Sunday, 27 December 2020

The mighty Spark of God sends news

I heard the following from my friend Merel and I asked her to put it on the mail so I could present it to My god. This is her story:


Due to all sorts of circumstances that I find quite stressful, I was caught up in worries and fears. The lockdown, the new threat of a mutating virus, and as a sour icing on the cake, there was this physical problem that could potentially be deadly. Now I am not afraid of death at all, on the contrary, I “would like to go Home”, but I am very afraid of pain and decline.


I said to God, "This is a little too much though. This debilitating world, all those worries everywhere, the total uncertainty and then also a nasty disease perhaps? I think it's okay, you can take me Home if you can.' (and actually I saw the impending illness a bit like a possible escape to Home frankly said).  


So there was a fear of really importance, and of course there was also some muddling around as my highly esteemed friend Frenkie calls it.  


Then I heard, in a well-worn tone as if it came from a beautiful church:


“I am part of a magnificent Creation. I am particle of a magnificent Creator.

So then; who am I to not want to live?”

This filled me with awe and great humility. It sounded almost strict yet very loving and full of understanding.  


What spoke here; my Higher Self, God's Spark, Spirit?  


I was a little surprised by the "I" expression.  


It still echoes in my head and heart every day.


As far as this Merel.

Would You like to comment on this?


My son, your friend Merel may cherish her line with Her God. This is plain language. Here's what I want to say about it. 


Your friend was taken out of her ego stuff by these powerful words.  


God cherishes life. 

God cherishes the beauty. 

God cherishes the suffering. 

God cherishes the being.


Who is man that he might doubt the power of God, the sanctity of existence?

Who is man that, in the delusion of the moment, he would like to doubt his existence, the beauty of life and the usefulness of his suffering?

Who is man who, when the road is blocked by obstacles and worries, wants to stop his journey at a bend in the road?


You seem to be little, short-sighted and childish beings full of self-pitying, doubt and fears with your shaky attitude to life, your muddling in aches and pains. How is God ever going to make something out of man? The Archangel Lucifer has fallen from heaven for a reason. He didn't like this project right away. He had no faith in you as a former monkey. 


But then God Itself.


How great is the love of God who lovingly ignores all this and sees nothing but your yeardous and caring spirit that must be comforted and cherished before pleasure and happiness is experienced again?

How great is the patience of God until you say to your whole being: not my will but Your will be done. 

How great is God who lifts you over a thousand obstacles and always helps you on your way.

How great is God who lovingly pushes you in your despair in the right direction.


The My God of Merel articulated the only correct perspective for man, namely the perspective of the spark of God in man who wants to finish His/Her project. There's nothing else that God wants, actually. Therefore the powerful words


who am I not wanting to live?"  


God wants you to identify with this great and eternal power in your being, hence. 

Your friend Merel is blessed. 


My blessings to you all

No 497

Thursday, 24 December 2020

Christ reaches out

 Can this be a good Christmas message, for sure God?

 The image will do, My son

My blessings to you all

No 496

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

This sparkling but sometimes quite difficult life on earth.

I wanted to ask you. I see a lot of happiness around me and people who enjoy the rich and beautiful life, but I also see a lot of suffering, and sometimes the suffering seems to me too great to bear for a human being, oh not particularly for myself, but just when I look around and check the media I do have to sigh 'My God where do they get the strength and courage from to endure this? And I don't even listen to your answer, sometimes. But I just want to sigh and suffer with what I see around me.

Today I saw a woman in her 60s and she looked so unhappy, so lonely, so lost. I thought "when was the last time she was lovingly touched and caressed and when was the last time someone said to her "I love you". And I was so impressed by her loneliness that I felt my heart become all heavy and sad. What a suffering and how do people keep up? I'd love You to comment on this, just for my own comfort.

Oh my good son, how big is your heart. I like to go into this.

Man suffers a lot on earth. And regularly too much. And there are also many people who can't handle this and become psychiatric or bitter or atheists. And they are for sure suffering and as well concerning others.  

That's how it is, and that's how it was, that's how it will be a long time. 


Sad is life and useless and pointless and cruel and an unthinking creation of an unsuspecting and indifferent God. At least that is sometimes your perspective and even the sincere opinion of many, especially at times. But is the perspective true?


And then I say, "Of course not."

I would like to tell you from the perspective of the spiritual world because We see over the fence of your earthly existence. 


