Saturday, 23 September 2017

There is a God-shaped vacuum in every heart (Blaise Pascal)

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It is indeed a vacuum, because the ego, the selfish will, the self-sufficiency of the primitive man will find in the heart approaching God a vacuum. One can only lose control and lose oneself. But a spiritually developed man does not experience a vacuum but a sanctuary, a place of peace. In the middle of the heart, and one feels that God always dwells there, always waits, always invites, if you are willing to come with empty hands. For how can God fill full hands?

A primitive man experiences a vacuum because what happens to him when life blows everything out of his hands, that's a pure experience of a vacuum, if one is identified with the full hands. But a developed man comes with empty hands and adheres to the gifts of God. And does not know how quickly to pass those gifts to others and then to return to God with empty hands.
Blaise Pascal is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 403

Monday, 11 September 2017

Schokland, a lonely island in the north

The history of Schokland in the north of the Netherlands is bizarre. It was once a former lonely island in the middle of the Zuiderzee and became over the centuries increasingly endangered by the furious storms at sea. Eventually, the government forced in1859 the inhabitants to leave to the mainland, where they started to live in a district in Kampen on the IJssel river. Now the island is situated in the fully muted Noordoostpolder, as a kind of heightening in the flat meadows.

We spent a day visiting the museum and the former island and got deeply impressed by what the islanders have done in the past to survive. Periodically, houses and sometimes the whole church were destroyed by the wild sea. Periodically, a little bit of the island crumbled away, and it must have been a hard and difficult life for this small group of citizens of the Netherlands.
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This group of people has suffered a tough struggle for life and eventually after several generations they had to abandon it. They are a symbol of the power of man, who tries to survive in barren circumstances. These islanders find their brothers and sisters in the rest of the world, such as in the Sahara desert, on the cold plains of Siberia, in the high mountains of Tibet, in the rainforests of Brazil. And for centuries, mankind has evolved thus into what it is now, intelligent, resourceful, social, conscious and powerful.

But there is something more important to say.
These extreme circumstances were necessary to evolve evolutionarily the intellect, the willpower and the creativity of mankind. Because the more exciting the circumstances of this evolutionary man is, the more evolving his talents are. So it is stated here: the challenging planet earth is a great opportunity for mankind as a whole to reach unprecedented heights in its development. And this is what God is waiting for. And then the near future with her big challenges is still on the rise.

The fact that the residents of Schokland lost the battle does not detract from the fearless and powerful genes they are still on the continent passing on to their children.
The Schokkers are blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 402

Monday, 4 September 2017

My body has served me my whole life long, now I will serve my body

I was visiting a dear person and was affected by my host's serious invalidity, she could hardly move a bit and it was obviously a progressive disease so it only could go worse. And in the meantime she is enduring this disease without any complaint. And besides, she was happy for me (who could move well, I was on the bike).
She has a big conviction that God is always helping and supporting her and pointing her way.
But I was really touched when she said in response to our conversation: "My body has served me my whole life long, now I am serving my body."
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She has acquired this great wisdom during her suffering, that is really big and hidden and profound. You are correct when you say that her faith is supporting her. What a power is she demonstrating and what a joy for the spiritual world to see how she transforms her suffering into joy and wisdom. But from the point of confidentiality, I will leave this subject in peace.

I will go into your question about one of the great secrets of this world.
I will go into the beauty, the splendour and the power of the body, and especially the awesome power of the spirit of the body. This spirit of the body serves you all in your own life. The power on earth serving the bodies of living creatures is one of the greatest beings on earth next to the spirit of Mother Earth herself.
This spirit of the body is highly honoured by mankind, but hardly consciously.

Man honours this spirit by being happy when he moves, when he breathes intensely in a moisty fragrant forest, when he gets well after a disease, when he experiences the joy of sexuality, when he moves freely and lightly in the water.
That’s the spirit of the body appreciating, because she is doing it all just for this.
She serves man in his earthly  existence, gives man a beautiful, perfect instrument to act, to feel and to think, to reflect, and to be happy.

But still more, she serves the Spark of God, she serves God by  giving  God an instrument to express Itself in the material world. Even though it requires some evolution of the body and surrender of man before God can express Itself perfectly on earth.
Oh wonderful Spirit, who works on this and serves the living creatures on earth.
Oh wonderful body, perfect instrument of man, physical violin for a spiritual concert master, flower of evolution, treasure of God!

And then let's rest that man treats this beautiful instrument like garbage, like a rubbish bin, carelessly stuffing it with bad food and destructive substances like drugs, alcohol and other poisons.

And this brave woman, who you visited, sees in full consciousness, in complete surrender, how this body has been faithful to her will, to her acting, to her life. And she knows she must now take care of very carefully and with the greatest effort and let take care of this degrading body, must cherish and protect, must treat her body as the smallest and most vulnerable baby, as a helpless and powerless and vulnerable being.
This brave woman is blessed.
My blessings to you all

Nr. 401