Sunday, 30 September 2012

The suffering of the world (3), mankind

Indescribable is the suffering of man, in size, depth and the suffering is unbearable.

The dying baby in the arms of a desperate mother, starving children in the dry desert, a in pain screaming and dying cancer patient, by sadists tormented prisoners in a concentration camp, tortured people, desperate psychiatric patients, dejected suicides.
Indescribable is the suffering of mankind, from a human perspective.

From the divine perspective, everything is different. We have a helicopter view and see more than what man is experiencing in his suffering, more than a horrible present.
We see the whole process, the backgrounds, the causes, the ingredients of suffering, the usefulness, the impact, the learning moments, the benefits, the necessary aspects of suffering. We are seeing more than the present:

  • Suffering caused by man himself with his addictions and materialism. Someone gets an ulcer by overwork and too much coffee. A person is becoming incontinent, because of prolonged sexual abuse. Someone gets a paraplegic by reckless driving. Someone dies alone, because he lived like a miser.
  • Suffering caused by humans, associated with attachments and wrong thinking. Someone is getting mad because he was too concerned with himself. Someone is unhappy, because he was demanding too much from life. Someone is depressed, because he doesn’t believe anymore to get support from God. Someone is developing fears, because he doesn’t dare to trust life.
  • Suffering, inextricably linked with the evolutionary world. Man, through experience growing from beast to spirit. The waves of construction and destruction, belonging to evolution. The growth of a rock in the cosmos to a spiritualized planet of perfect happiness is asking of course "some corrections". Species, which are mutating from savagery to refinement by crisis and opposition. A world evolving from coarse materiality to subtle energies. Life itself growing from monotony to endless variety and richness of forms.
  • Suffering of mankind, because he is growing from 100,000 to 7 billion people by innocence and relentlessness. Houses built nearby a river, swept away, where centuries long natural water could go ahead. People who live at the foot of volcanoes and think that it will last their time. People who are cutting down trees on hills, regardless of the consequences of erosion. People who are eating unnatural foods, are living and relaxing unnaturally, and then catch viral infections, cancers and tumors. Nature and the future will rectify this all necessarily.
  • Suffering of mankind, because he does not see that effort, difficulties, setbacks, misfortune, sorrow and suffering do have a hidden function. Namely breaking old patterns. The deepening of the inner life. The breaking down of identifications. Increasing empathy. The enrichment of the heart-life. The refining of thinking. Letting go of old patterns. The crisis, which forces people to ask themselves what is important. A cleansing, physically and spiritually. How many people do not admit they made lemon brush out of lemons, they made a virtue of necessity, they changed misery into a blessing?
But in addition the spiritual world is helping in a thousand ways, is handing over resources to people, prompting, energy, support, and inspiration to bear the suffering.

See a Korean life
and a Somalian life  .

And the spiritual world knows all suffering is temporary, will pass, a time will come one will be almost happy with his suffering, because it has brought him so much.
And God and the spiritual world are giving man all proofs of love and awe of help and support, of subtle correction and loving guidance, of comfort and grace, of love and understanding.

Man is receiving from God, the great promise to the temporal and evolutionary man: to be saved for eternity in love. To offer man an eternal life by building a spiritual body, during his earthly life.

This spiritual body will proceed after physical death, in happiness, in joy and in love.
This spiritual body is already built from conception, through My God and the “own” soul.
This spiritual body will be welcomed after physical death with love, will be cleansed with love, will be blessed with love, will be healed with love.
With love this spiritual body will sent further on the way to the Father-Mother home, to God himself.

The suffering is temporary, but God is eternal and Its human race will be as well.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 108

Saturday, 29 September 2012

The suffering of the World (2), Nature

God is love.

With love, everything is fed with spiritual energy.
With love, new mutations are conceived, realized and supported.

With love God (with the spiritual world) is considering the explosion of species.
With love God is supporting disturbances in the natural balance and restoration of the balance, because a disturbance ultimately proofs to be an improvement.

In the previous blog is mentioned this isn’t possible without a blow, without practicing, without sickness and death. These are necessary ingredients in the process.

Are you longing for the sea of lava the earth was once?
Are you longing for the tyrannosaurus rex, once lord of the earth?
Are you longing for the apehumans, once the crown of creation?
Are you longing for the cold caves and bearskins, once necessary to help humanity to survive?

But do know this all has disappeared and transformed by much destruction and much ruin and much sickness and much dead.

Do accept a nature in the making, with its waves of construction and demolition.
Do accept the changes in nature, because change destroys standstill.
Do accept the richness of species: who would decide which species are useful and which aren’t?
Do accept the suffering of nature as a necessary element.