Everything that happens, all suffering, all sorrow, all accidents and diseases, all crime and injustices, even for many people during a lifetime, are totally and overall and overwhelmingly nothing compared to what man is waiting for after his earthly life. We see the glory and happiness and the overwhelming balm for all what happened, once someone has left his earthly body and moved on to a better life. We see the sparkling, overwhelming, fortunate developments and possibilities of the spiritual world. And they are so overwhelming that every spiritual being, once accustomed to his new existence, always sighs, "it was worth it".


And We give you the sincere advice "in the meantime, enjoy to the fullest of all that is to enjoy in terms of happiness and beauty and health and pleasure, for we truly find it a mortal sin , that someone is ruining his earthly existence more than necessary. Never let the suffering, no matter how great and overwhelming, get in the way of the beauty and joy of whatever is there. If you succeed, you will once sigh sooner "it was definitely worth it". 


My blessings to you all

No 495

Sunday, 29 November 2020

How do we approach God?

Some stand on tiptoe trying to reach God to talk — you try too hard, friend — drop to your knees and listen, he'll hear you better that way (Terri Guillemets)

Would You like to comment on this? 

Perhaps you can do the kick off? 

Oh, of course.

Well, I'm good at that, to show off to reach You, and pull out all the stops in my attempts to hear You. And because of this, of course, I block everything, force the communication and do not hear You or hear You badly. I know God, I know. And probably every human being does.  Is it not?

Almost every human being does that. An endless trying and forcing and getting also a lot of bells and whistles out of the closet because man thinks that God needs it to be able to communicate. And everything hinders communication except this: kneeling and listening.

Kneeling stands for doing nothing and trying nothing and wanting nothing but waiting and putting the ego aside. 

And listening stands for not asking, not wanting to enforce and not demanding.  

Blessed the man who does not, and even more so if he does. 

My blessings to you all

No 494

Sunday, 15 November 2020

God is very close

"Man does not have to go farther than his own inner experience ... to find God and attempt communion with him."  (Uriantiabook. Paper 5, § 0 page 62) 

Would You like to comment on this? 


Is there one topic more important than this, my son, so I'm happy to do so. 


Every religion is a detour.

Every guru or vicar or iman is a detour.

Every spiritual book is a detour.

Every faith is a detour.

Every house of worship or temple is a detour.


The direct way is reaching God in the inner self.

And God waits for this direct communication and settles for the final moment after the detours of man. And until that moment, God settles for the necessary tools on man's path from ape to spirit, from matter to the spiritual world, from searching for God outside himself to finding God in one's own inner self.

And you for yourself, My son, goes to churches and places of worship, and talks to your fellow man about faith, and uses things to get closer to God, such as candles and statues and incense and other sacred means, but they’re not necessary. I'm waiting for you inside you and I want to communicate with you, but you still need the petty human means, and I accept that and I understand that, but they're not necessary. When is the moment when you for always settle for the shortest and most direct path, namely for the realization that I am in your inner self and that I am waiting there for you.

In the meantime, be blessed in all your efforts. 


My blessings to you all

No 493 


Tuesday, 3 November 2020

The difficulties of life and counting blessings

Me and many others find that there are a lot of problems in the world nowadays: Corona, terror attacks, an economic crisis, an uncertain future, refugees you name it. But now I'm reading a book that plays out in the Middle Ages. The cruelty, the ignorance, the prejudices, the poverty, the diseases, it really is many times worse than nowadays. Well, except for the environmental crisis, that's a thing.

Is it true, My God, that the worries of life are really less than in early days?

My son, you live in heaven compared to the Middle Ages. So it would be nice if you put the difficulties into perspective a little bit, if you counted your blessings more, if you were better armed against what is going on now. Over the past five centuries, life has become infinitely better for the majority of people. Not only physically, materially and in terms of health, but also in terms of education, freedoms and righteousness, you almost all live in heaven, compared to the hell of the Middle Ages. Count your blessings and do not fear of trouble. Your ancestors really had a tougher life. I'm not saying you're spoiled, but I'm saying you're very blessed these days. Rejoice more about that.   

My blessings to you all

No 492

Sunday, 18 October 2020

Every choice and every action contribute to your spiritual home

The pursuit of the ideal—the striving to be Godlike—is a continuous effort before death and after. The life after death is no different in the essentials than the mortal existence. Everything we do in this life which is good contributes directly to the enhancement of the future life.

