I have been "busy" lately with inner silence and sober living and self-control and purity. I do not want to call it chastity, certainly not, but it comes closely. And now throughout this period of preparation for Christmas I'm practicing meditation and reading about Jesus. Maybe I exaggerate a little bit, after all I have a tendency to proportions of everything or nothing, oh this intense way of life really tricks me sometimes. Haha especially if it about negative emotions, then God sees me grumbling.
But now
Jesus, oh Jesus, what are You special, Your wonders, Your example, Your love,
the conversation with Your Father, Your generosity, Your suffering.
Even if
only 10% would be true, then still it is all impressive.
And one day
when I just drove home from a family gathering and when I was musing on Jesus,
I got so overwhelmed by the presence and closeness of Jesus, that I started
crying for half an hour just out of emotion, happiness, love for Jesus, gratitude
to his increasing presence in my life.
I have been
impressed for days.
Oh Jesus,
great love, great comfort, great support, great example.
I thank
you, thank you, thank you.My good God, would You like to comment on this?
My son, how could I not want this?
You have been touched for half an hour by the
living Christ in your life. But let no one who follows Mohamed, or Babaji or Krishna, or Buddha or any other great spirit, any other great son or daughter of mankind, any other Son or Daughter of God, let no one think, oh there you have another Christian, just a Jesus fan, that does not apply to me.
For to them I say, Your God spark, Your God,
God Itself:
This is meant to be for everyone, this being
touched on earth by God. For the Christ consciousness is nothing else than the
Father-Mother God who impresses Itself on earth. It is the incarnate Eternity,
which shares Itself with the earth-bound beings. It is the Kingdom of God,
Allah, Brahman, Yahweh, the Almighty, the Eternal, the Unnameable. And that Kingdom
is impressing itself on earth to man.
Every man can and will experience this. Here or
later. On earth or in eternity. Every man will experience this, may experience
this, can experience this, many men are indeed experiencing this, even if they
give a different explanation to it.
And know this: the simple man who has let go
just for a moment all his earthly attachments, who has put aside his ego, and who
has opened himself just for a moment humbly to God, that simple man is that
moment equal to Christ. Is that moment Son or Daughter of God.
You were it for half an hour, keep going on.
And be blessed, My son.
My blessings to you all
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