  • The suffering of nature, for mankind a grand and recently revealed mystery.
  • The struggle of species for survival.
  • The weak specimens of a species, prey for predators.
  • The plant species, fighting for light and space.
  • A forest giant suffocated by a strangling vine.
  • An earthquake swallowing a life area of kilometers square.
  • A annihilating stream of lava, after which life has to start all over again.
  • A disease, playing havoc among a too successful species.
And consider the additional suffering of nature especially at this time caused by too successful mankind:
  • The rainforests disappearing by logging.
  • The forest giant serving as raw material for garden fences.
  • The dead ground beneath the tiles in a easygoing garden.
  • The waters polluted by plastic and phosphates.
  • The air becoming laden by exhaust fumes.
You all are responsible for the thousands of examples, but are not responding adequately. In this way the suffering of the nature is increased by the presence of mankind.

And the angels of the regions, the spirits of the elements, the devas of endangered species and mother earth herself are watching baffled at the behavior of mankind. And they wonder: why in heaven’s name is mankind soiling his own nest, is making species getting lost forever, is cutting down forest giants for matches, is producing nuclear waste for her offspring, is making areas uninhabitable by toxic waste?

And they have become silent, because the answer isn’t available.

But God is knowing the mysteries of the past and of the future, is keeping secrets hidden and intentions secret. And do know mankind will pay the price for her successes and will groan under her fate. And in her self arranged suffering she will learn from this indifferent attitude. And she will transform, and she will acquire a new relationship with nature, this initially ravaged and impoverished nature.
But eventually nature will develop herself into a transformed one with new, nobler species, into a new relationship with mankind.
A nature, a mother earth more close to the planet of Light and Love, once to be at the end of her physical development.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 107

Monday, 24 September 2012

The suffering of the world (1), some principles

We in the spiritual world know of the suffering on earth, of nature and of man. People who no longer believe in God are saying, "I would like to kick that old guy in the sky at his ass, let he explain why it’s such a mess" (without capitals!).

Here is Our answer.

We understand the indignation, the anger, the atheism. And these people are Our beloved ones as well, for they testify of emotional involvement and moral indignation. They are blessed, even though they jump to conclusions on the absence of God.

But that was a subject of previous blogs.


In this blog “why everything is as it is”.

Is an artist capable of creating a perfect image of marble without experience and practice?
Is a teacher capable of teaching without knowledge and training?
Is a president of a country capable of ruling a country when he just left university?
Is a landscaper suddenly capable of designing a landscape around a castle?

God could do this. But doesn’t. Because God is in the making with Man.

What would be the punch line of a perfectly created world, in which everyone is a saint and sweet and the butterflies are fluttering from one flower to the tip of the nose of a cute blond girl with perfect curls, having the wisdom of Methuselah?

For I tell you a truth, which is the perfect answer: why God is not creating a perfect world in one single day.
For the experience, the road to go, the learning by doing and practicing are the actual purpose, the greatest pleasure, the most satisfying.
Indeed, because there is nobility in labor and a pedigree of toil.
And this old-fashioned expression is referring to a timeless eternal truth. And isn’t suddenly out, just because in this time delusion and illusion are supreme.

The experience, the action, development are the goal.
This is the case for God, this is the case for all spiritual helpers, this is the case for the physical world. This is a cosmic given.
Therefore the cosmos is thriving, the experience makes everything grow,
physically and spiritually.
  • Aren’t you familiar with the boredom of the rich, who get everything for nothing and who are so quickly tired of living life?
  • Aren’t you familiar with the joy of a laborious day, after which you are enjoying a free and carefree evening?
  • If you are taking a trip, do you want to skip the road?
  • If you are walking to a waterside teagarden, do you want to skip the walk itself?
  • If you are going to school, do you want to work magic and skip the six necessary years at a time and collect your diploma? What would be the value of this qualification?
  • If you are training for a sport, do you want to skip the sweat, the tough time, the pain, the setbacks, the dips?
  • If a doctor is cleaning a wound, can it be possible without painful cleansing of the wound?

The truth is: the road and the experiences are the goal in itself. These experiences are life, indeed, life consists of nothing but the experience, the experience in the here and now.
The road is important, the way is an exercise, and the setbacks, the pain, the disappointment, the frustration, the grief and suffering are inextricably connected with the victory, joy, success and happiness.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 106

Saturday, 22 September 2012

The beauty of life (3), mankind

Mankind is the crown of creation. In evolutionary terms, mankind has on this earth still a long way to go, regarding the manmade wars, pollution and crime.
But mankind is and will remain the crown of Our creation.
Why, a cynic will ask?
I will respond according to five aspects.

