Saturday, 30 December 2023

There's always beauty around

Blessed are they who see beautiful things in humble places where others see nothing (Camille Pissaro)

Would You like to comment on this? 

Wise, true, and oh so simple truth. And know that life would be unbearable if man could not do it naturally. Finding comfort and hope and beauty in small or "humble" things around him. Life would become unbearable, and certainly too difficult and hopeless. For the difficulties of life can fly a man like wasps a glass of lemonade. But there is always beauty to be found there. So is My comment done with these wise words?

No, certainly not, because Camille Pissaro is referring to this: a person can always see more beauty than before, in humbler places than he thought, and in places that someone else passes by. And thus experience more support and comfort and perspective than he was already used to. So the message is rather that this is an endless process and that a person can see more and more.

And this can eventually lead to a wise and spiritual person saying: oh how beautiful this is, how can it exist? And how grateful I am to the good God, in spite of my misery and difficulties.

There is much beauty in the world, and it is only meant to create a beautiful environment for man in the making.

Camille Pissaro is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 561

Friday, 15 December 2023

The power of a loving heart

The God of love dwells in the one who loves, not in the one who is loved (Plato)

My God, would You like to say something about this? 

My Son, one of My favourite subjects! Of course I do.

First, a necessary correction. The God of love, of course, dwells in everything and everyone, and certainly in man on earth, who is endowed with free will and in man who is loved, and certainly also in man with a heart that can love.

In short, God dwells in everything and everyone.

It is one of My favourite subjects because God comes into Its own in a person who loves. Not necessarily in a person of faith, but in a person who loves. 

Every person who loves is very close to God, and God is very close to this person. And a loving heart can do much on earth.  

But first the heart, and if it works all the way according to God's plan, a loving heart. Miraculous instrument, magical organ, glorious part of earthly existence, glorious weapon against the devil, magisterial aid to sickness and destruction, addiction and disorder. Blessed heart. Healing and living and blessing and powerful organ. How much worse would the state of the earth be without the millions of loving hearts?

A mother who cherishes her child.

A child rescuing an insect.

A policeman who protects a vulnerable person from a criminal.

A soldier defending his homeland against unreasonable enemies.

A farmer who takes care of his land.

A shop assistant who treats her customers in a friendly way.

A manufacturer that takes good care of its employees.

A politician who works hard for his ideals. 

A caregiver who takes care of the ailing body of an old person.


Oh man, don't stare blindly at the wars and diseases in this world, at the natural disasters and injustices in countries, at your own suffering and sorrow.

All of that is certainly there. 

But there is much more.

And above all, there is the loving heart. 

Look around you and know that the loving heart holds the world up. 

Know that the loving heart is the comfort of the unfortunate and the salvation of many. Trust in the loving heart. 

And trust that the loving heart will prevail in these uncertain times.

For God dwells in a loving heart.

God cherishes the loving heart as a temple on earth.

God works best from a loving heart, and there is no other lasting victorious power on earth. 

Blessed be Plato. 

My blessings to you all

No 560

Saturday, 18 November 2023

My beloved child

My God, may I ask You. I followed a podcast in which Jan Geurtz talks about loving yourself. I was touched by it and for a few days I was so happy inside every time I thought about this. I felt the skin of my face light up, almost being pulled up to You instead of pulled down by gravity. I must have walked around with the smile of an old monkey. But in the meantime lighter, sweeter and happier, happier with and about myself. And that's for free. Everything was good and beautiful. And very doable, even all the difficulties, I looked at myself with all the acceptance and love and joy that is in me and I was surprised that what I once learned from You I now experienced so completely through the words of Jan Geurtz. Would You like to comment on this?

