Saturday, 25 February 2023

Fundraising for publicity and publication book

FUNDRAISING for publicity and publication first book blog 1-100, and blog 101-200 in Dutch and English. Blog 575 is yet published on the internet.

My name is Frank van Rooij and eleven and a half year ago I experienced an epiphany. In 2011, during a visit to a small chapel in Leiden, I suddenly heard a voice. It was not my conscience, or a guardian angel, or a guiding spirit. The voice claimed to be God, the God in my inner self. And the experience didn't stop at this revelation. After my visit to the chapel, the voice came back and I started having regular conversations with It. Because I realized that the words might be coloured by my own thinking, I called the presence behind the voice "My God". However, the voice regularly assured me that "My God" and God were one.

The answers to my questions, and the reflections I received on events of my life were so intense, striking, and surprising that pretty soon I started to turn every conversation into a report, as I didn’t want to forget anything. A few months after the initial revelation, "My God" suggested posting the reports on the Internet. I hesitated, because at the time I held a certain social position and was reluctant to burden it with possible criticisms.

Still, after some time I started a blog and a twitter account, using the pseudonym Frenkie Oosterveen. My dear mother's maiden name. I also came up with the name "Watchthegod", which also became the title for my blogs. Initially I wrote and tweeted in Dutch, but after about two years I started a separate blog in English. The number of page visits increased steadily. After eleven and a half years, the counter of the Dutch blog is at 128,229 and that of the English one at 78,235 visits. The blog was accessed from more than 100 different countries.

In the meantime the blog has grown to more than 575 reports of conversations with "My God". In short, they are about the meaning of life and the difficulties that a person may encounter on their life path. The various topics include life on earth, life after death, the guardian angel, the power of prayer, the spiritual support of man, what happens during a church service, God Itself, of course, and Its servants, the state of Mother Nature, and many other subjects.

The blog can be read freely by anyone. From the beginning it was clear to me who the texts are meant for, and I have also received confirmation about this from "My God". The texts are meant not for those who are satisfied with what they think and believe, but specifically for those who are seeking, who have become disappointed in the servants of God on earth or in the religion of their youth. They are for people who know there is something, but cannot always find it in their own faith; for people who are dissatisfied with the way their environment deals with things; and for those who like to read between the rules of life. Finally, they are intended for those who still have questions based on their faith or beliefs, and who may be able to find the answers to these questions in these blogs.

Given the widespread interest in the blogs, I decided to assemble the reports of the first 100 conversations in a book. This first series has been edited with the greatest respect for the original texts into which those conversations were converted. The Dutch texts were edited by a scientist of religion. After that, two translators, one of whom is a native speaker of English, edited the English versions. In the meantime, the redacted texts will soon be posted on the blog instead of the original texts on the internet. This will be mentioned at the end of the blog.

In my sincere experience, I am only a messenger. The messages of My God are full of tolerance, wisdom, love, and open-mindedness. If this book offers the reader even one new insight, one new thought, or one new subject worth considering, my dearest wish will have been achieved.

In the meantime, I have invested € 13,750 out of my own pocket on PR and paying the editors. Fundraising can help me take the next step. 

In addition, I worked an average of eight hours a week on the blogspot for almost twelve years, but of course I did it for free. This has been an honour for me to be able to do this. Still about 5000 hours.

Will you help me with further PR and the publication of the first book, please?  And if you do this, no matter how small your contribution, please send me an email so that I can thank you personally. You are amazing. 

Frank van Rooij  

IBAN NL 37 TRIO 2300 5284 87


No 548

Tuesday, 21 February 2023

Guard and cherish your inner self (2)

My God, I woke up last night and knew that the previous blog was getting a sequel. It’s up to You. 

And a not insignificant sequel.

Because things are sometimes very black and white, what about this:

This inner temple, to be guarded by yourselves, gives access to God. God reaches you better when you build a pure temple, for actually this temple is the house of God within you. And if the temple is polluted by social media, I say, you will weaken something substantial and lasting in your lives. This is about the access to God, the relationship with God, the possibilities of God to reach you, to work through you. After all, this is how you can be the working hands of God on earth. How necessary.

And this strong temple is different from the ego. The temple is your eternal spiritual body that survives after death. While the ego is just a tool that has been spoken of enough in other blogs, I now let that rest. 

The stronger and more beautiful and sustainable the temple, the greater your resilience, the more independent your choices against the issues of the day. And that is why the actual communication to you in this blog is the following. 

Social media are a revolution in the world with unprecedented potential, but this potential can go into a sacred and into an unholy direction. Here we are briefly tuned into the unholy side, this one aspect of confusing turmoil. Social media then become a burden for all of you. A penetrating, viral burden, an unconscious disturbing influence. And as mentioned, they often weaken your temple and therefore your inner security.

And so the incarnated unholyness, call it the devil, wanders around on your earth.

He poisons not just the youth with materialistic influencers, addictive games, with sometimes wicked raps, with confusing and superficial fake facts, with often nonsensical conspiracy theories. And so the devil is more powerful than ever. And he has greater influence than you realize, also and precisely because you no longer believe in his existence.

Devilish madness, of which parents have no realization, which tempts young people to carry weapons, to outdo each other in suicidal games, which throws depressing delusions around, and ideal images that no one can live up to anymore.

The devil has been released on earth for a while, haunting, and hardly anyone sees it. He will have his time, but fortunately his power is temporary. God takes care of that.

But know what is happening and be vigilant.  

My blessings to you all

No 547