My good God, I was recently losing myself in the small, stupid and unhealthy attachments of life. I won't go into which ones they are, because that's not really that interesting. And when I had enjoyed myself so much, I sensed a great humility in myself. I don't have an inferiority complex, and I don't call myself a measly meaningless worm, but still. My self-image was : "oh what am I worth, how much can I do, how much do all the primitive forces in life have more to say about me than You God" I sighed. “What was I worth, what a wonderful stupid monkey I am".
Well, something like that. And in doing so, I experienced a smallness, a nothingness, and a nothingness, which gave me peace and a kind of simple sensation of relief. In any case, I wasn't exactly suffering from pride or great self-importance at the time.
And I thought of You and of the spiritual world and sighed, "What patience and love and power You have all to work with us. What a job for You All".
Well, I would ask You to comment on that?
My good son, My question this time is not "Has it brought you much, this behaviour? Did it help you, did you experience any good?" We park these questions, because they have been asked in other blogs.
(Check )
And it is through: We are Patience, Love, Power.
The Son of Man preferred to deal with tax collectors and whores, who knew a lot about the dark side of life but did not dare to think that God was thinking of them. He preferred to hang out with them rather than with priests and Pharisees who lived oh so righteously and knew very well everything about God and holy books and rituals.
Why do you think?
The tax collectors and whores did not find much of themselves, were
infinitely open to every straw of life, and Christ was indeed a straw of life,
rather a rock in the surf.
But the priests and Pharisees had a very high self-esteem and did not
wonder anything. They were filled with self-importance, and had no questions,
no need for support and counsel, and certainly did not want to hear anything
new and painful, except to be confirmed very loudly that they were very
Every word of truth and love spoken by the Christ was absorbed and loved and internalized by the whores and tax collectors, but they were doubted and discussed and rejected by the priests and Pharisees.
This is not a plea for sin and corruption, for addictions and songliness, but it is a plea for the wonderful works of God, Who in the poor in spirit and the oppressed and gloomy and the sick, the sighing and sinners, gets a lot of power and achieves much. And in the spiritual world, a whore with a big heart is welcomed with more joy than an icy cleric with a cold mind.
You were more open to Me after all your little stupid acts than before. I'd like to see that. Because with God, you can start over every day.
The Christ said to the tax collectors and whores after a frank
conversation: "Sin no more".
And almost without exception, they stopped sinning and became
half-saints in life. And the priests and
Pharisees— ahh they crucified the Christ.
Be blessed for your honesty.
My blessings to you all
No 558