My beloved child, feel blessed. Be loved. Know that you are viewed with love and acceptance. Love yourself. Nurture yourself. Love yourself. Look at yourself with affection and room and know that you will be closer to God than ever. For that is how God looks at all of you, regardless of what you do and don't do, can and can't, try and don't try. Do you remember it over and over again, over and over again. And when you have forgotten it, you go there again, to that happy and loving look at yourself. And don't confuse this with the blunt selfishness of some people, because they don't love themselves at all, even if it seems that way.

Look at yourself with all that love and affection that you have in you and can muster for a small child, a sweet kitten or a flower. And then know that God rejoices because then man comes closer to God, and God gets closer to man. There is simply so much more possible in your lives with this loving attitude. The world would accelerate through its transformation, and it would be accompanied by less destruction and less suffering. Live the love for yourself.

Because it is closely linked to love for others and for the world. 

And if you forget this again, My son, remember again. It is the difference between night and day.

Jan Geurtz is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No. 559

Wednesday, 25 October 2023

Stupid behaviours lead to modesty

My good God, I was recently losing myself in the small, stupid and unhealthy attachments of life. I won't go into which ones they are, because that's not really that interesting. And when I had enjoyed myself so much, I sensed a great humility in myself. I don't have an inferiority complex, and I don't call myself a measly meaningless worm, but still. My self-image was : "oh what am I worth, how much can I do, how much do all the primitive forces in life have more to say about me than You God" I sighed. “What was I worth, what a wonderful stupid monkey I am".

Well, something like that. And in doing so, I experienced a smallness, a nothingness, and a nothingness, which gave me peace and a kind of simple sensation of relief. In any case, I wasn't exactly suffering from pride or great self-importance at the time.

And I thought of You and of the spiritual world and sighed, "What patience and love and power You have all to work with us. What a job for You All".

Well, I would ask You to comment on that?

My good son, My question this time is not "Has it brought you much, this behaviour? Did it help you, did you experience any good?" We park these questions, because they have been asked in other blogs. 

(Check )

And it is through: We are Patience, Love, Power. 

The Son of Man preferred to deal with tax collectors and whores, who knew a lot about the dark side of life but did not dare to think that God was thinking of them. He preferred to hang out with them rather than with priests and Pharisees who lived oh so righteously and knew very well everything about God and holy books and rituals.

Why do you think? 

The tax collectors and whores did not find much of themselves, were infinitely open to every straw of life, and Christ was indeed a straw of life, rather a rock in the surf. 

But the priests and Pharisees had a very high self-esteem and did not wonder anything. They were filled with self-importance, and had no questions, no need for support and counsel, and certainly did not want to hear anything new and painful, except to be confirmed very loudly that they were very special.

Every word of truth and love spoken by the Christ was absorbed and loved and internalized by the whores and tax collectors, but they were doubted and discussed and rejected by the priests and Pharisees. 

This is not a plea for sin and corruption, for addictions and songliness, but it is a plea for the wonderful works of God, Who in the poor in spirit and the oppressed and gloomy and the sick, the sighing and sinners, gets a lot of power and achieves much. And in the spiritual world, a whore with a big heart is welcomed with more joy than an icy cleric with a cold mind.

You were more open to Me after all your little stupid acts than before. I'd like to see that. Because with God, you can start over every day. 

The Christ said to the tax collectors and whores after a frank conversation: "Sin no more".

And almost without exception, they stopped sinning and became half-saints in life.  And the priests and Pharisees— ahh they crucified the Christ. 

Be blessed for your honesty. 

My blessings to you all

No 558

Saturday, 16 September 2023

Respect for fellow man

My God, may I ask You. I read a very nice interview with the writer Adriaan van Dis* and at one point, because he doesn't like to bump people's heads even when he is surprised about themselves, or their behaviour, he says this:

 "I like to leave people in their wonderful value"

I was very moved by this sentence and found it touching. Would You like to comment on

this ?


My son, this attitude towards people bears witness of a great caution but also a great amazement at the wondrous ways of man and how man views his own life. In fact, this amazement is that of the spiritual world at what man is able to do on earth, in his special evolutionary course from former ape to spiritual being. But more than that, this great  caution is that of God Itself, who views man, his free will, his gait, his self-importance, his inclinations and short-sightedness, his wrong choices and prejudices with respect and much love.

