Friday, 21 February 2020

God has many other things to do (Do You want to talk to me, I asked God, 1)

I was cycling home from work and it was storming and I felt bored a bit. A whole trip to go, I didn't want to think, the environment was what it was, I was cycling fast against the wind and I didn't want to pray either. So I asked God, would You like to talk to me, would You tell me a story? Of course I heard right away

Please My son, I always want to talk to you.

(When I got home, I had topics for six blogs. So now the first one)

I said to God, I would really like to know what You think about this, to be busy day and night with such a nuisance as I am. Oh no, of course you don't think so. I will get a very loving answer and that I must not name myself in this way: that I am a good person. But I hope for You that You also have other things to do and You don’t have to be busy with me only and stuff like that day and night. But how intensively are you actually dealing with me, because that seems frank to me, very boring and unpleasant for you.

My son, nothing what I do with you is boring or unpleasant. It is all a beautiful and wonderful task. I enjoy you, when you are lovingly active, or socially or when you feel calmly inside or live consciously or when you are open to me. Then I enjoy it all deeply.

I am working with you in attention, seeing everything and without judgment or impatience, if you are fickle, self-centered, short-sighted or primitive. Then I look at everything with attention.

But it is true that I am not busy with you all day long. Only three percent of My time I am actively involved with you and 97% of My time with other important matters.

That means that I do other things and continue to pay attention to you somewhere in an important corner of My consciousness. You can compare it, and I know you are not mistaken with this example, when a person walks with his dog in nature. Sometimes you are really occupied with your dog, but usually with other things, such as thinking, reflecting on events of the day, enjoying the beauty of nature, of a tree, of a flower, and somewhere in a corner of your consciousness you hold watch your dog.

And I don't mean some people who keep on pulling on their dog's leash all the time or yelling at their dog what they may and may not do. No, more the way you used to walk your dog, he ran free, you let him go his way, and very occasionally you actively interfered with him. Like now, now that I talk to you. So don't blame Me for this comparison and understand it in the right perspective. With all due respect to dogs, but I compare the relationship between My God and Its human being only in terms of attention with that of a human who walks with his dog.

I understand it correctly now God, I do not misunderstand. And what do You do with the other 97% if I may ask.

You  may so, My son, and you get a partial answer.

One half of the remaining time I am concerned with matters related to the earth, with fellow Sparks of God on earth, not all but according to Higher goals and plans, that is how We work for you all. And I am busy with the other spiritual beings around the earth, such as the guardian angels, the spirits of areas on earth and the devas of animals and plants.

The other half of the remaining time I am busy with things that you cannot comprehend, that cannot be explained to man. Take the simple comparison that it was also difficult for Einstein to explain his thoughts about the theory of relativity to a six-year-old boy who is just taking math lessons. It makes no sense, and it is not possible.

In the meantime, I am so competent, let's use this modern earthly term, that I will be fully available any time you want or need Me. Trust that.

Be blessed for your question.

My blessings to you all

No 472

Sunday, 2 February 2020

You serve God as well by serving man (Ramakrishna)

I had been very busy for a couple of weeks and I felt that I was not very concerned about God and praying and meditating. At a certain point I said to God: "I have neglected you very much lately."
And then I heard:

My son, you have not neglected Me. You are now in a period that you are dealing with Me through men. All your work, all your energy, all your attention paid to your work, to the people around you, you spend it on Me and I see that. And you have done a lot for Me, My son, lately, do feel reassured.

And afterwards my feeling of default was completely gone. I felt so blessed and so calm and treated with a great love. Oh, how I would grant everyone that peace, that trust, that closeness to God. Everyone has the love of God, I now know that. But also feeling it, really feeling it and feeling loved and accepted by a nearby God who does not judge but cherishes, who does not separate but binds, who is not far away but as near as your own body.
Thank You, My God, Thank You, Thank You, Thank You.

Be blessed, my son.
My blessings to you all

No 471