Treatise103 section 5 (page 1134)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   My God, may I ask You. I was thinking about life and realized we actually choose all day long, for the small or the big, for the healthy or the unhealthy, for the good or the bad, for the loveless or the loving. And actually so to speak everything is really important and has big consequences. And at the same time, there should be no stress and tension and pressure and a sacred must, because then we become rigid fundamentalists. And then I also came across this quote from the Urantia book, which confirms that everything is really very important.  How do we reconcile all this?

Would You like to  comment on this? 

 It's a paradox, My son, and I like to comment on this. Especially since nowadays more than before people have come to believe that everything must be possible, so to speak the sacred individualism while at the same time everything has consequences, as We know.  How do you reconcile that all, and what is Our perspective from the spiritual world?  Here it  comes

First of all Our perspective because that determines your perspective, in the end. 

We view everything with great love, great patience and a lot of compassion. It is true that everything has permanently great consequences, and that you must always suffer the consequences of your actions, sooner or later. Even if you do so in the deepest secret, hidden in your own home, or in your inner self.  

But the consequences are just, the laws of God are simple and the hints of God to do the right endlessly and the patience of God as you goof, in a thousand times and endlessly.  So in a way, namely Our way, everything is fine, even if it's not fine. This sentence is very important, My son, 

everything is fine, even if it is not fine.

Because the consequences, the corrections, the perspectives and the correct course of action are already embedded in the failure to act properly. Unconditionally and accurately.   

And now your perspective.

So everything you do always has great consequences, because there is no sparrow falling off the roof and God will know of it. Everything you do is extremely important. It is literally a permanent building of your spiritual home. You are contributing constantly to your spiritual dwelling with all your thoughts, all your feelings and all your actions.

And if you come to realize that you can create a ruin, but also a spiritual palace, why contribute even longer to a ruin? What is the point of destroying life by your own actions, making life ugly, planning your own future suffering. Why would you still do so? 

I like to mention the remark of a married woman who mused about possible infidelity because she ran into a nice other man. She spoke the winged words: "When I consider what an anguish I call over my loved ones and myself when I go into this possible infidelity, I recline and realize that I am not in favour of it and do not want to do so”.  

And that would be a nice approach for all of you, if you deal with this paradox. Do you want to accept the consequences of your pernicious actions for the environment and for yourself? And if that's what you want and you are doing the pernicious thing, then it's fine as well. Not immediately, but it'll be fine later on, after some suffering. And that’s an euphemism.

My blessings to you all

No 491

Sunday, 27 September 2020

Loneliness can induce purification

My friend Merel also has a line up to the spiritual world and heard on a good day, when she was musing about her life and her being alone so often: "Loneliness can lead to purification". Would You like to comment on this? 

That's what I like to do. 

She has been alone a lot during that period and that can be hard to come by, because man is not made to be alone. But her My God whispered to her this sentence and that was also a comfort to her.  


For how can man come to himself, to his heart, to God when there are crowds all day long and people and sounds outside distracting from what’s happening in the inner world?

How can the sound of silence, the gentle hints of the inner self, the inner-ish voice of God be perceived otherwise than in solitude?

Didn't you for the first time in the same way only hear me in a big moment of desolation? 

Man can find God in the other, but really accomplish the subtle communication with God only well in being alone.  This contact with God is one of the aspects of purification. The other aspects are subject for another blog. 

Merel is blessed. 


My blessings to you all

No 490 

Monday, 21 September 2020

God, who comes to rest in man (W.H. Auden)

 I read a poem by W.H. Auden, "At Schrafft"'and this part struck me:


Having finished the Blue-plate Special

And reached the coffee stage,

…A somewhat shapeless figure

of indeterminate age

… our globular furore,

…Which of the seven heavens

Was responsible her smile

Wouldn’t be sure but attested

…That, whoever it was, a god

Worth kneeling-to for a while

Had tabernacled and rested

At the end of that blog (check blog label W.H. Auden) you said; 

God, Who comes to rest in man. This is worth a separate blog, My son.

You then responded to this poem by Auden, Would You like to comment on this now?  

That's what I like to do. Commenting the sentence “God who comes to rest in man”. 


