I am driving in my car and am more or less forestalled by another diver. I loudly exclaim "Shithead" and mumble a few more words. Then I remember God and say: "Sorry about that. Will You bless this driver?"
He is blessed. And thanks for your question. We are very pleased with it. Blessings.
Can you explain why You are thanking me?
This man was driving recklessly in the traffic and with this speed it could lead to a colission and worse, personal injury. That's bad enough. By actually scolding him as well, you are increasing the negativity already present. Thereby the process is even escalating further. From an energetic perspective this is almost war. By remembering God and earnestly asking God to bless this situation, the following took place. Your negative reaction was neutralized and the escalation process stopped and dissolved. Moreover, this man became truly blessed in his way of driving. This will deliver him experiencing a certain hesitation or even resistance in continuing with his egocentric and reckless driving. So there will be a little chance he will hesitate in continuing such behaviour.
But even more important: because your negative reaction was neutralized,
his bad driving behaviour did not become enforced.
Do not confuse this with healthy assertive behaviour, that's
a different situation. But I'm talking on processes you are modifying
from within the intimacy of your car.
Thank you for your understanding. I see the penny has dropped.
My blessings to you all
Nr. 2
Nr. 2