Sunday, 29 May 2022

If you know of the spiritual world, you should never become a pessimist yourself

Those who are privileged to have a knowledge of spiritual realities should never allow any kind of degree of pessimism to effect a lodgement within their beings. The power of the spirit is greater than any force that humans can command. Man can delay; man can hinder; man can impede. But he cannot prevent the descent of the mighty power of the spirit to fulfil its ordained plan*

My God, would You like to comment on this quote from Silver Birch

It is true My son but pay attention to 'a lodgement within their beings' otherwise it is not realistic. After all, we prefer that man says yes to all negative emotions because they deserve a place in human consciousness and also give a lot of information about man himself, his life and his lessons. But Silver Birch therefore mentions ‘a lodgement within their beings' . You may be pessimistic, but for a moment: do not really believe this emotion, this thought, this state of life, this attitude to life, do not attach yourself to it, do not make it a stayer.  

The basic attitude, the basic belief, the fundamental thought, the perspective is: you are carried in love, you are guided in love and cherished in love, even when the most terrible things happen to you. God is ready to help you immediately, to guide you permanently and to heal you when it’s time. So you may have pessimistic feelings only temporarily, don't let them wrap you up, don’t believe them.

The spirit of Silver Birch is blessed.

My blessings to you all

*Silver Birch “Light from Silver Birch” collected by Pam Riva

No 531

Sunday, 8 May 2022

Perfection is being the one God wants you to be

I read this interview*, well You will understand, this quote that did touch me. 

Would You like to comment on this?

I like this quote, My son.

Then we have tackled perfectionism right away, because that is a horrible human trait. Wanting to be perfect in one step, while man needs a thousand steps. It is unloving, unwise and pointless. And that seems contradictory. The perfect God wants you to be imperfect, namely just yourselves. Imperfect beings with shortcomings and faults, blind spots and weaknesses. Very good. If you are this and accept this, then God is a lot more confident about your happiness than if you don't want to be. And the pursuit of perfection is not bad in itself, holding up an ideal as a human being is a beautiful and inspiring guiding guideline for life. But it gets ugly when you confuse one step with a thousand or when you mistake one step too many or when you want to skip one step.

The pastor is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

*Interview in newspaper Trouw with Mariska van Beusichem, pastor

No 530