Saturday, 20 January 2024

Trust the greater Self

Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle (Christian D. Larson)

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Don't many blogs actually say something about this? But I am happy to go into it because it contains just about everything that the spiritual world is asking from man.

Trust, trust, trust.

Hope, hope, hope.

Lean on Us, build on Us, know that We are there.

Your Sparks of God, your souls, your guardian angels, the spiritual world, your spiritual coaches, your angels on your path, your heart, your spiritual body.

In short, trust, trust, trust.

All will be well, here or later, on earth or in the spiritual world. 


Endure the misery, know that it is temporary, hope for a better life. Say yes to your pain, your sadness, your unhappiness, your fears, your problems. In the end, everything is surmountable and in the spiritual world you will sigh "maybe a little more misery would have been better".

Christian Larson is blessed.  

My blessings to you all

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