  • The physique of man: man has been evolved through fish, creeping reptile, apelike mammal into the image of cosmic man: walking uprightly, looking at the stars, velvety skin, active hands. Marvel of evolutionary beauty, link between beast and spirit. First phase of the spiritual man meant to be.
  • The intellect of man: the human mind is capable of thinking, thinking about oneself and life, looking back and forward, getting out of the here and now physical situation, dreaming, inventing and then creating, and capable of being happy.
  • The art of man: man is creating things, until his arrival this was only reserved for God. A spider web, a nest, a hollow covered with leaves, creations of animals, are modest antecedents.
    Michelangelo's David, the girl with the pearl from Vermeer, the tall images of Giacometti, the cantatas of Bach, the cut rubies of a diamond polisher, are reflecting a little bit heavenly beauty. And this is just the beginning.
  • The heart of man: the grim defense by a mother duck of her offspring is in man transformed into: charity, an operating western surgeon in a refugee camp, a loving imam in a mosque, a young nurse in a slum, a heavily burdened president of a poor country are examples of people with a big heart, who have transformed human selfishness into loving deeds for humanity.
  • The spiritual transformation of man: a man seeking and finding His God and with heart and mind transformed into a saint. A man, handing over his personality voluntarily to His God and becoming an instrument of eternity, and this already on earth. These men are becoming God's hands on earth. The eternal image of man, bringing forth the miracles and graces God has devised for man. The last promise. "Thou shalt seed greater deeds than I," the Christ said.

The spiritual world is blessing mankind for its fivefold beauty. And evolution will ultimately transform all humanity and the whole planet into a planet of Light and Love.
But this all will "take some more time".

My blessings to you all

Nr. 105


Sunday, 16 September 2012

The beauty of life (2), the Earth

Neil Armstrong was seeing from space planet earth, his heart bounced out of love, and his mind fell silent. The beauty of mother earth, this light blue globe of life in an environment of cold darkness has changed his life forever. He had to speak his whole life long on the earth and the necessity for humanity to deal lovingly with her home base. Now he has gone to a better life, he has been confirmed in his earthly destiny to be a messenger of God's love for life.

The earth, wonderful result of spiritual forces and physical evolution, has only one purpose, THE purpose of God, the One God, the One, Brahman, Allah, Yahweh, all "My God's", all God Sparks, all Atmans .
This purpose is so to speak to transform a cold rock in space into a breeding ground for human beings. Human beings, being prepared by their own souls and their "My God," for eternity, for a final reunion with God, for a permanent residence in the Father-Mother house of eternity.

The earth and her beauty, Who can sing better of this subject than a "My God", on Behalf of, With, Instructed by and Indissoluble United with the ONE God.

The Earth:
  • Shiny crystal in darkness
  • Lighting example of Evolution
  • Azure blue creation of love
  • Mother of life
  • Crown of the cosmos
  • Source of loving creation
  • Place for breeding of species
  • Cradle of endless numbers of creatures
  • Heart of green variation
  • Resplendent nest of birds
  • Guardian of the human heart
  • Source of variation and color
  • Green emerald among living planets
  • Joy of the angels
  • Cradle of human joy.
Living planet with your loyal mountains, your cleansing rivers, your calming seas, your nourishing dark soil, your glorious commodities, your healing trees, your cheering flowers, your nutritious fruits.Mother Earth, You, who richly distributes God's gifts and graces and blessings and energy to life, You, as a fertile womb bringing with great love life to the seed of the Divine Father.
Mother Earth:

  • Cosmic gate to heaven for former monkeys
  • Loving guardian
  • Rich mother
  • Magnificent blessing for life
  • Source of variation and color
Your Maternal sound is reaching the Ears of the Divine Father and you are a cause for satisfaction.
This is the Image of the beauty of the Earth, sketched from divine perspective.
And all ugliness, all struggle for life of evolution, the death struggle between the species, the wars between people, the pollution of nature, the demise of civilizations, the destruction of forests and the polluted water of the seas are weighed
by the Spiritual world and Mother Earth comparing with this beauty. And found wanting and are considered as temporary wounds of a beautiful skin.
The skin of Mother Earth will be healed faster than you think.
Initially without, but ultimately of course with your cooperation.

For the beauty of life and Mother Earth are greater, more powerful and more durable than the temporary shortcomings of evolution and the thoughtless ugly deeds of mankind.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 104

Saturday, 15 September 2012

The beauty of life (1), the skin

Of what are You going to tell us today?

Of the beauty of life.
We know of all the difficulties and problems and challenges. But We are going to present a series of blogs on this valuable aspect of life. It is important that you all are keeping this in sight to feed courage and hope and happiness and well being.

I’ll start with the human skin.
Did you ever look closely at your skin? This velvety covering of your body, this protection against infection and this guardian of your flesh?
Let Us consider a wound, in which the soft and blood-colored flesh is openly exposed. Nothing dramatic, just an accidental incision caused by a potato peeler. Some salve, or just a patch, and the healing has already begun.

But what will be the concerns of the spiritual world?