God works on the evolution of planets, plant species, animal species and of the intelligent being, man, who becomes the crowning glory of creation. A being who finally consciously and passionately will kneel before God and then recognizes what God has accomplished.  


God who waits so many years for this moment, and labours, and tries, and gives, and hopes, and beckons, and bestows and loves and searches for man.  


And then there is that man, however void and unsightly, who kneels before God and focuses on God and recognizes God and only then lives in truth at that beautiful and scarce moment.  


And then God visits this man.

And God can then rest in a certain way in the sanctuary of man.

And God gets recognition of Its work and knows that it has been accomplished, and that is so together with man. Everything is so accomplished, everything that has been sought for has been achieved. For a moment there is the Kingdom of God on earth. For a moment, creation has come to its senses. For a moment, God can rest and enjoy. Yes in the temple of man, built by man, reached by man, desired by man, and visited by God.

That's where God can rest.  

My blessings to you all

No 489

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Mother Nature's spectacular sacrifice

My God, I want to ask You.
Again about Mother Nature, about what is happening on earth now. 
It is utterly terrible and hopeless what is happening in nature, at the hands of mankind. I don't even have the appetite to mention it because it's been mentioned so many times in all sorts of blogs. But I mean, of course, the total pollution and destruction and the massively propagating destructive mankind. I'm sorry I've been a bit of a misanthrope lately. My burning question now is, "How does Mother Nature stand as a spiritual greatness in the face of all this. 

I know your question stems from feeling sorry for Mother Nature. Don't have that, my good son, because then you make Her small and human and victimized, and she's not. But I like to answer your question. 

She is a wonderful force and of great power, Mother Nature. She is a Spirit of incredible beauty and strength, and one of the main powers on earth. This age-old wise and patient spirit that works longer than you realize on the growth and flowering of nature on this lonely planet, knows of it all. And she's not surprised, she's patient. She sacrifices herself these last five hundred years and the centuries to come, and undergoes mankind and her works. She is in this all not a victim, but willingly and deliberately participating in the demise of her current rich state. She sacrifices herself because, while she cooperates with joy, she knows about the phase after. Now there is the phase of a mass birth of new spiritual beings who, as evolutionary monkeys, in Her bosom, may acquire eternity. It's an act of pure love. And She serves God and the planned harvest of billions of new evolutionary beings. That's one aspect of her decisiveness. Know, My son, that She is doing all this out of pure love for God and Its darling, man.

But there's more. Although She sacrifices Herself, seeing thousands of plant and animal species lost on earth for which She has worked for millions of years. And She is witnessing one of the greatest pollutions in the history of the earth.  But know that this is not the first Total Pollution. There have been devastating pollutions before, and not caused by mankind, and the evolution of the earth has already caused a great deal with heat waves, tidal waves or volcanic eruptions. This is the normal price of evolution on a planet.

But there is another side to the story that fits 100% into the "self-interest" of Mother Nature. This sacrifice now, this act of love, is always grandiosely rewarded by God. And Mother Nature knows this. She will create out of destruction a new nature, of such incredible beauty, you cannot realize that. This new nature will be accompanied by an explosion of new plant and animal species, literally at a higher level of energy than the current species. The species will be more refined, eat each other less and radiate more spiritual beauty. And so these new species themselves with Mother Nature will come closer to the paradise state of the spiritual world. For in the end, the Earth must become a planet of Light and Love with the highest energetic radiance possible on an evolutionary planet.

Perhaps I should give examples of  more “sophisticated” species? And know that I do so with the utmost love and respect without judgment of any kind about any species. Think of a palm tree compared to a beech tree.
Think of a grass compared to a rose.  
Think of a Tyrannosaurus Rex compared to a hummingbird.
Think of a path compared to a bird of paradise.
Think of a hyena compared to a fallow deer.

In other words, Mother Nature will use this total destruction as an instrument in her spiritual development towards a perfect world of Life in which no one or nothing will be eaten by each other. That is the state of a planet of Light and Love.  And in the meantime, she is looking forward to all her physical creations, the past and the present and the future. In Her eyes this all is a timeless and total explosion of life and love, in the name of God. 

