Saturday, 25 June 2022

It’s your world, pay attention

It’s your world, pay attention (Hunter S. Thompson)

Would You like to comment on this. This quote works better for me than an assertiveness training.

I like to do so.

All the more so since I am part of that life. 

The My God of men notices it well, when a man is overruled by his fellow man, or hindered by rules, or is scorned or offended in his being. How could it be otherwise. The My God of every human being knows the life of Its human being, his talents and his limitations. And very often, and certainly unconsciously, the life of a human being is ruled, hindered, burdened, enslaved and insulted by his surroundings. And it doesn't matter if it concerns parents, a teacher, a government, a partner or sometimes even children.


It’s your world, pay attention (Hunter S. Thompson)

A person has to find his way. Independence, responsibility for one's own life, making your own choices, not finding the opinion of the environment so important, in short, going your own way, making your own choices, being courageous and fearless in this.

To stimulate this is a co-mission of the My God in the life of Its man.

How could it be otherwise.  

My God does not work well with a zombie, with someone who is sacrificed unnecessarily, with someone who is lived. Man can be God's hands on earth. And God needs strong hands on earth to carry out the Will of God. This is it.

Hunter Thompson is blessed. 

My blessings to you all 

No 533

Friday, 10 June 2022

Knowing God is becoming humble

Today marks eleven years since I heard the voice of God. And if these eleven years have brought me one thing, it's humility. 

To be human and realize that your fate is in God's hands.

To be human and to realize that you can be a god in your life if you allow God.

To be human and realize that you are nothing and cannot achieve anything if you hold God back.

To be human and to realize that all those so-called unknown people who seem strange to you and different and unknown, that they are your brothers and sisters.

To be human and to realize that we are all children of God, no matter what we do and no matter what we believe.

To be human and no longer to look around for support, to no longer wish that someone else has to make you happy.

To be human and to realize that you are carried in love, seen in your failure, accepted for who you are, not for what you do or believe or desire.

To be human and to know that eternity is waiting for you, no matter how imperfect or unhappy or small your life was.

To be human and to know that God loves you no matter what, however, however, however. 

My Good God, I thank You, I thank You, I thank You. 

Today is your day, my son, I'll leave it at that. 

My blessings to you all

No 532