Saturday, 29 September 2012

The suffering of the World (2), Nature

God is love.

With love, everything is fed with spiritual energy.
With love, new mutations are conceived, realized and supported.

With love God (with the spiritual world) is considering the explosion of species.
With love God is supporting disturbances in the natural balance and restoration of the balance, because a disturbance ultimately proofs to be an improvement.

In the previous blog is mentioned this isn’t possible without a blow, without practicing, without sickness and death. These are necessary ingredients in the process.

Are you longing for the sea of lava the earth was once?
Are you longing for the tyrannosaurus rex, once lord of the earth?
Are you longing for the apehumans, once the crown of creation?
Are you longing for the cold caves and bearskins, once necessary to help humanity to survive?

But do know this all has disappeared and transformed by much destruction and much ruin and much sickness and much dead.

Do accept a nature in the making, with its waves of construction and demolition.
Do accept the changes in nature, because change destroys standstill.
Do accept the richness of species: who would decide which species are useful and which aren’t?
Do accept the suffering of nature as a necessary element.

  • The suffering of nature, for mankind a grand and recently revealed mystery.
  • The struggle of species for survival.
  • The weak specimens of a species, prey for predators.
  • The plant species, fighting for light and space.
  • A forest giant suffocated by a strangling vine.
  • An earthquake swallowing a life area of kilometers square.
  • A annihilating stream of lava, after which life has to start all over again.
  • A disease, playing havoc among a too successful species.
And consider the additional suffering of nature especially at this time caused by too successful mankind:
  • The rainforests disappearing by logging.
  • The forest giant serving as raw material for garden fences.
  • The dead ground beneath the tiles in a easygoing garden.
  • The waters polluted by plastic and phosphates.
  • The air becoming laden by exhaust fumes.
You all are responsible for the thousands of examples, but are not responding adequately. In this way the suffering of the nature is increased by the presence of mankind.

And the angels of the regions, the spirits of the elements, the devas of endangered species and mother earth herself are watching baffled at the behavior of mankind. And they wonder: why in heaven’s name is mankind soiling his own nest, is making species getting lost forever, is cutting down forest giants for matches, is producing nuclear waste for her offspring, is making areas uninhabitable by toxic waste?

And they have become silent, because the answer isn’t available.

But God is knowing the mysteries of the past and of the future, is keeping secrets hidden and intentions secret. And do know mankind will pay the price for her successes and will groan under her fate. And in her self arranged suffering she will learn from this indifferent attitude. And she will transform, and she will acquire a new relationship with nature, this initially ravaged and impoverished nature.
But eventually nature will develop herself into a transformed one with new, nobler species, into a new relationship with mankind.
A nature, a mother earth more close to the planet of Light and Love, once to be at the end of her physical development.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 107