I would like to ask You.
In the course of my life I have learned to gain as a believer a lot of respect for atheists. It is a way of life with many qualities. The easy judgment of believers about atheists is superficial and unjustified.
Well, after all, all judging is wrong so to speak.
Now my question: they do miss the insights and trust provided by a belief in eternal life and when they are deceased, they discover that they have made a mistake and have denied Your existence in their lives. Would You like to comment on this?
I will do so.
Let's describe the life of such a person.I now consciously present a man, because there are more atheist men than women. Even in emancipated countries, women are listening a little bit more to their intuition, the signals from their hearts and are more capable than men to not just glory on their own minds. But of course there are also many atheist women, that’s for sure.
Before death
We are talking about the true life of an
atheist man. He was a good person on earth, someone who looked after his fellow
man. He loved his wife, who died years earlier than he did, he has long and
sincerely grieved as a widower and at the same time he has picked up the thread
of life well. He loved his two children, his work, his hobbies. He was
interested in politics and literature and especially concerned with the
degradation of nature. He was a champion of the care for nature. I recall this
especially for, partly because of this, he passed on to eternal life consciously
and quietly so to speak thanks to great achievements in the field of love and
care for something other than himself. And it helped that he had no dramatic
addictions. Actually a beautiful person.
But be aware of the dog.
We put aside why he has become an avid atheist,
that is the subject for another blog, if
ever. But he was an atheist and he relied very much on his own thinking
more than on that of others.We go back to two incidents in his life, two striking moments, which after his death will make a big contribution to his bitter feelings of regret. Because that is the subject of this blog, the regrets after the death of an atheist person.
Incident 1
His wife dies after a long and painful sickbed.
The bone cancer caused his wife very severe suffering. When she dies, he sits
at her bed and has great grief, he is overwhelmed by her suffering and
struggles very much with the thought that she has ceased to exist. He is angry
with life and fate. Her suffering was too much for him to handle and it will
take years before he has given place to this suffering.
Incident 2
His (their) eldest son finally finds after many
years of searching the job of his life and treats his father and sister to a
dinner party. The dinner is very nice and the three of them celebrate the love
and warmth that is between them and celebrate the joy about the great career
opportunity for the son. The father suffers greatly in the absence of his
deceased wife and sighs at a certain moment how regrettable it is that their
mother can not be present. Both children react with compassion because they do
not want to push the atmosphere because of his musing. In general, young people
are better in coming to terms with death than older people. And in addition,
they both take into account the possibility that their mother will experience
it somehow. They are both not ecclesiastical but are no conscious atheists,
they believe something.
After death
After his death, the man passes on consciously.
His big heart, his love for life, his healthy and beautiful lifestyle without
addictions make the passing over almost effortless. And not, as many atheists
have to face, ending up in a coma-like existence in which, as if in a dream
state, they slowly become accustomed (with much help) to the fact that there is
life after death. Because this does not fit into their opinions and is
therefore denied. What is man master in not wanting to see what is still there.This adaptation phase to something that does not fit into their "opinions of life" can take sometimes quite a while.
So our man is very soon clear in the head and deeply deeply deeply surprised as soon as the most beautiful and younger version of his dear wife stands for him and embraces him with love and with the greatest smile possible. He can handle it anyway because he always had an open heart and an open mind, except for this after death thing.
After some time in which his wife may act as a supervisor and guide, he may look back on the two events mentioned above. This retrospective is very important because he is deeply suffering from intense regret that he denied a so intensely important fact of life, namely not only the existence of life after death, but even more the existence of God and Its work in man's life. on earth. In order to properly judge his intense feelings of regret and to give them a place, he must experience these important incidents, but then as it really went and not as he thought it was.
Incident 1
He gets it presented in this way.His wife passes on very consciously, partly through her intense agony, and makes contact with her spiritual coach immediately and without being surprised and is confirmed in almost everything she already expected: a beautiful liberation, a healthy spiritual body, a wonderful new life of space, freedom and happiness and a great sense of the meaning of everything or at least of the even beautiful consequences of this terrible fate at the end of her life. She tries to reach, comfort and support her husband in the entire period afterwards and of course she succeeds very well, only without the man himself realizing this and knowing this.
When he is confronted with how it really went, his suffering and regret are so big that it almost becomes too much for him. He sees all the efforts of his deceased wife and how he neglects, ignores and denies them. He sees the helplessness of his wife when she stands beside him on an evening when he is overwhelmed with grief and loneliness, and experiences such a terrible regret that he did not want and could not experience all of this. It will take him many years in spiritual life before he can look at this stubborn atheistic ignorance without deep shame and with more understanding and love.
Incident 2
On the evening of this dinner, his wife is
present in the spirit, shares in their joy and sees that both children do not
suffer too much from her absence and somewhere unconsciously feel that she is
there. Her absence during the dinner because of her death a long time ago does
not really bother them. But her husband. Ah, his pain and sorrow for this
delusion that she is not allowed to experience this, while she stands beside
him and looks down on him. She touches his forehead with her hand, but this
again magnifies his image that his wife, so intensely reminded by this touch,
is not there. Physically and emotionally she seems present, but he cherishes
his thinking that she is dead and he is suffering very much from this
realization.So in this review after his death he sees the grief in the eyes of his wife, who does everything to make herself known, and sees his rigid and untrue world of thought. His regret is especially overwhelming concerning this incident.
We can complete this gripping and true story.
Eventually he overcomes this regret in the spirit, starts seeing that his
atheism has brought a lot of good as well and eventually becomes reconciled
with everything that has happened. Also with his virulent atheism on earth.
But at times, in eternity, his ignorance and
delusional wisdom and the missed opportunity on earth to live together with his
wife in the spirit even after her death will overwhelm him now and then. Be let
it be, what can not be erased.He is blessed.
My blessings to you all
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