God likes to leave people in their wondrous value.

And if other things are needed in life, for the world cannot run on people and their wondrous value alone, then eventually the laws of God will correct things.

 Adriaan van Dis is blessed.  

My blessings to you all

No 557 




*Volkskrant, 19 augustus 2023

Friday, 25 August 2023

Frenkie visits a Sikh temple

Last week I had the opportunity to visit a temple of the Sikh's in The Hague. I have to confess to my shame that I really didn't know anything about the Sikh faith and so I went to the temple completely blank. I did know from the internet that I had to dress in such a way that my arms and legs were covered. There I would get a cloth to cover my head (hair). The men do this with a turban or simply a cloth. A very nice and helpful gentleman there showed me the way where I could take off my shoes, where I could wash my hands and then he knotted, I had to kneel before him because I am tall and he was small, an orange cloth around my head. Later I noticed that the men there either have a real Sikh turban on their head, and they happened to have a long and unshaven beard. Or there were men who went through life without a head covering in everyday life and who then wore such a headscarf tied up on the spot and these man usually did not have a beard or a short shaved beard, often young people.


Sikhism is a monotheistic religion. This means that one believes in one God. Sikhism originated in northern India in the early 16th century, started by the first teacher Guru Nanak Dev. It is an independent faith inspired by Hinduism and Islam but it has its own religious identity. The doctrines are laid down in the Guru Granth Sahib. This is the Holy Book for the Sikhs (Wiki).

All the men sat on one side and all the women, in the most beautiful robes and headscarves, in all the colours of the rainbow, sat on the other side. And fortunately we had a large screen in front of us where the text, sung by the Granthi (“pastor”), appeared in Punjabi (I understood later) and English. In the front of the large room was a kind of altar, under a skylight of daylight, covered with cloths and on the altar a big book with The Holy Word of God. That's all.

I found everything equally pleasant, friendly, open, hospitable and I experienced the atmosphere in the temple as incredibly serene. There seemed to be a great simplicity, with few rituals, and everything was focused on the word of God. What was that word of God then? I got a random text from the internet, which matches the many lyrics that were sung and mentioned in the temple that morning. I liked them very much, for sure actually always referring to: God is in us and we can communicate with God and try to live according to God's example. 

Well all the way to the atmosphere of the blogspot. An example:

Those who have the Lord as their Friend and Companion

tell me, what else do they need?

Those who are in love with the Lord of the Universe

pain, suffering and doubt run away from them.


jaa kaa meeth saajan hai sameeaa

this jan ko kahu kaa kee kameeaa|

jaa kee preeth gobi(n)dh sio laagee

dhookh dharadh bhram thaa kaa bhaagee.


(this Shabad is by Guru Arjan Dev Ji, in Raag Gauree, at Pannaa 186)

While I am in the service, I wonder if this religion is not one of the pure forms of religion on earth and is partly a forerunner of a time when churches and pastors have been abolished and religion is becoming a most individual communication between God (in man) and man?  I definitely hope to come back again.  

Would You like to comment on this?

My son, let us not judge whether one religion is purer and better than another, people are only going to get away with that.  

The Sikh faith is a reaction to the great richness of the Hindu faith and has adopted elements of Islam. So far. 

I would like to mention four important elements in this blog. Everyone can thinks his own.

ü  The most individual relationship between man and God in man. 

     Guru Nanak has laid the foundation for a pure tradition of seeking God, namely the living and approachable God in man.

ü  The search for the simplicity of life.

     The Sikh faith has nurtured the direct impact of religion on ordinary life and how that life should be lived all these centuries. Many cultural rituals and prejudices have been tried to be eliminated. Everything for man's individual relationship with God. Everything else is secondary. 

