I learned that the world can only be endured if you decide to love it (Mevlüde Genç)
My God, may I ask You. I read this quote from a Turkish woman who experienced how two daughters and two granddaughters were killed in an arson by racists. And yet she has been an example of tolerance and love throughout her (further) life.
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This is then indeed a Christmas message, my son, while Mevlüde Genç is a Muslim. She has learned what love is and in a terrible situation still has chosen for love, and not for hate. I say chosen, because she herself says she can only tolerate the world if you decide to love it.
And this is the Christmas message for all people of good will.
If you start to realize that you choose all day, all day long, why not
choose the good? Is life that simple? Just choosing the good?
Yes and no.
No, because it is so understandable if a person becomes unhappy due to a bad upbringing, severe accident or a lot of bad luck and starts to hate life.
Yes, because you don't have to. Time and time again you start your life.
You choose again and again. Again and again you can ask yourself what is best
for yourself and for the other person.
And then is choosing for happiness more convenient than choosing for unhappiness. Then is choosing for love easier than choosing for hate. And then is realizing that you always choose is more drastic than feeling like a mere victim and blaming the world.
And such a world also becomes unbearable then.
Mevlüde Genç is blessed.
My blessings to you all
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