When the earth is ravaged and the animals are dying, a new tribe of people shall come unto the earth from many colors, classes, creeds, and who by their actions and deeds shall make the earth green again. They will be known as the warriors of the Rainbow Chief Tatanka
My God, this is what it is, the core of all Your future predictions. Comforting but also disturbing. Would You like to comment on this?
That's what I will do.
I have much to add to this, such as about the timetable, how intense it
will be for today's mankind, the animal and plant world, in short for mother
earth in general and for all the lifes
she has cherished in her bosom for millions of years. But I don't. A lot has
been said before in previous blogs, but of course never enough. I deliberately
limit myself here to two comments.
Chief Tatanka predicts a new tribe and so it will be.
This tribe will fully realize the harmony that the American Indians had
with nature but then as mankind as a whole. That will be the gift of the
She will have internalized the sense of community and equality of the
Chinese race. That will be the gift of the Chinese.
She will have realized the sense of independence and freedom of the
North American USA peoples. That will be the gift of the Americans.
She will live the brotherhood of the Russians. That will be the gift of
the Russians.
She will live an inner religion without priests and religions. That will
be the gift of the New Age.
She will live the emancipation of women in Europe. That will be the gift
of Europeans.
She will treat the animals and plants as her brothers and sisters. That
will be the gift of the lonely activists in the environmental field.
She will still live many talents and gifts of other peoples on the earth, does not let any “tribe” feel disadvantaged in this list.
And this new tribe will not be perfect, for I have said before that
mankind still has a long beautiful but difficult road to go before the earth
will have passed to a planet of Light and Love.
But so it will be and mother earth will then begin to evolve thousands of animal and plant varieties in the vast areas that will again be at her disposal on earth, as described in an earlier blog
Link https://watchthegod-english.blogspot.com/2020/08/mother-natures-spectacular-sacrifice.html
But more importantly, My son, and this is my second comment: this tribe will look back with incomprehension and horror at this time in which mankind behaves like an all-destroying, ruthless and cruel animal species. In the same way that you now look back on the history of slavery.
Meanwhile, take heart.
My blessings for you all
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