ü  The great respect for women and the equality of men and women.

Guru Nanak's assertion that the soul of the man and the soul of the woman are equal has meant that in everyday practice the Sikhs always went back to this core truth, when the sexes seemed to clash culturally.

ü  Room for devotion in everyday life.

Of course, every religion has the desire to inspire and influence ordinary life. That aspiration is everywhere. The Sikhs have succeeded in translating this into ordinary life in the purest way. How one deals with one's own life, with one's fellow man, with the responsibilities in society, with nature. This was and is always done with a lot of respect, a lot of attention and a lot of wisdom. 

 You have enjoyed yourself in this meeting. Go back again. 

And the aforementioned Shabad, the text of Guru Arjan Dev Ji, isn't that exactly what We have together, My son?

The Sikhs are blessed.  


My blessings to you all

No 556

Thursday, 27 July 2023

The difficulties seem to overpower us

My God, may I ask You?

I find life becoming more and more difficult, not because of my personal situation, for I am a happy person. But I also see it in people around me. There are so many concerns about the war, about the economy, about the environment, about the negative impact of the Internet on youth, about so on. I see that people are brooding, suffering from melancholy, looking up the future, expecting disasters. And so do I.

How do we keep this up?

And the farmer just ploughed on, your father told his family when there were difficulties and he saw that you were slogging too much into it. And that's what I'm saying to you now. You just have to keep going and I can't reassure you. It gets worse. 

And My only advice is: try to live as healthy as possible physically and mentally. Try to keep your inner peace. In the meantime, try to enjoy the beautiful things in life. And try to prepare yourselves for the worst thing that can happen to a human being such as disease, hunger, despair, sorrow, fear and destruction. Then it may not be so bad in your own life.

Have faith, have patience, be prepared because you do know neither day nor hour, live in the here and now, cherish beautiful memories and do not wallow too much in fear and worry. Live, live in the meantime, and comfort yourself with the words that the farmer just ploughed on. Great wisdom, great insight, great experience. Because that is what you have to do. Just keep going. Anyway.    

And in all cases, after your short-lived life of beauty and happiness, of uncertainty and difficulty, of opportunity and risk, a glorious life after physical death awaits you. Trust that. 

My blessings to you all

No 555

Friday, 30 June 2023

God helps you out

God's promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine. (David Nicholas)

Would You like to comment on this? 

How could it be otherwise?

The good God cherishes you day and night, the spiritual world wants nothing more than to protect you, support you, care for you, reach out to you, love you. And especially when you are in need and think you are on your own and feel lonely and abandoned, We literally do everything We can to protect and cherish you.

The deeper a person is in trouble and suffers and despairs,

ü  the more beautiful the helping hand that God offers,

ü  the more powerful the support,

ü  the more loving the guide,

ü  the greater the impact,

ü  the finer the energy offered.


And if you are very honest with yourselves, you must admit that you always immediately experience the support and the power sent.

The Catholics rightly say: "God makes the back for the burden".

David Nicholas is blessed. 


My blessings to you all

No 554 


Saturday, 10 June 2023

Jubilee, twelve years of revelations

Around 190,000 visits from more than 100 countries. Where am I after reveiving about 550 blogs in twelve years? So twelve years ago today, It began. It's what. Why don't I just call it messages and use the word revelation now?

Well, good question. I don't know the answer although when I read a blog again I am always impressed by the original, the simple, the uplifting or the amazing of the content. Just revelation.

And I stand by the statement in one of the first blogs (October 22, 2011) that the truth does not exist on earth and that there are gaps, errors and subjectivities in every revelation. I understood a maximum of 90 % truth. Well fortunately. If it ever turns out that there are serious errors in these blogs, I can say:

"Hey hello, I'm just a human, a messenger. My God is innocent, I just didn't listen hard enough, or I was in a groove on that subject, or I had a blind spot." 

In short, let everyone see for themselves what they do with the texts. I did my best.

