Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Nobody is born evil (Alice Miller, 1)

Let me please ask You.
Recently I have heard stories about a derailed man who had experienced terrible things in his childhood, great sorrow and who was hurt by "bad" parents. And then Alice Miller *came into my mind. Would You like to comment on this quote?

Let's take this quote from Alice Miller as a starting point.
How can a loving God not agree with this?
Hasn’t been the compassion and love and understanding for humankind the subject of many blogs, and as well the understanding for those who commit terrible deeds?

Alice Miller was in her earthly life very close to her God so in this way she was capable of describing thoroughly and truthfully what a child experiences in his youth. Every child. I say emphatically: every child. Giving birth out of the safe womb, the child will lead a life of his own. And every child will be burdened even by the best parents with disappointment and insult.

Let alone parents who are unable to raise a child. One of the biggest taboos of mankind is that the environment may not interfere with how poor, immature and unsuitable parents raise their child as if the child is their property.
And society does not really concern only when it's too late.

And thus derailment, hurt, sadness, proliferation of traits, addictions and malignant behaviour will occur. Due to derailed upbringing. And the child will pay the bill. And yet, not all behaviour can be traced to education. Aren’t there great men who have turned evil in their youth to goodness? But those are strong people, and most people are not strong enough.

Woe to the children who are the property of ignorant and bad parents.
Woe to the parents who so much force their children into a derailed life of sorrow and addiction.
Woe to the environment that has let this happen and who will always pay the price. This is the circle around. For never is one person only guilty, even not in the greatest crimes.

Therefore, the compassion of God with derailed men is bigger than Its love for righteous men. Because they have often received a lot in their youth, what they just have to share.
With love is the derailed person blessed.
Alice Miller is blessed.

 My blessings to you all
*Alice Miller, Drama of the gifted, Thou shalt not be aware

Nr. 387

Sunday, 21 May 2017

Will it ever be done for man and the ape on the earth? (Ape of God, 5)

My son, not for man and not for the ape, and not for the earth.
But I think you mean to ask, "Will it ever be done with hell on earth, with the suffering, the sorrow, the pain and the activities of the devil?" That will be done once.
For the evolution of the earth will, according to the schedule of the cosmos and according to the laws of God, ultimately lead to a planet of Light and Love*. I say it in capital letters, because it will be a planet with capitals, where spiritual beings abides, where the laws of God are realized and everyone lives to those laws.

It is actually the old promise of a new heaven and a new earth, of the separation of the good and the bad, of an eternal state of heavenly happiness realized on the material earth.
Only Christ does not descend into a cloud and will not destroy the devil. That is a very unilateral and primitive version of a real future, because the Christ consciousness will then be realized on earth. So to speak man on earth will then be united with his Spark of god. And separating the good and bad will just mean that spiritual beings can not abide on earth under a certain level of perfectness because the energy level on earth will be too high.

But not before millions of years, the Earth is still in its early stages. So God gives some time, please accept mankind in her very steady but in your eyes slow development. Of course man is impatient, but God is not. Study your history, just a hundred thousand years ago you walked in bear sheets. Just 2000 years ago, you have been able to receive the Christ, just 500 years ago science took worldwide its flight, just 30 years ago, you made the first steps to one global feeling through the possibilities of the internet.

You have all the time in the world.
God's mills go slowly, the ways of evolution will lead you and mother nature, the animals and the plant world to higher vibration levels. And after a very long time, the vibration level of the planet earth has become so high that lower energies will be gone and the ape of God out of job. Ultimately the devil may wonder what his concerns are on earth. And earth bound as he is, he will in his unemployment wonder whether he can not walk another way. The fallen angel can return to the Divine House or otherwise the apes of God await total destruction and there will never be heard of them again. But cosmic experience indicates that in the end they often return to their ranks.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 386

Urantiabook, p. 621

Sunday, 14 May 2017

How do I come closer to You (Ape of God, 4)

The old story of religions that you have to choose between good and evil, between the narrow road and the wide road, between God and the devil, is not the solution. I do not think that’s appropriate now.

Everything is all right what a man does because he wants it, because he chooses it, because it’s on his way, because he cannot do anything else. And the consequences of his actions will be felt automatically, sometimes quite quickly visible. So whether it was good or bad, bad for his inner self or not, whether he is letting another person down or not, everything will become clear sooner or later.

So the advice is not that man must choose between good and evil or between God and the devil, because these are the traditional suggestions of religions.  Even a bit old fashioned. In this time of freedom and education and healthy individualism, the spiritual world stimulates a third way. God's advice is that man must do what his heart imparts to him, what he likes, what he thinks to be attractive, what is fascinating him, for there is his way, there his life will be fulfilled, there his destiny will be visible, there is he going to make his mistakes, there he is going to acquire experience, there his big life insights will come true, nowhere else. Too many people in early days have been forcedly influenced by norms and values from ruling morals, and so creating a lot of sorrow, repressing many talent and abolishing many life experiences.

The third way is the way of the heart, even if the heart draws into wrong directions and inclinations. Everything eventually becomes clear because everything is done entirely in a system of God's laws. So how can it go wrong in the long run? Because in evil deeds the consequences are included which lead to insight and change and eventually to the right choices. Evil is not for the sake of evil but for the sake of the good.

Therefore, today, one chooses no longer between good and evil but for the own individual heart. And that is all right. In this way one comes closer to God than by forced and unnatural goodness.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 385

Sunday, 7 May 2017

The suffering of the ape, the unfortunate task of the tempter (Ape of God, 3)

But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most, our one fellow and brother who most needed a friend yet had not a single one, the one sinner among us all who had the highest and clearest right to every Christian's daily and nightly prayers, for the plain and unassailable reason that his was the first and greatest need, he being among sinners the supremest? (Mark Twain’s Autobiography)

 Man thinks the devil deliberately perseveres in his work and his attitude toward God. And yet that's only partly true. If the seducer and tempter meets a person who is a match for him, than this will evoke his rage, but somewhere deep inside him, an unconscious and deeply-felt hope will come up. For this resilient steadfast person brings the devil closer to salvation *.

For even in the devil, there is some harmlessness and innocence, there where God has put Its seed. Yes inside the devil as well, in what spiritual life God hasn’t done this? Are devils not also former angels, spiritual beings, and are they not also created by God? Aren’t they just derailed and got lost in their own desires and ideas about life? Hasn’t the devil become unwillingly the seducer of man, and will he have any work when man has been developed so far that he has grown above the devil's work? What will the devil have to do than to wonder what he is doing, what he is and what he is up to in an emptied hell?

What else does he have to do than wondering for what he lives when all his goals are solved on the planet that has become life and light?
The devil is blessed when this episode has come. For he can then choose for the long way back to the Father-Mother's House and take his rightful place between the angels or hold stubbornly to his inheritance and he will be destroyed than. And never in the cosmos will be heard from him again.

My blessings to you all
* The sorrows of Satan, Marie Corelli

Nr. 384