The spirits of the skin, the lymphatic system, the blood, the cleansing, of protection, of harmony and of aggression (this is in fact a pure energy) are working immediately together to repair the wound and to recover it again with a new, well functioning, identical and equally beautiful protecting covering of the flesh meat: a new skin! While you are working, sleeping or relaxing, they are working together to restore the damage. Free of charge, as you are almost everything expressing nowadays in financial terms.
The result is a wonderful restoration of skin with exactly the same color, so that the beauty of this part of the body is perfect again.

Take a bath, or get out of the water, sprinkle water on your skin and look carefully, in the full light or with he sun shining on it: glistening, wonderful bastion of protection, velvety reflection of subtlety and refinement, wonder of technological ingenuity, result of cooperation between the spirit and the physical world.
The spirit of the skin is its guardian and what is this spirit doing on behalf of God?

The spirit of the skin is co-guardian of your individuality, and represents an important sense.
Problems with the skin are often representing suppressed worrying, irritation, anxiety and threat of your individuality.
If you are having problems with your skin, then start an conversation with the spirit of it. Ask her questions before you go to sleep, meditate on her or ask her directly what her message can be.
We from the spiritual world are not saying all skin problems are psychologically, because we are having the relatively autonomous physical processes as well. For example those of heredity, environmental pollution or poisons at work and home. In these situations the psyche is a victim, actually.

But the beauty of this is, that you are capable of diagnosing and solving a part of your skin problems by accepting the skin genuinely as channel and instrument, as an autonomous life phenomenon. You may and should communicate directly with the spirit of the skin. This spirit is really wanting this, especially if there are skin problems.
If you are successful, another piece of beauty is restored on earth again, namely the perfection of your useful and wondrously beautiful skin.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 103

Monday, 10 September 2012

Frenkie is visiting a swimming pool

Would You like to tell what’s happening in a swimming pool?

For yourself swimming is a relaxing pastime, actually you are leaving the water reborn, despite how tired, stressed and overloaded you were.
Not everyone is capable of surrendering to the water and becoming so happy as you can, but the possibility is available for everyone.
Watch children playing in the water, take a dwell at a waterfront, feel the healing power of a flowing river.
The spirit of water (emotion) belongs with the spirits of fire (energy), air (the mental world) and earth (the vast physical world) to the four elements of nature.
Now the spirit of water.

Everyone has some positive experience with water. You all are looking too little comfort in water. It is a gift of God.
Man consists largely of water, so if you stay in it, you will be reunited with something very familiar, with your physical basis, with your origins. Aren’t you after all as evolutionary creatures offspring of the water?

In order of most healing to healing:
1. Moving seawater (energetically one is lulled, the salt water is physically functioning stronger than sweet water)
2. A calm sea
3. A flowing river or stream (energetically one is stronger cleaned by the flowing)
4. Standing water such as a lake
5. A swimming pool
(In this five examples, one is immersed, one experiences the relative weightlessness, all the "heavy, blocked, tense, dirty" energy is flowing more easily away).
Extra strong is working: the less clothes, the better the water works. Just staying or playing in the water are always healing.
6. A bath (one experiences some weightlessness)
7. A shower (heavy energy is running away)
8. Washing with water (from a crane, a bowl of water, etc.)

The blockages being cleared when one comes into contact with the spirit of water are blockages on emotional grounds. Therefore worrying, restlessness, anxiety, tension, emotional fatigue and stress are all reduced or wiped out.

Baptism is actually subject for another blog, but there is interface.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 102

Saturday, 1 September 2012

Don't be perfect, be yourself (Anna Quindlen)

Brent N. Hunter@brentnhunter “The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself”. A. Quindlen #TRB

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It is indeed difficult for man to be no perfectionist and amazing to see how hard it is for man to accept his limitations.
The tendency is to overestimate the possibilities and to underestimate the limitations. To demand of oneself high expectations and to be unloving and intolerant and irritated on limitations and shortcomings of one own.
Know that God is different.
God is looking with joy at the talents of man and is understanding with love his failure.
God is looking like a schoolmistress at her children who are trying something and failing, or begging for her approval if they are achieving something.

“The thing that is really hard and really amazing is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself”

From this attitude of man, from an attitude of rigor and intolerance the concept of hell has been created. A worthless, useless and not existing nightmare.
God wants you to become yourself, to be who you are, to say yes to yourself, to see the truth, to live in truth. And thus more is possible than when you deny this all.

Accept the allegory: who is coming farther down the road? The one taking one next step, or the one taking such a leap, that he is falling down and angry at oneself?

God is watching you in love and seeing everything that is all right: being human, dealing dignified with oneself, seeing who one is and what one is. And then taking one step, a small or large step according to character and situation, but not taking an impossible leap.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 101