Sunday, 18 October 2020

Every choice and every action contribute to your spiritual home

The pursuit of the ideal—the striving to be Godlike—is a continuous effort before death and after. The life after death is no different in the essentials than the mortal existence. Everything we do in this life which is good contributes directly to the enhancement of the future life.

Treatise103 section 5 (page 1134)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   My God, may I ask You. I was thinking about life and realized we actually choose all day long, for the small or the big, for the healthy or the unhealthy, for the good or the bad, for the loveless or the loving. And actually so to speak everything is really important and has big consequences. And at the same time, there should be no stress and tension and pressure and a sacred must, because then we become rigid fundamentalists. And then I also came across this quote from the Urantia book, which confirms that everything is really very important.  How do we reconcile all this?

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 It's a paradox, My son, and I like to comment on this. Especially since nowadays more than before people have come to believe that everything must be possible, so to speak the sacred individualism while at the same time everything has consequences, as We know.  How do you reconcile that all, and what is Our perspective from the spiritual world?  Here it  comes

First of all Our perspective because that determines your perspective, in the end. 

We view everything with great love, great patience and a lot of compassion. It is true that everything has permanently great consequences, and that you must always suffer the consequences of your actions, sooner or later. Even if you do so in the deepest secret, hidden in your own home, or in your inner self.  

But the consequences are just, the laws of God are simple and the hints of God to do the right endlessly and the patience of God as you goof, in a thousand times and endlessly.  So in a way, namely Our way, everything is fine, even if it's not fine. This sentence is very important, My son, 

everything is fine, even if it is not fine.

Because the consequences, the corrections, the perspectives and the correct course of action are already embedded in the failure to act properly. Unconditionally and accurately.   

And now your perspective.

So everything you do always has great consequences, because there is no sparrow falling off the roof and God will know of it. Everything you do is extremely important. It is literally a permanent building of your spiritual home. You are contributing constantly to your spiritual dwelling with all your thoughts, all your feelings and all your actions.

And if you come to realize that you can create a ruin, but also a spiritual palace, why contribute even longer to a ruin? What is the point of destroying life by your own actions, making life ugly, planning your own future suffering. Why would you still do so? 

I like to mention the remark of a married woman who mused about possible infidelity because she ran into a nice other man. She spoke the winged words: "When I consider what an anguish I call over my loved ones and myself when I go into this possible infidelity, I recline and realize that I am not in favour of it and do not want to do so”.  

And that would be a nice approach for all of you, if you deal with this paradox. Do you want to accept the consequences of your pernicious actions for the environment and for yourself? And if that's what you want and you are doing the pernicious thing, then it's fine as well. Not immediately, but it'll be fine later on, after some suffering. And that’s an euphemism.

My blessings to you all

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