Tuesday, 30 April 2013

King by the grace of the people (Future, 5)

Would you like to comment on the coronation of the new King in the Netherlands today ?

Previously the feelings of the people in many countries were directed to God, King and Country.
Three powerful symbols supporting ordinary people in daily, harsh life. Despite the harshness of  life one always could pull up oneselves with the faith in God, the splendor of the king and the flag and the anthem of the country.

Most people in the world find nowadays other symbols important: a TV celebrity, a movie star, a sports hero. Ordinary people with a special talent, such as singing or good muscles. No more.
But not very often God, not very often the homeland, and rarely nowadays a king. Authority and ideals have given way to performance or appearance.

But not in the stubborn Netherlands: one is travelling around the world and has received a good education. One has put God and the homeland in the closet, at least one does not want to die for the homeland anymore, but one is still cherishing the king. The modern Netherlands can afford such old-fashioned institutions like clogs, tulips and a king. Like a kitsch vase in a design interior. It is thus a nostalgic factor: beautiful dresses, diamonds, princesses, an emotional symbol, a binding factor, a function in bringing together.
The Dutch are wishing nowadays a king, so they are getting one. And that's good. For what man wants, there is his heart, and where his heart is longing for , there is his path. And thus always Our blessing.
So Willem-Alexander will be the new king, but not because God wants it, just because the Dutch want him.

See the newspaper Trouw, 30th of April, 2013 Piet Leupen: "Even Willem-Alexander will be in theory king by the grace of God, but in our reality he is king by the grace of the people".

A new era is gradually dawning and the first signs have been observed.
Many old patterns and habits will disappear. Kingdom is one of them. That is an institute of the past, no longer suitable for the new humanity. And the little princes and princesses will thus be freed from an excessive burden for immature shoulders.
In the new time mankind will not want this all anymore and so the monarchy will be disappeared like all outdated institutions such as communism, capitalism, environmental pollution, slavery and war.

Meanwhile, in the difficult times to come this kingship in the Netherlands will be a support. In many countries the king is a conservative suppressive factor, but in the Netherlands, the land of milk and honey, in the upcoming difficulties one will be pulled up by the peace and warmth of this Royal couple.
The Dutch and their royal couple are blessed.

My blessings to you all


Sunday, 21 April 2013

The old nature has to be transformed as well (Future, 4)

Would You like to tell us something concerning the future? Will You comment on what is happing with nature?

Nature will undergo a major transformation partially under the influence of mankind. Everything is preordained. Many animal life will become extinct. Less cruelty and less killing will be emphasized, less carnivores and more herbivores. And plant life will undergo a major transformation. The evolution continues on her path of refinement. And mankind as think tank of earthy life is playing a part in this, believe it or not. Eventually ever, but this will take thousands of years to go, no animal will be eaten by another animal. That will be the next evolutionary step.

The current period there will be a further escalation because of an increase in environmental pollution, as a cumulative escalating principle and as a result of 150 years of excessive human pollution. Many plant and animal species will become extinct. At the end of this period mankind will have stopped finally with any form of environmental pollution.  This will be much easier because of a decrease of the number of people on earth.

The following period there will be a gradual slow down of the escalation in nature. One starts with cleaning up of the environmental pollution and recovering as much as possible of a healthy collaboration between man and nature. Any form of environmental pollution and act against nature will be considered as the most serious crimes, worldwide.

The next period nature and mankind will coexist in a harmonious future of respect for the outer (and inner) nature of man and a final integration of mankind in the natural environment. Nature will show a strong recovery with clean air, clean waters and an unexpected return of supposedly extinct plant species. Initially the number of extinct plant species has been overestimated. In unexpected places will supposedly extinct plant species appear and this will be accompanied by great joy among mankind and with great awe for God and nature. This joy will be the same joy of the biblical father over his supposedly lost son.
Incidentally, among the extinct plant and animal species there will be many niche species only existing in single mountains or on single islands.

Finally nature itself will arrive at a higher energy level. Carnivores eating mammals and birds will become largely extinct (last excesses of viral and bacterial infections). Carnivores eating reptiles and amphibians and fish will become extinct  partially. Only carnivores of invertebrates and insects will remain mainly . Obviously until the next energetic lift over hundred thousand years.
Mankind is nowadays living in a historic time, comparable for example with the period in Earth's evolution, in which the massive dinosaurs became extinct. Afterwards a more glorious burst of sorts took place. Because there is no emptiness in evolution, where something disappears, in return something more beautiful will arrive.
That is a law.

Mankind and nature are facing first some crises and purifications. And the crisis will be larger than necessary because mankind is dealing very immaturely with her inheritance. So more species will become extinct than necessary. 

But mother earth, mankind, the world of animals and plants will survive the crisis and meet a brighter future. Brighter then now can be imagined. Almost a new earth and a new heaven.
And the spiritual world is standing by and full of hope.