My blessings to you all

No 488

Sunday, 23 August 2020

The love of God is enough

I am so busy and have so many people with problems around me that I , that’s how I feel it, let myself be walked all over lately. I have got a touch of the flu and one evening I am really afraid that I will be struck down by a severe flu, all the signs are there and all the symptoms too. Just before I get caught by a flu, I am always really down. In short, I don't feel up to life anymore and I sigh to God: `Oh my God, please don't let me get sick, I have to do so much at work and will really harm people when I call in sick, please please please don't let me get sick and give me some perspective because I don't feel up to anything at all anymore. `

You don't get sick. Do not worry.

After a mediocre night and an intensive day at work, I actually feel pretty good next evening, everything worked out on the day and I really feel more pleasure for life. I thank I thank I thank the good God that my prayer was answered.

My good son, you suffer a lot for Me, you carry many burdens of others on your shoulders. You are an advocate for many in the spiritual world who are stuck in old patterns and need your prayer from the earth. I saved you from a bad flu. You earned this.

But my God, how is this possible? I make so many mistakes and so many things don't work. And I'm so messed up with praying and with immoderate living. And I'm burdened by all those thoughts that jump around in a million ways. I don't find myself very inspiring. It's just not enough.

My good son, My love is there for your life. My love is there for your efforts. For your goodwill, for your compassion for others. My love is there for your shortcomings and imperfections.
Is My love not enough?

I am really touched and I thank God thank God thank God. I feel the love, for my whole being, without having to do anything, learn anything, perform anything.

Be blessed, my good son.

My blessings to you all

No 487

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Mankind, stop reproducing

Would You like to comment on the following quotes from Patricia MacCormack (The Ahuman Manifesto *)?

 “Nothing strains the earth more than human reproduction. That is why it is time to think about other earthlings ”


“All I suggest is that we as a human species should stop reproducing. My wish comes from compassion. Compassion with the earth, and the earthlings. Also compassion for mankind ”

And so it is. Her remark that it is “time to think of other earthlings by not reproducing at all” is of course for her more a philosophical than a political manifesto. She does not advocate a totalitarian state in which reproduction is prohibited.

Man is indeed engaged in a thousand ways with the other earthlings. Which person on earth is not concerned with a garden, a beautiful tree, a river nearby or pollution?

But mankind as a whole has become an all-destroying, all-controlling, and all-wiping out earthling. And mankind propagates and grows and burdens the other earthlings such as the plant and animal world to such an extent that this cannot continue. And mankind is not intervening thoroughly enough.

That is why she argues for a very thorough end to this. And no more massive and excessive reproduction is a very reasonable wish. The fact that she receives so much criticism has more to do with being “an old school Gothic” and her touching one of the greatest taboos in mankind than with the reasonableness of her suggestions.

And as said before, because mankind is not working hard enough on this, Mother Nature will take on the correction.
Patricia MacCormack is blessed.

My blessings to you all

*Trouw, Dutch newspaper August 8, 2020

No 486

Sunday, 26 July 2020

Mankind for itself is the biggest outbreak ever

My God, I would like to return to the subject of viruses. I have just read David Quammen's book, Zoonosis, and I am actually baffled by what information he provides the reader on all scientific studies of zoonosis, the transfer of viruses and bacteria, as we speak from animals to humans.
There are a number of important phenomena that he describes, I will only mention a few, I am not going to do a book review here, of course, I choose what touched me or particularly struck me the most.

The plant, animal and human worlds are carriers of thousands of bacteria and viruses. And many are innocent or so deadly that they kill the carrier quickly and thoroughly, preventing a major outbreak, for the carriers have all died before they can transmit the virus, like Ebola in a remote African village.

And he describes the disturbance of the natural balance in nature, so that viruses and bacteria can suddenly show a major outbreak in the strangest places.
And he mentions the gigantic urge of men to travel and trade, through which viruses and bacteria can end up in the for them strangest places on earth (and get unprecedented new opportunities).
And he refers the huge crowds of people in markets and the trade in dead and live animals (farmed or taken from nature), making the jump from animals to humans so much easier.
He lists them all as conditions for the next major virus outbreak.

Quammen also describes how Sars, HIV, Q fever and dozens of other viruses work, break out on a large scale and are then be fought by man with all their might. Usually it works.
But we know that we are now in the midst of a Corona crisis, the end of which is not yet in sight. He actually predicts already this crisis in 2013, literally he says: (p 196),

If the virus (he's talking about Sars) had kindled another big city (he's talking about Hong Kong) - a more loosely controlled city, full of poor people and without excellent medical facilities - they probably couldn't have controlled this fire and had the virus, spreading like a blazing fire, be spread to a much larger part of mankind (Frenkie: this is my translation, I couldn’t find the English version on the internet and the pagenumber refers to the Dutch translation).

