Friday, 20 January 2023

Guard and cherish your inner Self (1)

My God, may I ask you. I came across this quote from Montaigne in an article in my newspaper about a biography of Michel de Montaigne written by Stefan Zweig:

Take care of yourself, save within you what can be saved. Build while others are destroying, try to be wise in the midst of all the madness. Shut down. Build your own world. 

His words seem more relevant than ever.

My son, they are no more relevant than ever. The world is no worse than it was 100 or 1000 years ago.  But his words may be placed on a golden scale. Because there is one very big difference with earlier times. Now you are also bombarded by social media with the delusions of the outside world in the intimacy of your own living room, in your easy chair or warm bed. And that wasn't the case before.  

And you do not realize how much the dynamic, hard, exciting outside world, and certainly the mass media with their focus on suffering, sensation and panic, thunders hard into your safe inner world and worries you and emotionally puts a lot of strain on and disadvantages you. And that day and night. We find it intense for you.

That is why you should cherish his words, build your own inner world, protect yourself from the issues of the day, build your own safe and protected inner temple where no one is allowed to go uninvited. Guard your own inner fortress. For when you die, that is the only thing you take with you to the spiritual world. And the stronger and healthier the fortress, the more powerful the start in the spiritual world.

And this fortress is affected by the social media not strengthened.

Montaigne is blessed. 

My blessings to you all

No 546

Sunday, 1 January 2023

You are children of the earth and are becoming children of the Stars

My God, This quote I probably got from You? Would You like to comment on this at the beginning of a new year

My son, that's what I like to do. You are evolutionary creatures, children of earth and, like all other beings such as plants and animals, you would be absorbed into the spirit of your species after your physical death, but would not survive individually. That's how it was. 

Because you have developed your own individual will through evolution, God lives within you. The individual gift of God to you earthly beings is called the spark of God, My God, Atman and whatever else all religions have come up for names of the indwelling God.

Since then, you have been able to survive as an individual being after physical death, and have become children of the Stars. And this process has been exceptionally facilitated by the arrival of the Son of man on earth. The World of Stars is now completely open to you. Christ not only made the gates of eternity more accessible, but lubricated the hinges and the locks and made the gate of heaven luminous, and paved the way to it and made the path more visible.

All religions, without exception, have been pointing for ages to this gate and to the possibility of attaining eternity. All religions have received and proclaimed revelations that have paved, facilitated, and explained the way to heaven. And all religions on earth promise this one thing: You man can become children of the Stars, even if it is formulated differently by each religion.

In this new year, repeat this saying "I am a child of the earth and become a child of the Stars", make it a mantra, consider it and discuss it with your fellow human beings and all will feel the light in their hearts, the hope in their being and the energy of the Stars. The path is thus levelled even more and so you all, children of the earth, become childeren of the Stars even earlier, and faster and better and with more certainty.  

My blessings to you all

No 545