Saturday, 6 April 2013

God's form is Its content

God's form is his content

I saw this text on a painting *. Would You like to comment on it ?

We change it a little bit:

"God's form is Its content"

The human world is taking place on Earth, so to speak in form, exactly the reason why politics and religions are fighting against each other on the differences. When they focus on the content unity and coming together are immediately easier to accomplish. Mankind is gradually discovering this, but this is requiring more evolutionary time.

God / Allah / Brahman / Yahweh, however, is ultimately rather engaged in the content, and does consequently know content is more important than form. It does not matter to  God through which form (religion) you want to achieve God, as long as you focus on God.

"God's form is Its content"

God is content
God is everything
God is ONE
God is the goal AND the path
God is your destiny
God is your basics

"God's form is Its content"

Religions are form when they are behaving accordingly.
Religions are form when they drift apart man and God.
Religions are form when they drift apart man and his fellow man.

Religions are content if they consider form to be unimportant.
Religions are content if they consider themselves irrelevant.
Religions are content if they consider God / Allah / Yahweh / Brahman to be important.
Religions are content if they bring man to God.
Religions are content if they bring man to his fellow man.

My blessings to you all