I had resolved to quit after 12 years. Hasn't it been enough? Isn't it becoming a habit? Doesn't the concept get a little worn out? Hasn't everything been said? Shouldn't I do something else? Isn't it just getting stale?

Hey hey, it's something, and a female friend told me when I suggested it: "Frenkie, how can you say that, every blog is a great thing, a grace, a not obvious revelation. How can you say, stale? Aren't you a little too complacent about what you're going through here?"

And maybe she has a point. Maybe I should squeeze my skin and be surprised again at what is happening here. 

Would You like to  comment on this?

My son, I want so.

Your female friend is right. You have become complacent, you take everything for granted. You have come to think that everything is very ordinary, and no longer realize that you live under a great grace and are very blessed as a human being and that you are chosen. Yes, I use that word consciously. And obviously do not take life for granted, certainly it isn't. But that applies to the whole life of all people.

In that respect, you are just like all other 7.8 billion people. You take a lot for granted, which is not. Your health, your food, the abundant water, the functioning of your body and the beauty of nature. And by no means self-evident is the service of the spiritual world to your small and simple consciousness. You are living in a great miracle of grace and blessing.

And I ask you, My little friend, what do you want? To go on without Me, without My words, without sharing them with your fellow man? Do you think that will make you happy? Are you going to develop other hobbies, more fun hobbies perhaps. Do you have any wishes about changes to God's plans for man? Any suggestions?

By the way, don't think that this beautiful life task is a hobby of yours.  

Ah, My God, I say no more. I'm sorry. Behold Your servant. 

Be blessed, My overconfident child. Just go on.  

My blessings to you all

No 553

Thursday, 18 May 2023

The message of Ascension Day: we are pilgrims

My God, may I ask You?

Today in church during the sermon I heard these words. Although I haven't taken any notes, so I can't quote the priest* verbatim, it comes down to this:

The message of the Lord's Ascension is that we are pilgrims. We are on our way, we are in this world, but not of this world. Man has the promise of Christ that He will always be with us until the end of the world. But that man must regard this whole world as a place of pilgrimage, that we must not lose ourselves in the delusions of the day, that we are on our way, and that the promise of Christ is that spiritual life, eternal life, is the goal.

It is precisely during this period that it touches me very much. Around me and in myself, I see us losing ourselves in the fears and anxieties of life, the war in Ukraine, the destruction of the environment, the discord in society, and so on. And suddenly through these words of the monsignor that we are pilgrims, I make contact with You again, with the example of Christ, with the promise of eternal life. I realize again that this earthly valley of tears, which lasts only a maximum of 90 years for every human being, is only a path and not the goal. My heart is touched in this sermon, in this mass, and I reconnect with our real purpose on earth: never, ever forget that we are children of God, that an eternal and special life awaits us, that all this is only temporary and that we must remember it every time. 

Would You like to comment on this?

My son, man is a pilgrim, life on earth is only a beginning. The promise of the beauty, happiness, and perfection of eternal life make up for everything, truly everything you experience in difficulties, misery, and sorrows. Once you have arrived in the spiritual world after this temporary and brief phase on earth, all negativity, all sadness, all imperfections, all blockages are swept away. And your long and beautiful path is then perfectly paved to the house of God.

Ascension Day is the most beautiful holiday on earth. The Christ has lived for your future, lifted up the earth, paved the way to eternal life. The son of God has triumphed over the evil forces on earth and belittled them, enslaved them, dealt them a very great blow. Ascension Day is the greatest success experience of the greatest spiritual being that the earth has ever visited and was truly a great sacrifice. A son of God who immerses Himself in man and is willing to become the son of men. 

Great commission, great task, great sacrifice. 

And the priest calls you to remember that on this day.   

The monsignor is blessed.  

My blessings to you all

*Monsignor Ad van Luyn, Emeritus Bishop of Rotterdam

No 552

Sunday, 7 May 2023

How does one actually pray?

