Monday, 31 July 2017

The voice within, from alcohol to sober (Law of mercy, miracles, 2)

I* went from being an alcoholic teenage preacher’s son to sober like an “off” switch at age 21 after five years of heavy drinking. I grew up in church, but as a young teen, I just had a rebel bone in me and got addicted to alcohol. I stayed drunk. On my 21st birthday, I had been drinking about eight hours straight and simply heard the voice of the Holy Spirit inside me say “Either do what I’ve called you to or I will not continue wrestling you.” It sounded so stern, however so loving! I was instantly sober. That just doesn’t happen. By the grace of God, I’m still sober years later! Praise the Lord!

Nr. 396

Wednesday, 26 July 2017

Of course God intervenes regularly (Law of mercy, miracles, 1)

My God, can I ask you please?

I used to believe that all that happened was Your will.
Later on I started to believe in reincarnation and I was thinking that everything what was happening to man was his own fault.
Now I have understood from You that much of what is happening follows Your will but that much of life happens because of your laws as well. We are also part of the evolutionary laws and so things happen sometimes which are not meant to be. Then of course the spiritual world is ready for help but meanwhile it still has happened to us! Actually coincidence or bad luck, so to speak.

So now my struggle. You are almighty so all happens according to plan.
You are bound to Your own (for example evolutionary) laws so if a child dies from cancer, it may just be bad luck, weak genes, etc.

But in the world there are also plenty of stories in which the spiritual world appears to intervene and in which man experiences something inexplicable. I recall, for example, a baby that has fallen three high out of the window and turns to be fine. Or Saul beaten from his horse and suddenly becoming a follower of Christ. Or my piano teacher falling from a high staircase, frontally, carrying heavy bags, and suddenly feeling two hands under her armpits, lifting  her up safely and putting her downstairs.

Well, now I do not know anymore, when miracles do happen and why, even though almost nobody believes that anymore.
But You’ll know for sure what this is all about!

My son, I know what this is all about. You are not the only one who is struggling with it. Is this not the old story of man and his suffering? One wonders why is this happening to me?
What has God planned for?
What does God allow?
When does God intervene in accordance with particular insights and special laws?
I’ll go into these three scenarios.

1. Know that God has predestined a lot.
And always it is fair, necessary, useful, inevitable. God does not do this out of arbitrariness, but out of wisdom. And even if man complains and sighs and doesn’t wants this at all, he will once acknowledge that it was the best. So far so good.

2. Know that God also allows a lot.

What does that mean for heaven’s sake, if God is allowing something? If God allows something, does this imply God does not want it? Yes indeed, God does not want it. In one of the blogs is mentioned the example of someone who gets a tummy tumour because he was drinking too much coffee. God does not want to give him a tummy tumour, so he does not have to sigh: "It's God's will," because it's not. God's laws are working, and they will eventually bring the good man to insights. So it will be fine. And if it appears to be a terminal cancer, some genes are leading to this, then only God's laws are working, not God's will. Why would God cause to a mother a terminal cancer if she has to take care of her children? God sees that horrible suffering as well. And God does not want it either. If the Muslims say Inshallah, it's not always like that. Life on earth is full of danger, evolution knows hard laws, human life is not really safe. But this is for sure, during and at the end of this path full of adventures, God will collect this man with all the love that is to be forgiven in the cosmos.

3. Know that God regularly intervenes according to particular insights and special laws.

Now comes the confusing and exciting part: sometimes God intervenes against  the laws of the earth, against the laws of evolution, against the physical laws, because then another law is working: the law of mercy, and that is a higher and stronger law. That is why I call it a special law, because this law is applied less often to the earth than the laws you know. But the stories about it are numerous. Call it miracles. call it inexplicable. Many people deny the existence of these events. Or give them a strange explanation afterwards. Or forget about what has happened. But it's very simple. This is about a higher law.

And I can simply explain the background of miracles. A miracle is done to a human being if that person deserves it (so to speak non-believers as well), if that person has prayed a lot or if that person has a great faith. Otherwise not. And let man trust God It has a reason for a miracle!
And examples of miracles will be presented the next blogs to show the mercy of God and to give hope to mankind.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 395

Saturday, 15 July 2017

We do not know for sure what we are praying for

Some of God's greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. ~Pat Alger, Larry Bastian, and Garth Brooks, "Unanswered Prayers"

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Man does not always know what he is praying for. Sometimes he should not get what he's praying for, and sometimes the best what can happen to him is something he is horrified about. Therefore, it is really wise to sigh always after prayer “but Your will will be done”. Then this man admits in his prayer that he is leaving the hearing of his prayer to God, and actually he says : “I do not know if my prayer must be heard, God. You know better”.
And so it is.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 394

Monday, 10 July 2017

The obstacle is the path (Zen proverb)

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It’s true indeed.
The obstacle on the path is thus the actual task for man. How does he respond, how does he set about it, does he behave as a victim or does he make something of it?

But sometimes, the obstacle is a wandering path of misery and difficulties, and man drifts away from God more than ever. Of course never forever, because every detour is ultimately a path to God. But yet, what can man call out a misery on himself and his fellow human beings. What can the path of man through the obstacles on his way and his getting lost in endless addictions and sideways call out meekness and worries with his spiritual companions. It's not always good, on the contrary.

So there is a point in this proverb.
Certainly there is, because this saying evokes you not to get lost in the distant goal, for  the world of desire has an ever-waving horizon. And so you're postponing your happiness. This proverb calls you out to be alert, calls you out to be in the present, calls you out to say yes to everything.

For this is a thing, that much of your attention and energy and happiness are getting lost, because you are fixated on the goal of the path. And in the meanwhile, time passes, in the meanwhile precious moments in the present are getting lost because you do not pay attention.
Yes, paying attention is the proper expression. Because not only the obstacle on the path is an important issue, but a path without obstacles is an important issue too.

The path of man is all he has, really all. For achieving the goal is not always what it seemed to be. And the path, that's really all man has. Enjoy it, I may say, and say yes to the obstacles, in this way you are quite zen.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 393

Sunday, 2 July 2017

The human soul is indestructible (Alice Miller, 5)

For the human soul is virtually indestructible, and its ability to rise from the ashes remains as long as the body draws breath (Alice Miller)

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I wanted you to keep this saying by Alice Miller till the end. Indeed, did the Christ not keep the best wine till the end?
And God personally ensures that even after the death of the body the human soul will be more indestructible than ever.

But the subject of consideration that Alice Miller makes is thus.
There is an incredibly beautiful power in man, which will always prevail, which is indestructible, is stronger than earthly life, often more powerful emerging from the misery and grief of earthly life than before.

Oh, the servants of God sing of the power of God expressed in the human soul. Indestructible blessing, talent for man, pure power, triumphant eternity, spiritual jewel, saviour of man, loving blessing, cherisher of sorrow, keeper of secrets, precious diamond polished on the anvil of earthly suffering.
Soul of man, be blessed.
May Alice Miller be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 392