became fatal to him and he is, after only two years “work in the mountains" executed thanks to the influence of a wealthy man whom he had left in life. He died in 1713 at the age of 25. But Juraj did not bother much about his own fate.

The fate of the poor, the widows and orphans and the exploited peasants touched him even more, although he robbed with his gang also travellers other than the rich ones.
He was compelled into his actions after his father was put to death as a peasant-serf, because he refused to go to work, sitting at the deathbed of his wife. This was the virulent reason for the two-year mountain raids by Juraj.

Juraj has become fairly soon after his physical death in the spiritual world an important leader of his fellow Slovak, one of the reasons why he lives so manifestly in the conscience and culture of the Slovak nation.
Literature, drama and intuition of the common man have felt his spirit and his work has correctly contributed from out the spiritual world to a national figure of almost sacred proportions: Juraj Jánosík  has become for the Slovak people a spiritual symbol of courage, justice, and above all a struggle against the powerful and the establishment of the country.
Rightly so. For he can still be called as if he were a saint like accepted by the Catholic Church.
Juraj Jánosík is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 337

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Five year listening to God and now there will be a book in the autumn

Dear readers of the blog,
five years ago on June 10, 2011, I heard for the first time in a small chapel in Leiden the voice of my Spark of God and understood consciously that I was talking to my Spark of God, my Atman, and that I heard God and that it was a grace to be allowed to go in conversation with God.

Pretty soon God asked me to write down the talks, to report about it, including on the Internet, and since August 26, 2011, I am a messenger of (my) God on the Internet.
Since that time I have been given 335 texts, and they are all on the WatchtheGod blog.

The Dutch blogs have been visited since then 38 522 times.
After two years a separate English blogspot is established and this blog has been visited since that time19 708 times, and the visitors are from more than 80 countries around the world.

Most visits are in sequence of number from the Netherlands, the US, Russia, Slovakia, Germany, Ireland, Ukraine, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Italy and Sweden.

And further listed alphabetically from Albania, Angola, Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Bahrain, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Curacao, Denmark, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Philippines, Finland, Georgia, Greece, Honduras, Hungary, Hong Kong, India, Israel, Japan, Kenya, Latvia, Lithuania, Malaysia, Mexico, Mongolia, Montenegro, New Zealand, Norway, Uganda, Oman, Peru, Poland Portugal, Puerto Rico, Qatar, Romania, Saudi Arabia, Serbia, Singapore, Spain, St. Maarten, Suriname, Taiwan, Thailand, Turks and Caicos Islands, Czech Republic, Turkey, Uruguay, Venezuela, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, White -Russia, South Korea and South Africa.

We are with a bunch of skilled people as publisher and editors working on the publication in Dutch and English of a book with the first hundred blogs. The English edition will be screened by an English "native speaker" so that there will be finally used correct English, just for now I do it with Google Translate and my six-year English class in high school.
If that is done, I will put the edited texts on the Watchthegod blog.
The planning points to the autumn of 2016.

These five years have been a beautiful and inspiring period, and I am happy and grateful. And I'll love to continue. This is not the end.
I thank you, readers of the blogs, for your openness and trust.

My God,
I thank You, I thank You, I thank You.

My son,
I thank you for your servitude, you have shown yourself a faithful servant in difficult times. And do know this is just the beginning.
Be deeply blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 336

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Never give up

Would You like to comment on this?

That’s allright.
Actually, you should follow nature’s example.
The tiniest plant overgrown by other stronger plants is giving up only when it dies, not earlier.
A blackbird mother fighting for her kids even if the group of jackdaws is stronger and she has already lost the battle.
A tree in rocky ground is trying to survive with little food and water.

And you, you often do the same, in a pinch.
But you are acting then out of animal instinct, going whole the way, out of primitive basal animal survival instinct rather than out of will and brainpower.
And that’s the issue here.

Never give up, is said.
Do not be put down by setbacks.
Stay firm even if the whole world is against you.
Go on even though it seems hopeless.

For all saints and great persons of the earth, all the scientists and artists, all courageous and pioneering change agents, those who brought the world new knowledge, new insights, new patterns of life and a new faith, they all never gave up.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 335