My God, I read in a newspaper that Biden has this note hanging on his mirror. He lost his wife and child and later his adult son. Could You comment on this quote?
My son, why don’t you start?
Certainly, of course, as You prefer.
How can anyone disagree with this? If you are doing
well, you will continue to believe in the outer world and take everything for
granted and as a human being you will also believe that this is all thanks to
your own ability and will. But by now, I know better.
When you are tempted as a human being, you are drawn into your inner self. And then you see a lot of suffering and sadness but also hope and you will feel more inner strength. Yet I have noticed, this will always be the case, sometimes even in the deep valleys of despair. And than it seems as if you are making more contact with your faith, with the spiritual support you receive, you are going to feel that too, a comfort and love that comes from a spiritual source. Is this what You meant?
This will do. Yet there is something more about it.
In the dark, you're going to use different senses than your eyes. And in
physical terms you could say, with your eyes you see the world but with your
ears you hear God. And this is even more true in the case of spiritual
In the spiritual light, when you are happy, you see the beauty of life.
But in the spiritual dark, you can't see that, and then you can hear the beauty
of life. And that is the voice of God, the voice of the spiritual world, the
voice of your inner self, the voice of the eternal. Then faith gets the best
chance. That's why faith sees best in the dark.
Kierkegaard is blessed.
My blessings to you all
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