This is all just an introduction to my question. For the most shocking thing I find at the end of his book is his remark that man can actually be considered the greatest outbreak ever in the history of the earth, an all-destroying and predominant outbreak of an unparalleled. And by the way, of course, it fits perfectly with the purpose of his book, says Quammen kind:  “outbreaks are always rigorously and successfully combinated by mother nature with, among other things: viruses that quickly and relentlessly nip in the bud  such an outbreak (until now among animals)”.

Would You like to comment on that word outbreak that he uses for mankind so cherished by You?

I do so, my son.
The spiritual world does not use this word for mankind so cherished by Us. It fully fits indeed the God-made plan for the earth.
But mother nature is also very cherished by Us and We see what mankind is doing now. And We see the dead end that mankind is walking.

Outbreak is a term that is liked by biologists, who love the animal and plant world more than mankind. Man who populates the earth and has overcrowded it for almost two hundred years will cause so much destruction of plant and animal species and the greatest pollution ever of the whole environment.

You find it shocking to use the word outbreak for the excessively growing mankind and We don't find the term very loving.

Having said this, whatever we call it, it will be so. Because in the end it is not about what things are called but what is actually happening. And David Quammen describes the total vulnerability of mankind, the enormous risk of devastating virus outbreaks and the crisis that has barely begun for mankind.

God will receive in love all men who will leave the earth en masse prematurely and mother nature will use the almost complete destruction of her Body for a new explosion of life and variety of species. And then God and mankind and mother nature will contribute to a perfect harmony between mankind and nature. That's how it will go.
David Quammen is blessed for his insights.

My blessings to you all

No 485

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

Will mankind survive?

I want to ask you. Will mankind survive?
There are so many problems, the environmental pollution, the massive overpopulation. the Corona crisis, the economic consequences of the Corona crisis. Everyone is also so concerned about how we should proceed together? I find so many people so intensely concerned, and no one sees a way out, it seems. Will mankind survive?

And the end of the problems is not yet in sight.

What is your reaction when life becomes too difficult for you, when the problems are overwhelming you, when you no longer know what to do? And you've been through that a few times, My son, so you can speak out of experience. What did you do in those moments of crisis?

Ah, I already know to what you are referring to.
I underwent everything. I was living in the here and now. I prayed a lot. I asked you for strength. I was living day by day. I still tried to count my blessings. I tried to guard my inner self, and said to myself: "if you go down, you will be nobody of any use, and neither for yourself." So I tried to put everything into perspective and not let anything make me go crazy, as I called it for myself. Most importantly, I tried to live sober with everything because an excess of food or alcohol didn’t help me at all.

And so will mankind manage. She will make it, even if the difficulties get bigger, if the problems overwhelm mankind, if there seems to be no way out, then mankind will go through it, endure it, will come out of it all even stronger.
Rest assured My son, rest assured, the suffering of the world is not on your shoulders, but on Mine, and everything is happening according to the Plan.

My blessings to you all

No 484 

Sunday, 5 July 2020

Visit of the sick by God

My father had been silent by my bed for a long hour.
When he put on his hat

I said, well, this conversation
is easy to summarize.
No, he said, no not at all,
you should try it.

Judith Herzberg (poem no. 4501)

Do You think, good God, that You want to go into this?

I want so.

I sit with you and I am silent.
And often you don't respond or listen to My silence and presence.
And very often you don't speak to Me.
And then you summarize that you have been alone and that nothing has happened.

And now I say to you, good and dear and ignorant child of Mine:
You cannot sum up what happens between us.
You should try it.
But it is too great, too much, too important, too spiritual that you can understand anything.

I'm here. And I cherish you. And I love you. I hold you in My hand. I cherish your heart in My heart. You are in My bosom.
And everything is great, and spiritual and loving and imposing and eternal what happens between us.
And you human being are a living wonder of creation and evolution and of beauty and of possibilities.

You and your fellowmen don't realize it.
Man cannot summarize it.
It is too great what the Father-Mother God does.
It is too drastic, especially when We are at your sick bed.
Judith Herzberg is blessed.
My blessings to you all

No 483