Tuesday, 17 April 2018

The temple of prayer

Recently I was praying in my room. The candles were lit, the incense was burning and there were vases of fresh roses near relics and portraits. And suddenly I got the feeling that I was in a spiritual temple and I experienced a great sense of holiness and devotion.

Would You like to comment on this?

I love to.
It helps you to come into the sphere of holiness and worship by using incense and candles and portraits and relics, that is your Catholic background.
But know that a spiritual temple is being built up, or if it is already existing reinforced, for every person on earth who prays.

A Protestant with only a cross, a Muslim with only a word in Arabic on the wall of his living room, a Hindu for an image of Shiva, a Zen Buddhist in an empty white room, a Jew who is while swaying reading the Torah, a New Age adept who meditates on his spiritual teacher, all come into the same situation as you, even if everyone is experiencing something different and is giving different words to it.

As soon as a man prays, the spiritual world is building around this person a spiritual temple of unprecedented beauty. And the more often a person prays, on the more regular basis he is doing this, the longer and more intensely he prays, the bigger and more powerful the temple will be.

And the temple is indeed a fact in the spiritual world. It is a powerful transformer for spreading spiritual energy. This energy flows through this praying man to the environment of this person and of course to whom or  what he is praying for. I mention it consciously in this order, because that is reality.

A praying man is a blessing for his environment and an instrument for the spiritual world to reach the earth with healing, inspiring or uplifting energy. If men knew how wonderful the environment becomes when one prays, how beneficial its effect is and how fruitful for the cooperation between the spiritual world and the evolutionary earth, one would certainly pray more.
My blessings to you all

No 421

Sunday, 1 April 2018

The living faith instead of materialism

My God, lately I see so many people around me, struggling with life. And they suffer from migraine, work too hard, have no rest, experience stress and anxiety. And are looking forward too often for weekends and holidays. I see a lot of confusion, unrest, clinging to fitness and physical pleasures. It seems to me quite shabby, as if there is no more. How can a sports hero with a gold medal, a King or a heroine from a movie be our example, they are just people with a talent, so what? And that virulent atheism around me is sometimes also shocking. Actually, I find everything very decadent around me and I do not notice much godliness, humility or faith.

How joyful is a conversation with you?
How powerful and soothing a prayer?
How inspiring is a confession?
How healing the letting go of the struggle of life?
How stilling is an immeasurable trust in God?

My son, do not behave too superficially in your observations. God sees in the hearts of men and knows their deepest and hidden desire for God, or at least their deep longing for surrender.

But you have a point, for sure.
People go to shopping malls instead of churches.
People go into therapy instead of having the liberating experience of a confession.
People suffer from migraine and too great responsibilities instead of praying in the silence of their rooms to the One God.
People go to fitness training instead to spiritual meetings.
People cling to the heroes of TV instead of honoring and following the example of the great Sons and Daughters of God.
People cling to the comfort of food and alcohol instead of the comfort of a living faith.
People blame their politicians instead of trusting their fate to God.

But know that it is temporary.
God and Its laws do take care of the correction, preferably willingly, usually unwillingly. And through the suffering of man and the crucifixion of his ego and through earthly difficulties his spiritual body will be liberated. Through the surrender of the mind, man will again be open to the power and splendor of God in their lives.
Be blessed.
My blessings to you all

No 420