Saturday, 31 August 2019

If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans (Tina Turner)

I wanted to ask You, I had to laugh a lot about this quote from Tina Turner. But maybe it is very true. She has been through a lot and she must have said it after she got a new kidney from her younger husband and she was recovering and then unexpectedly her son committed suicide. I have always had great admiration for how strong she seems to be and for how young she is staying and for her talents.

Tina Turner has suffered a lot in life and is still suffering. But she also is getting  everything out of life. With great talents and many opportunities, she has tackled everything. The quote has no trueness in it, of course, My beloved son. God knows your plans and wishes and hidden needs and secret fantasies, how could it be otherwise? Yet what she says is very true, but in a very different way: she actually says "God knows that many of our plans are not realistic, thoughtless, not based on what is intended, or very bad indeed".

And indeed God sees you willing to go in all the wrong directions that you can go, and in itself there is a lot of humour in it, because "who doesn't laugh who beholds man"? The humour is everywhere and you for yourself are all capable of laughing very well at yourself, even in the greatest need ”. And afterwards you often laugh a lot about yourself, about your mistakes, about your ignorance, about your short-sightedness.

And that is why Tina Turner's quote is sparkling and surprising.
May Tina Turner be blessed.

My blessings to you all

No 461

Saturday, 10 August 2019

Take a rest and suffer less (Profound sayings 8)

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One of man's greatest ignorances is that he does not rest at difficult or emotional moments. He then makes decisions and draws conclusions and stops with things or people, and thus rigorously and thoughtlessly. Much is going wrong without reason.

And if one would take a moment's rest before deciding, many dead-end roads would be avoided, many injuries would be avoided and much suffering would be lessened.

So be it.

But take rest, take rest and take more rest at weird, intensive and difficult moments. So you will give God and Its helpers the opportunity to reach you and that always leads to more wisdom, more insight and more overview.

In all cases We always love man and accept all of his urges.
My blessings to you all

No 460