My God, may I ask You. I personally notice that people struggle with prayer and what they can and cannot ask for, especially when it comes to war, difficulties and misery. A friend said to me, "I'm not going to ask God to take care of me when I'm struggling, just like God doesn't take care of me though and like I'm rebuking God." Well, then I ask You, I of course want to respond to that.

Respond first, my son

I said to her, no matter how hard your life is at the moment, and how you pray or what you pray for, in all cases you open even more of a window to the spiritual world through which the spiritual world can better reach you. And God is certainly not offended if you ask “take care of me”, and will not say "Am I not already doing enough?"

Kind of.

So it is, my son, and although there is much to say about it, and in the blogs the subject of prayer has been discussed before, and some things may be repeated endlessly, this is it. 

When a person prays, he opens a window to the spiritual world, and thereby the spiritual world can serve him better, reach him better, influence him more strongly, achieve more than if a person does not pray.

And that is not because God does not know exactly when what is needed on earth, but because man, from his free will, then contributes more to the cooperation between God and man. Prayer is strengthening this cooperation. Shorter and better and more powerful We can't bring it. So you have spoken to your female friend well and honestly and purely. Keep up the good work, my Son. 

My blessings to you all

No 551

Sunday, 9 April 2023

The love for fellowmen

My God, a columnist in my newspaper* wrote:

 "Blessed are those who have people around who suffer from their suffering"

Well, this man is a rabid atheist who can't resist fulminating against faith. At the same time, as a nursing home doctor, he has a very big heart and a lot of love for fellow human beings. And writes beautifully about  life and suffering of man and he does so with great compassion. This article is about the suffering person and ways to relieve or shorten that suffering. And he ends with this sentence, which really moved me.

Would You like to comment on this?

My son, I love to. For the spiritual world loves people who have their hearts in the right place and are listening to it as much as possible. This doctor witnesses a lot of suffering and especially among sick and old people. And because he does not believe, he seeks comfort insofar as there is in earthly and human matters. And this is one.  

"Blessed are those who have people around them who suffer from their suffering"

The man who is allowed to experience this in his suffering experiences the love of people who care about him. A great good and a great happiness, which not everyone has. There are many people suffering who have no one who feels sorry for them.

Yet this can also be a merit of that person himself: if one gives a lot of love to one's fellow man, one may also be able to get a lot of love back in need. 

And there's another important thing this columnist isn't working on. One can also sympathize and pity someone by praying. And especially people who have no one and yet suffer can benefit greatly from people who pray for them.  

And fortunately, there are also many people on earth who pray for the suffering man in general and thus leave it to the spiritual world for whom that prayer is then intended. And in previous blogs I have already explained 


 that it is not the case that God only takes action when prayers are offered. But more that prayer creates an extra channel through which the spiritual world can mean more to those on earth who need it.

In response to a quote from an atheist columnist, God says: give love to the other. And I also say: pray, pray, pray, even if it is for strangers, for disasters or unknown misery. Each prayer is an additional tool for the spiritual world to relieve and to  support earthly man.

And for those who pray may know: every prayer is a flower on your path after death to your spiritual destiny. 

Blessed is Bert Keizer.  

My blessings to you all.

No 550


*Bert Keizer, Trouw, 31 March 2023

Sunday, 19 March 2023

Love for oneself

I had a nice meeting with a very good therapist/psychologist. I struggled with nightmares and a tendency to live more unhealthily than I know is good for me (alcohol, sweets, meat etc). And after my introduction of my problems, she asked me, "How would the spiritual world receive you if you arrived upstairs now?". I was stunned by her question because I was far from ready for that. Despite the inspiration of the blogs and my conversations with a living God, I still had so much to learn and unlearn. I thought. Because of her question, I suddenly made full and total and also almost physical but certainly in my heart contact with how I would be received. I realized in total love and acceptance.