My  blessings to you all

Saturday, 13 April 2013

The free market economy has to disappear as well (Future, 3)

Would you like to comment on the future?

In the nearby future the free market economy will disappear. The communistic economy, based on lack of freedom and locking human creativity is disappearing nowadays. She has collapsed (Soviet-Union, East-Europe), is changing gradually (China) or is on the way down (Cuba, North-Korea).  

The ideologists of the free market economy really think they have worldwide carried the day.

But the free market economy is characterized by too many faults. Se is indeed based on freedom, but freedom for whom? For the rich. She is rather based on profit, self-interest and   uncontrolled growth. These three are all pernicious for the human spirit and for the earthy nature.

So the free marker economy has to disappear as well. Mankind will choose for this. It is meant t to be.

The signs of the demolition are already visible and tangible.

There they are a bank crisis, corruption, ties with the mafia, environmental pollution, unnecessary production of consumer goods and manipulative commercials. These affairs are unworthy of civilised mankind. The demolition is well under way.

What will take free market economy’s place ?

In France of the 18th century three principles are handed by the spiritual world to mankind, freedom, equality and brotherhood. Later on they were designed by the three 20th century world powers the Soviet Union (brotherhood), China (equality) and the United States of America (freedom).

Now these three principles have to elaborated worldwide and for whole mankind.
  • Freedom only on the field of politics and philosophy
  • Equality on the field of law and education
  • Brotherhood on the field of economics.
How does a brotherhood on the field of economics look like?
Mankind for itself will elaborate this, stimulated by the spiritual world.
Some principles will be:

        • The production of useful goods only will be allowed
        • Packings are sober and biologically decomposable
        • The market is not anymore based on growth and profit, but on barter and social benefit
        • Managers are service providers and directed on the interests of civilian population
        • Information is reliable
        • Companies are verifiable by the law
        • Tax havens are liquidated
        • The social responsibility of companies is basic principle. They contribute to society by means, goods and manpower.
        • Inventions are automatically property of mankind and are spread immediately
        •  Companies who not obey to this principles are boycotted by customers/buyers.
Much water will have to flow under the bridge before everything is realized, but you asked Me after the future.
This is the scenario.

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 6 April 2013

God's form is Its content

God's form is his content

I saw this text on a painting *. Would You like to comment on it ?

We change it a little bit:

"God's form is Its content"

The human world is taking place on Earth, so to speak in form, exactly the reason why politics and religions are fighting against each other on the differences. When they focus on the content unity and coming together are immediately easier to accomplish. Mankind is gradually discovering this, but this is requiring more evolutionary time.

God / Allah / Brahman / Yahweh, however, is ultimately rather engaged in the content, and does consequently know content is more important than form. It does not matter to  God through which form (religion) you want to achieve God, as long as you focus on God.

"God's form is Its content"

God is content
God is everything
God is ONE
God is the goal AND the path
God is your destiny
God is your basics

"God's form is Its content"

Religions are form when they are behaving accordingly.
Religions are form when they drift apart man and God.
Religions are form when they drift apart man and his fellow man.

Religions are content if they consider form to be unimportant.
Religions are content if they consider themselves irrelevant.
Religions are content if they consider God / Allah / Yahweh / Brahman to be important.
Religions are content if they bring man to God.
Religions are content if they bring man to his fellow man.

My blessings to you all


Monday, 1 April 2013

A worldwide network of man of good will (Future, 2)

Is the spiritual world especially cherishing religions, are they their favorites?

The spiritual world does not look only at religions and does not work only with pastors, priests, imams and other ministers.
The spiritual world, God provides all organizations in the world with energy, following the principle of free will, so criminal organizations get it as well.
But organizations are extra supported and blessed when people of good will are working at a better world. And these organizations will ultimately prevail and win over the organizations of evil will. Because the evil is not existing for the sake of the evil, but for the sake of the good. The eternal prevails over the temporal.
All organizations of good will exist in the grace of God / Allah / Jehovah / Brahman, in short of the ONLY Cause.
All organizations of good will, worldwide, namely:
  • The political organization working for the ideals of society, of mankind, of the world.
  • The juridical organizations  developing the “Ten Commands” for mankind. 
  • The nature organizations working for the conservation and protection of nature.
  • The social organizations cherishing and supporting the vulnerable and the weak in society.
  • The scientific organizations developing  the knowledge of the world and new technologies.
  • The religious organizations helping mankind to look behind the scenes of life.
All these organizations are united in ONE large worldwide network of power and love and energy and good will. And this network will be each year of the earthy evolution stronger, more powerful, more influential and more pure. It can not be otherwise, regardless of the issues of the day such as temporary downturn, crisis, difficulties and wars.

There is only ONE way, the earthy evolution has only ONE direction, from beast to the spirit, from physical imperfection to spiritual perfection, from matter to God.
May you rely on a glorious future, how insurmountable the presence may seem to be.

My blessings to you all