Sunday, 21 June 2020

Woe those who cause suffering on earth


In the end only three things matter: how much you loved, how gently you lived, and how gracefully you let go of things not meant for you (Sayings of the Buddha)

My God, would You like to comment on this?
My son, it is not necessary. Can the message of the good God to man be rendered more clearly, simply and more powerfully than by these words of the Buddha?

Yet I want to add this: woe to those who have seriously failed to love, to live gently, and to accept what life brought them. Woe to those who have caused death and destruction and sorrow and frustration and suffering to the world, to nature, to their fellow man, to their inner self. Woe to those and their painful path in the spiritual world.

Admittedly, they are received in the spiritual world with love and gentleness and acceptance. But it will be a tough acceptance. Their arrival will be like that, because God is loving and gentle and all-accepting.

But then their path of frozen and deranged personality, who has never listened to the gentle hints of God, the soul and the guardian angel, will necessarily be accompanied by grave sorrow, despair and regret. Woe to their great resistance to the confrontation with the suffering they have inflicted, and woe to their subsequent painful insights.
There is no greater suffering in the cosmos than the long-lasting suffering of agonizing feelings of regret.

For example, the Deva of the elephants awaits with wisdom and patience ànd with appropriate measures for the man living on earth now who is proud to have shot 20 elephants in 75 minutes. We foresee terrible suffering for him after what he has done.

But in the end, the laws of God will help them lost ones move from their hell to a life of love and light, but it will always be a very long and utterly painful path.

My blessings to you all

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