Without reproach, without judgment, in total love. Suddenly I felt again what it is like to come home into yourself inside. I was good as I was, I didn't have to change anything, I certainly didn't have to be perfect. The days after, oh certainly not every day, but when I recalled this conversation and especially her comment, that it was a choice, an attitude aspect, an attention to myself, which I could choose at any moment, then it was there again: the peace, the silence, the acceptance, the love for myself,  The space, not anymore having to, not wanting anymore, realizing that I was so good enough. Good enough. That I could be there, as I was. That I could stop striving for perfection. Oh what a wonderful realization. I found myself humming inside, with pure satisfaction. Boy oh boy.  

Would You like to comment on this?

My good faithful naïve son, isn't all this contained in My words "Be assured"? This meeting has given you a final nudge in the right direction. This is how a nice meeting with a wise person can turn out.  

Total acceptance, total reassurance, total love. For yourself, and automatically for others. And know that you are then very close to Me. And that I can be so very close to you. Because with that acceptance and that love, God looks at man. 

Your therapist is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 549

Saturday, 25 February 2023

Fundraising for publicity and publication book

FUNDRAISING for publicity and publication first book blog 1-100, and blog 101-200 in Dutch and English. Blog 575 is yet published on the internet.

My name is Frank van Rooij and eleven and a half year ago I experienced an epiphany. In 2011, during a visit to a small chapel in Leiden, I suddenly heard a voice. It was not my conscience, or a guardian angel, or a guiding spirit. The voice claimed to be God, the God in my inner self. And the experience didn't stop at this revelation. After my visit to the chapel, the voice came back and I started having regular conversations with It. Because I realized that the words might be coloured by my own thinking, I called the presence behind the voice "My God". However, the voice regularly assured me that "My God" and God were one.

The answers to my questions, and the reflections I received on events of my life were so intense, striking, and surprising that pretty soon I started to turn every conversation into a report, as I didn’t want to forget anything. A few months after the initial revelation, "My God" suggested posting the reports on the Internet. I hesitated, because at the time I held a certain social position and was reluctant to burden it with possible criticisms.

Still, after some time I started a blog and a twitter account, using the pseudonym Frenkie Oosterveen. My dear mother's maiden name. I also came up with the name "Watchthegod", which also became the title for my blogs. Initially I wrote and tweeted in Dutch, but after about two years I started a separate blog in English. The number of page visits increased steadily. After eleven and a half years, the counter of the Dutch blog is at 128,229 and that of the English one at 78,235 visits. The blog was accessed from more than 100 different countries.

In the meantime the blog has grown to more than 575 reports of conversations with "My God". In short, they are about the meaning of life and the difficulties that a person may encounter on their life path. The various topics include life on earth, life after death, the guardian angel, the power of prayer, the spiritual support of man, what happens during a church service, God Itself, of course, and Its servants, the state of Mother Nature, and many other subjects.

The blog can be read freely by anyone. From the beginning it was clear to me who the texts are meant for, and I have also received confirmation about this from "My God". The texts are meant not for those who are satisfied with what they think and believe, but specifically for those who are seeking, who have become disappointed in the servants of God on earth or in the religion of their youth. They are for people who know there is something, but cannot always find it in their own faith; for people who are dissatisfied with the way their environment deals with things; and for those who like to read between the rules of life. Finally, they are intended for those who still have questions based on their faith or beliefs, and who may be able to find the answers to these questions in these blogs.

Given the widespread interest in the blogs, I decided to assemble the reports of the first 100 conversations in a book. This first series has been edited with the greatest respect for the original texts into which those conversations were converted. The Dutch texts were edited by a scientist of religion. After that, two translators, one of whom is a native speaker of English, edited the English versions. In the meantime, the redacted texts will soon be posted on the blog instead of the original texts on the internet. This will be mentioned at the end of the blog.

