Monday, 28 August 2017

So many visiting the blogs, from so many countries and so many blogs

Last week, the English and Dutch Watchthegod blogs showed 88,888 visits, and this happened out of more than 100 countries. And the number of published blogs now stands at 400 in total. The most diverse subjects have been discussed, from angels to matter, from emotions to life after death, from inner peace to evolution.
This is what I wanted to say, and I thank the good God for the wonderful, inspiring and lucid texts. I do hope I have listened correctly to my inner voice, to the My God in my heart, to my Spark of God, to my Atman.
The publication of a book of the first 100 blogs, in Dutch and in English, corrected properly by a native speaker, has resulted in a considerable delay in printing by a busy life and private circumstances. But we're almost there, maybe they will be published before 2018.
This is just a message in between from me.
Do You want to admit something?

My son, do I not have always to add something?
Does the world not need any messages from the spiritual world? Isn’t mankind not extremely confused by all the problems and risks of modern life? Is mankind not desperately looking for inner peace? Aren’t My texts a consolation and a proof of love, tolerance and wisdom? Aren’t you doing your outmost best to listen well, even if it does not always work? Will we not just continue, we together, I your Spark of God and you, My human being?

Am I not satisfied if one man is touched by a watchthegod blog in the solitude of his home? Or if anyone gets inspiration and looks differently and less narrow-minded to life than before? Or if anyone gets more hope or is better coping the problems of life through a beautiful blog? And is it not glorious if someone who lost faith in the servants of God on earth founds courage and opens up to God / Allah / Brahman / Jahweh with new insight or at least listens again to the signals of the spiritual world?

And you, My son, you are thinking of quitting the texts because you consider 400 texts as enough. But I do not want you to stop. I want you to take courage. I want you to leave your personal concerns for what they are. I want you to keep listening to Me and continue to do your best to send My messages into the world. I want that. And I know that you eventually find My will of more importance than your own will.
Be blessed for your service. It will be time for a new phase. Wait quietly and continue in the meantime loyally, My Messenger.

What You Want, My God.

Be blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 400

Thursday, 24 August 2017

A miracle in my personal life (Law of mercy, miracles, 5)

Many years ago, at my sister's request, I went to take drive lessons. She wanted to pay a part of my lessons. I had helped her and her children when her husband died of cancer.
I was very bad in driving lessons, but my instructor insisted after 33 lessons that I would give a try for an exam just for experience. But when I made in the last lesson just before the exam five capital mistakes, he admitted when I checked him out, that he was afraid that the exam would be broken up or even that I should crash his car. At the same time, his best student did exam as well, and we knew together who would succeed and who did not. I would do my best to let the exam not be broken up by my great incompetence.

I have to tell that my mother had told me that she would pray for me and afterwards she said she had prayed to my deceased brother-in-law that he had to help me because I had done so much for his wife and young children . But I did not know that. By the way my diseased brother-in-law was a very good and solid driver.

The night before, I had an dramatic nightmare, as well, about the exam and it went terribly. In short, everything did not look well for me.

The moment I took a seat next to the examiner, I got overwhelmed by a great peace of mind. I drove excellently, did the checking of the mirrors during driving as I never had  done before, and I even told the nightmare to the examiner while driving. It was like I did not drive for myself but was driven by a very experienced and good driver. I was very surprised, didn’t understand anything of this all and succeeded gloriously for my exam. My instructor could not believe it, certainly not when it appeared that his best student had failed completely. I am still astonished when I remember this. Of course, I've become a good driver, but during the first few months I have been driving full attention and in quiet areas.

My son, it's very simple. You were completely overshadowed by your brother-in-law, who had special permission to intervene. You deserved the succeeding, and your brother-in-law was, once went to a higher level, recalled by your mother's prayers. He was very pleased to be able to do something for you, you who had assisted his sad wife and young children with so much love and you distracted them a lot with your humour.
Not every deceased person is capable of doing this, but your brother-in-law possessed already great spiritual qualities, hence everything went smoothly.
Your brother-in-law is blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 399

Sunday, 13 August 2017

Falling deeply and being almost unhurt (Law of mercy, miracles, 4)

Jack Fox, 14, stopped to take a photo on a rocky ledge during a school ski trip to Flattach, near Salzburg, Austria, in February 2015. A group of eight children were with an Austrian ski instructor when they took their skis off so they could take pictures of the scenery. But as Jack lined up his photo, he slid over the edge and plunged down the mountain-side. Despite falling the equivalent of two and a half Eiffel Towers, the Year 10 student survived with just ice burns to his arms.

Fox said, "I was crashing through ice and bouncing off rocks. It was terrifying. It felt like I was falling forever. I kept thinking 'How much more of this can I take?'" "Eventually I came to a halt. I checked everywhere to make sure I hadn't broken anything and it all seemed fine."

His cries for help were heard by an extreme skier and rescuers, who quickly arrived and airlifted him off the mountain. He was later handed the smashed ski helmet that saved his life, which had virtually disintegrated during the fall.

This boy is protected against an inevitably serious accident and even death. His destiny was different on earth than this, and then everything is possible. His body was during his fall wrapped in a kind of spiritual soft blanket, which could prevent him from physically hurt. The law of grace was put into effect because the spiritual world has good reasons, to no one’s concern, to plan a different path for him.
He is blessed.

My blessings to you all


Nr. 398

Monday, 7 August 2017

An improbable rescue (Law of mercy, miracles, 3)

A "mysterious voice" led rescuers to find child who survived for 14 hours in submerged car.
In March 2015, Lynn Jennifer Groesbeck, 25, lost control of her car and landed in the icy Spanish Fork River in Utah.
Fourteen hours later, first responders found her 18-month-old daughter, Lily, in her car seat hanging upside down just above frigid river water.
Prior to finding Lily, both police officers and firefighters report that they heard an adult voice yell "Help me!" from inside the car.
They discovered that the voice could not have come from the young mother, who likely died from the impact.
The rescuers still can’t explain the voice or how the girl survived hanging upside-down for 14 hours in freezing temperatures without being dressed for the cold.

The mother had died, but her daughter was not supposed to die too. She was saved by her guardian angel with a temporary blanket of heat so she would not cool down. The voice was of the mother herself, who was helped from out of the spiritual world to express herself in the physical world.
The daughter was saved by supernatural intervention.
The rescuers are blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 397