Sunday, 30 August 2020

Mother Nature's spectacular sacrifice

My God, I want to ask You.
Again about Mother Nature, about what is happening on earth now. 
It is utterly terrible and hopeless what is happening in nature, at the hands of mankind. I don't even have the appetite to mention it because it's been mentioned so many times in all sorts of blogs. But I mean, of course, the total pollution and destruction and the massively propagating destructive mankind. I'm sorry I've been a bit of a misanthrope lately. My burning question now is, "How does Mother Nature stand as a spiritual greatness in the face of all this. 

I know your question stems from feeling sorry for Mother Nature. Don't have that, my good son, because then you make Her small and human and victimized, and she's not. But I like to answer your question. 

She is a wonderful force and of great power, Mother Nature. She is a Spirit of incredible beauty and strength, and one of the main powers on earth. This age-old wise and patient spirit that works longer than you realize on the growth and flowering of nature on this lonely planet, knows of it all. And she's not surprised, she's patient. She sacrifices herself these last five hundred years and the centuries to come, and undergoes mankind and her works. She is in this all not a victim, but willingly and deliberately participating in the demise of her current rich state. She sacrifices herself because, while she cooperates with joy, she knows about the phase after. Now there is the phase of a mass birth of new spiritual beings who, as evolutionary monkeys, in Her bosom, may acquire eternity. It's an act of pure love. And She serves God and the planned harvest of billions of new evolutionary beings. That's one aspect of her decisiveness. Know, My son, that She is doing all this out of pure love for God and Its darling, man.

But there's more. Although She sacrifices Herself, seeing thousands of plant and animal species lost on earth for which She has worked for millions of years. And She is witnessing one of the greatest pollutions in the history of the earth.  But know that this is not the first Total Pollution. There have been devastating pollutions before, and not caused by mankind, and the evolution of the earth has already caused a great deal with heat waves, tidal waves or volcanic eruptions. This is the normal price of evolution on a planet.

But there is another side to the story that fits 100% into the "self-interest" of Mother Nature. This sacrifice now, this act of love, is always grandiosely rewarded by God. And Mother Nature knows this. She will create out of destruction a new nature, of such incredible beauty, you cannot realize that. This new nature will be accompanied by an explosion of new plant and animal species, literally at a higher level of energy than the current species. The species will be more refined, eat each other less and radiate more spiritual beauty. And so these new species themselves with Mother Nature will come closer to the paradise state of the spiritual world. For in the end, the Earth must become a planet of Light and Love with the highest energetic radiance possible on an evolutionary planet.

Perhaps I should give examples of  more “sophisticated” species? And know that I do so with the utmost love and respect without judgment of any kind about any species. Think of a palm tree compared to a beech tree.
Think of a grass compared to a rose.  
Think of a Tyrannosaurus Rex compared to a hummingbird.
Think of a path compared to a bird of paradise.
Think of a hyena compared to a fallow deer.

In other words, Mother Nature will use this total destruction as an instrument in her spiritual development towards a perfect world of Life in which no one or nothing will be eaten by each other. That is the state of a planet of Light and Love.  And in the meantime, she is looking forward to all her physical creations, the past and the present and the future. In Her eyes this all is a timeless and total explosion of life and love, in the name of God. 

My blessings to you all

No 488

Sunday, 23 August 2020

The love of God is enough

I am so busy and have so many people with problems around me that I , that’s how I feel it, let myself be walked all over lately. I have got a touch of the flu and one evening I am really afraid that I will be struck down by a severe flu, all the signs are there and all the symptoms too. Just before I get caught by a flu, I am always really down. In short, I don't feel up to life anymore and I sigh to God: `Oh my God, please don't let me get sick, I have to do so much at work and will really harm people when I call in sick, please please please don't let me get sick and give me some perspective because I don't feel up to anything at all anymore. `

You don't get sick. Do not worry.

After a mediocre night and an intensive day at work, I actually feel pretty good next evening, everything worked out on the day and I really feel more pleasure for life. I thank I thank I thank the good God that my prayer was answered.

My good son, you suffer a lot for Me, you carry many burdens of others on your shoulders. You are an advocate for many in the spiritual world who are stuck in old patterns and need your prayer from the earth. I saved you from a bad flu. You earned this.

But my God, how is this possible? I make so many mistakes and so many things don't work. And I'm so messed up with praying and with immoderate living. And I'm burdened by all those thoughts that jump around in a million ways. I don't find myself very inspiring. It's just not enough.

My good son, My love is there for your life. My love is there for your efforts. For your goodwill, for your compassion for others. My love is there for your shortcomings and imperfections.
Is My love not enough?

I am really touched and I thank God thank God thank God. I feel the love, for my whole being, without having to do anything, learn anything, perform anything.

Be blessed, my good son.

My blessings to you all

No 487

Sunday, 9 August 2020

Mankind, stop reproducing

Would You like to comment on the following quotes from Patricia MacCormack (The Ahuman Manifesto *)?

 “Nothing strains the earth more than human reproduction. That is why it is time to think about other earthlings ”


“All I suggest is that we as a human species should stop reproducing. My wish comes from compassion. Compassion with the earth, and the earthlings. Also compassion for mankind ”

And so it is. Her remark that it is “time to think of other earthlings by not reproducing at all” is of course for her more a philosophical than a political manifesto. She does not advocate a totalitarian state in which reproduction is prohibited.

Man is indeed engaged in a thousand ways with the other earthlings. Which person on earth is not concerned with a garden, a beautiful tree, a river nearby or pollution?

But mankind as a whole has become an all-destroying, all-controlling, and all-wiping out earthling. And mankind propagates and grows and burdens the other earthlings such as the plant and animal world to such an extent that this cannot continue. And mankind is not intervening thoroughly enough.

That is why she argues for a very thorough end to this. And no more massive and excessive reproduction is a very reasonable wish. The fact that she receives so much criticism has more to do with being “an old school Gothic” and her touching one of the greatest taboos in mankind than with the reasonableness of her suggestions.

And as said before, because mankind is not working hard enough on this, Mother Nature will take on the correction.
Patricia MacCormack is blessed.

My blessings to you all

*Trouw, Dutch newspaper August 8, 2020

No 486