Saturday, 31 December 2016

There is always hope

My God, I wondered at the gangway of  the new year, if You would have had a nice perspective for us. To be honest, I just Googled on the major problems of the world. Sure to get appetite I was wondering whether if You have handled all the problems of mankind, and on I found the following list:

10. Drug abuse, 9. Refugee problems, 8. Political and social instability, 7. Spread of infectious diseases, 6. Climatic change, 5. War and  terrorism, 4. Unequal distribution of financial resources 3. High unemployment or underemployment 2. Population growth and 1. Poverty, hunger and water crisis.

Well, let’s running, mankind!
I have just googled on beautiful proverbs about hope, because we could use some hope right now, and I found the following:

There was never an night or a problem that could defeat sunrise or hope (Bernard Williams)

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My son, we discussed a lot of those problems over the years. And to continue the metaphor at the same time, I'll give you ten promising developments, because after the night always comes dawn and after a problem always comes a solution.

10. The empowerment of women continues to increase, 9. More and better and more available education for all, 8. Decreased independent thinking of man, 7. New technologies and inventions against diseases and environmental pollution, 6. There will be an alternative to democracy, shod along the lines of village councils from Africa and Asia, but within the framework of international laws. 5. The bond with the inner Spark of God will be more important than religions, 4. Mankind will feel  more and more connected with nature, 3. The world consciousness (mankind and mother earth) will because of all crises  make a big step 2. A new economic system will free mankind from the power of money and provide a lot of free time and 1. Mankind becomes worldwide increasingly interconnected.

In short, there is hope, because the way of man through the massive lane of problems  is almost at an end.
Bernard Williams is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 366

Monday, 26 December 2016

The intactness, the spiritual perspective of chastity (2)

My God, I'm curious about this blog.

Be curious, my son.
Intactness, harmlessness, wholeness are the spiritual deeper meaning of chastity. I take intactness because it is purer experienced by you than harmlessness is (after an accident) or wholeness is (a little too New Age-like).
Chastity has in the spiritual world, from the perspective of God, the meaning of intactness. Someone is so to speak not harmed, not hit, not violated by life, by imperfections, by mistakes, by weaknesses, by ignorance.
Someone who is intact starts something without reserves, in big openness, pure, uninhibited and totally fresh. Someone who is intact, is so to speak in colours white, which is all full colours together.
And now comes the big secret message of the loving God to man on earth. God looks at man as he was and how he will be.
Every day, your worry and anxiety and mistakes are taken away from you, if you want to. Every day you can start again freshly, no matter what happened, no matter what went wrong, no matter how violated you are. When you are understanding, what went wrong, and when you want to try again in all sincerity, then find God this okay, then you are forgiven everything for a thousand times to a thousand times, then you start in the eyes of God again,  completely with a clean slate, then you are in the eyes of God intact again .

So simple proves the love of God for man to be. Every day you can start over again intactly, untouchedly again, completely chastely. In any case, and what has happened. This is forgiveness, this is the sinless state that God gives to man, this is the incarnate love of God for Its creation.
Therefore you stay in the eyes of God intact, because God looks back and looks ahead and does not conceive your temporary state of tactness, of unchastity too heavily.
God accepts you and loves you in completely the same way before, during and after you have flopped.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 365

Saturday, 24 December 2016

Innocence, the earthly significance of chastity (1)

My God, I'm especially with Christmas reading a book from Maria Valtorta * and I am reading now about the birth of Mary by the old Anna and Joachim. According to Catholic tradition, they are at an advanced age still blessed with the birth of child, Mary. And when I read the passages preceding the pregnancy of Anna, the birth of Mary and her growing up in the first years before she will be offered to the temple for further education in the temple, without her parents, I notice the next thing so to speak:

Chastity is a key concept in this whole story and as I look around in the world, it seems that this virtue has gone. Except in the behavior of Catholic nuns and Muslim women with headscarves, who seem to cover their femininity for the outside world.
Does chastity actually still consist? Or is it an old-fashioned and outdated concept?
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My son, don’t you think this is a nice Christmas Topic?
You asked me for a topic for this Christmas to be at least reflective on fundamental spiritual values as opposed to the issues of the day with gifts and dinners. And I have brought you to this topic.

On earth there is much innocence as well and even though chastity has especially got the meaning of sexual abstinence and virginity, we will comment on it in the meaning of innocence. We lift it so at a higher level than the understanding of the people.
In the spiritual world chastity has the meaning of intactness, I will go into it the next blog.
So for now the earthly chastity.

Indeed, it seems that only Catholic nuns, shaved Buddhist monks, naked Indian sadhus and Muslim women with headscarves do something about chastity. But they are not alone.
Among all peoples, races, all religions, all ages and genders there are chaste innocents who refrain from words and actions concerning sexuality. And there is also a very large group, which admittedly has sex in the circumstances, but  is deep within recurring again and again to the innocent state.

So, my son, do not look too superficially to society. Even in the West, where materialism and commercialism do cause that even men behave erotically, chastity is a living and cherished and powerful virtue.
The earthly chastity represents an inner attitude of purity and innocence, which if you look carefully is everywhere.
Look around and see the innocence everywhere, in thousand forms.

