Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Our physical vulnerability is for 90 % absorbed by God

I experienced, that in a short time of a few weeks my body was quite ravaged, and only on the right side of my body. I sometimes dropped through my knee, I had some kind of pain all over my right side of my body as if I had burned myself, it was like a rheumatic pain in my bones and muscles, I sometimes didn't sleep at night. My whole skin hurt over there. I walked at home like an old man and had the greatest difficulty walking uprightly outside and not moaning, but of course I didn't want to let know someone else. On the skin of my entire right leg, large red spots began to appear, they looked like fire blisters, they felt a little bit like this, they were getting bigger and bigger and some of them produced pus.

In short, in a few weeks time I almost became a physical wreck. Of course, I went to search in my books and on the internet and understood that it had to do with my left hemisphere: principles, thoughts , rules, thinking, there seemed to be the trouble. In the end, it was only after a few weeks that I dared to ask God openly what was going on. For I had some suspicion, for some time ago I had promised God to live much purer and healthier in order to be more open to the spiritual world and to be able to mean more in my prayer life to those for whom I prayed. And I had certainly not kept my promise in recent months. I got the following answer when I asked God what the hell was going on because I knew so much: I didn't suffer from my body, my body was suffering from me.

My good and dear son, you have promised me quite decisively to behave more purely and more carefully with your body and not only have you failed to keep that promise, but you have certainly made a mess of it lately. We will not go into what you have done or failed to do in front of everyone, it is not someone else’s business. But this is what you did. And I have now given your body permission to fully respond to your "dis" behaviour. So to speak.

And do know that the consequences for your body are multiplied by My strength that I give you daily so that the result is even worse. For you are playing with fire, My son, My fire. And all this is not done to punish you, on the contrary, it is done to give you insight and show the correlations of life to you and to let you experience this all. It's a wake-up call. And I see the coin has fallen. The whole process is now stopped and that means that you will soon fully heal, the pain, the use of your bones and muscles, your skin, but also know that your body cannot do miracles, so the pain will disappear in the coming days but your skin will need at least three weeks to fully recover. And also know that this will not happen again.

And for you all, I would like to add this. This is not a personal story about Frenkie. For all people on earth this is the case: God and the spiritual world and the body itself and all the powers that serve the body are working day and night to absorb, heal, and soothe man's evil and immature behaviours. If this did not happen, you would almost all go through life as complete leprosies, totally disabled and severely mutilated. For you all live in great love and much is taken care of for you. 90 % of all the negative consequences is neutralized by the spiritual world.

And do not have an opinion about yourself or your fellow man if there is malformity or disability or illness, because in this blog a very specific situation has been treated. And other situations go with other backgrounds. Do not judge so that you are not judged.  

My blessings to you all

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