In my sincere experience, I am only a messenger. The messages of My God are full of tolerance, wisdom, love, and open-mindedness. If this book offers the reader even one new insight, one new thought, or one new subject worth considering, my dearest wish will have been achieved.

In the meantime, I have invested € 13,750 out of my own pocket on PR and paying the editors. Fundraising can help me take the next step. 

In addition, I worked an average of eight hours a week on the blogspot for almost twelve years, but of course I did it for free. This has been an honour for me to be able to do this. Still about 5000 hours.

Will you help me with further PR and the publication of the first book, please?  And if you do this, no matter how small your contribution, please send me an email so that I can thank you personally. You are amazing. 

Frank van Rooij  

IBAN NL 37 TRIO 2300 5284 87


No 548

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Guard and cherish your inner self (2)

My God, I woke up last night and knew that the previous blog was getting a sequel. It’s up to You. 

And a not insignificant sequel.

Because things are sometimes very black and white, what about this:

This inner temple, to be guarded by yourselves, gives access to God. God reaches you better when you build a pure temple, for actually this temple is the house of God within you. And if the temple is polluted by social media, I say, you will weaken something substantial and lasting in your lives. This is about the access to God, the relationship with God, the possibilities of God to reach you, to work through you. After all, this is how you can be the working hands of God on earth. How necessary.

And this strong temple is different from the ego. The temple is your eternal spiritual body that survives after death. While the ego is just a tool that has been spoken of enough in other blogs, I now let that rest. 

The stronger and more beautiful and sustainable the temple, the greater your resilience, the more independent your choices against the issues of the day. And that is why the actual communication to you in this blog is the following. 

Social media are a revolution in the world with unprecedented potential, but this potential can go into a sacred and into an unholy direction. Here we are briefly tuned into the unholy side, this one aspect of confusing turmoil. Social media then become a burden for all of you. A penetrating, viral burden, an unconscious disturbing influence. And as mentioned, they often weaken your temple and therefore your inner security.

And so the incarnated unholyness, call it the devil, wanders around on your earth.

He poisons not just the youth with materialistic influencers, addictive games, with sometimes wicked raps, with confusing and superficial fake facts, with often nonsensical conspiracy theories. And so the devil is more powerful than ever. And he has greater influence than you realize, also and precisely because you no longer believe in his existence.

Devilish madness, of which parents have no realization, which tempts young people to carry weapons, to outdo each other in suicidal games, which throws depressing delusions around, and ideal images that no one can live up to anymore.

The devil has been released on earth for a while, haunting, and hardly anyone sees it. He will have his time, but fortunately his power is temporary. God takes care of that.

But know what is happening and be vigilant.  

My blessings to you all

No 547

Friday, 20 January 2023

Guard and cherish your inner Self (1)

My God, may I ask you. I came across this quote from Montaigne in an article in my newspaper about a biography of Michel de Montaigne written by Stefan Zweig:

Take care of yourself, save within you what can be saved. Build while others are destroying, try to be wise in the midst of all the madness. Shut down. Build your own world. 

His words seem more relevant than ever.

My son, they are no more relevant than ever. The world is no worse than it was 100 or 1000 years ago.  But his words may be placed on a golden scale. Because there is one very big difference with earlier times. Now you are also bombarded by social media with the delusions of the outside world in the intimacy of your own living room, in your easy chair or warm bed. And that wasn't the case before.  

And you do not realize how much the dynamic, hard, exciting outside world, and certainly the mass media with their focus on suffering, sensation and panic, thunders hard into your safe inner world and worries you and emotionally puts a lot of strain on and disadvantages you. And that day and night. We find it intense for you.

That is why you should cherish his words, build your own inner world, protect yourself from the issues of the day, build your own safe and protected inner temple where no one is allowed to go uninvited. Guard your own inner fortress. For when you die, that is the only thing you take with you to the spiritual world. And the stronger and healthier the fortress, the more powerful the start in the spiritual world.

And this fortress is affected by the social media not strengthened.

Montaigne is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 546