I recall you a few to open your eyes:

  • Catholic nuns, shaved Buddhist monks, naked Indian sadhus and Muslim women with headscarves so to speak, not as a group but among them there are true pure ones
  • a mother of children who is "liberated" from sexuality by old age or by the death of her husband and is regaining her innocence gradually and acquiring forth the old state of inner virginity
  • an oversexed man who through a combination of experience, a changed attitude and new insights decides to a conscious celibate abstinence out of conviction
  • and then there is a chaste moment for still many people, for example a person who stops smoking, or one following a serious diet, or someone who starts a new life and leaves the parental home or is going to live in another city or in another country
  • or you, for example, when you've showered, you just became physically clean, but sometimes you feel also spiritually reborn, as if you were baptized. That's chastity as well.

So please do not make chastity too exclusive and too big and too inaccessible, as is done with God, but get it close in your life, cherish the moments and rejoice at the next moment of chastity. For even the most sensuous whore can experience chaste moments.
And look around you and see the chastity alive and full of power even in the materialistic and sensual societies of our time.

My blessings to you all
*Maria Valtorta, The Poem of the Man-God

No. 364

Sunday, 18 December 2016

A free being thinks differently about good and evil (Baruch Spinoza, 3)

If men were born free, they would, so long as they remained free, form no  conception of good and evil (Baruch Spinoza)
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My son, you have chosen a very special quote, not easily to understand for man with his strong opinion of white and black, of good and evil, of what is wrong and what is right. But let one hear what one can hear.

An animal and plant live without the concept of good and evil. When a gazelle is being knocked down by a lion and his last minutes are there, he does not think the lion is the devil, or I'm good and that lion is evil. Even when the gazelle could think, she would not think it, but she would know that this is it, this is part of life, without judgment and without confusion, only a moment of fear of death but in a large resignation, with an unconditional acceptance.

And should this not apply to man as well?
Spinoza was thinking, thinking through and free-thinking, independently of moral and religious concepts and came so to this great realization.

If men were born free, they would, so long as they remained free, form no  conception of good and evil

The man who is free, and who looks in great freedom to life, will say yes to everything for it is as it is, there will be complete acceptance and there will be no judgment. The concepts of good and evil have become empty words. Spinoza has expressed it well.

How can this be said with so much crime? And with what men does to each other? And the ape of God, what about him? That good and evil not count makes certainly no sense, ordinary men will say. Evil acts must be condemned otherwise we are no longer in an ordered society, then we can stop all together. And ordinary people are so right. But this is not the point.

What is it all about?
Not about a practical society with laws and morals.
It is about the truth, about the perspective of the spiritual world, who sees what is really happening on Earth, who is looking behind the scenes of life and is perceiving completely different things than what is apparently happening on earth.

Behind the scenes it appears to be that:
  • a person who does good, sometimes has other motives, or rather is only but choking the other
  • someone who does evil, is causing a lot of life experience for the other and unintentionally is helping the other to evolve
  • a malignant disease eliminates weak individuals and creates a stronger species, among men as well
  • good things can have bad consequences, and bad things can have good results.

In short, the backgrounds of life are showing different things than man can observe in his bewilderment about the suffering of that moment.
It's very zen, in order to let it all, to say yes, to accept everything, and even saying at the worst experiences this is what it is, what is there else to think about? I let the judgement to the spiritual world.
Spinoza is blessed.

My blessings to you all
Nr. 363

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Happiness is a virtue, not its reward (Baruch Spinoza, 2)

Spinoza sees it well.
Happiness is a choice, a talent, something you can develop,  something that needs special attention and energy and effort. And happiness is not the result of good virtues, what you deserve when you're friendly, when you are helping others, making beautiful music, or performing your job well.
Happiness has its own power, its own greatness and deserves its own attention.
For example, people who are having gorgeous virtues can still be unhappy.
For example, people who do not seem to have any virtues can be just happy.

Spinoza recognizes happiness as being a special virtue.
And creating a virtue, or strengthening a weak virtue or developing a virtue are demanding human effort, energy, focus and hard work.
Therefore, you can say that a happy person is not just happy, but that he has worked hard for it.
Spinoza removes happiness out of the black books of which is happenings to you and gives it the place it deserves, namely that happiness is makeable.
Spinoza is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 362

Sunday, 4 December 2016

Will and intellect are one and the same thing (Baruch Spinoza, 1)

This statement of Spinoza is reaching quite farly. We tend to think that the will and intellect are two completely different things, but in fact the more I think about it the more I realize that man and the development of his intelligence might coincide with the development of his will. And so man distincts from animals by this individual not by instinct but by intelligence driven will.
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When the ancestors of man took their first decision based on their own will, not out of instinct and habits of the group, then the planet Earth has been recognized by the spiritual world as a spiritual-evolutionary planet. The dignity of will was born * and that could only be developed by individual intelligence.
But Spinoza's too easy to say that intellect and will are the same. They are certainly not. Earthly evolution shows many examples of primitive bloodlust and evil-intelligent expressions of will. Apparently, too much.

But Spinoza has a point with regard to the higher will.
In addition, the following equation might help.
The will can be directed by the intellect as strength comes from muscles and water will cook by fire. The intellect is then the cause, one sees something, one understands something, one realizes something, different from the other creatures in the area, and then the will will follow to do something with that insight. The one can not exist without the other. Without the will one lives in an ivory tower and the intelligence is useless. Without intellect the will is not more than action-driven instinct. But together they are the realizers of human destiny and the builders of future spiritual worlds.

So you have a point that they walk part of the way as you call it. Should walk part of the way,  I should say. If not so, it will bring evolutionary noise.
But Spinoza shows great insight by stating that they together are very important, almost indispensable to each other and in the spiritual human development they are actually one and the same.
Spinoza is blessed.

My blessings to you all

* See: the urantiaboek, p. 710

Nr. 361