Thursday, 20 June 2013

ONE eternal tie

It is the spirit which is the breath of all life, the spirit that binds us to one another and to Thee so that for all eternity we are linked with Thee in unbroken fashion. Nothing on earth or in the spheres beyond can sever the divine tie that makes us all members of one vast spiritual family (Silver Birch).

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It is not necessary, actually. You all are in advance cherished and saved. No evil or devil can intervene. You all are God’s children for eternity.

My blessings to you all 

Monday, 17 June 2013

Vaccinations against God's will ?

Would you like to comment on yes or no vaccination of children against diseases? In the Netherlands under strict Protestants a little measles epidemic has broken out. In the Dutch newspaper Trouw (June 15th, 2013) stood a interview with a family whose children aren’t  vaccinated against anything. Actually I think the story of the parents wasn’t completely out of order?

I would like to comment on this.
W’ll start with:
The spiritual world is not supporting religions only.
The spiritual world is also supporting earthy Enlightenment.
The spiritual world is also supporting science.
The spiritual world is also supporting the development of medical science.

So a family not letting the children be vaccinated against malaria, polio, tetanus has the name to be old-fashioned and not to understand what God’s plans are with mankind. However, the spiritual world has a slightly different perspective.
Though the spiritual world is supporting science and medical development this does not imply mankind should follow doctors without any distinction.
Too many vaccinations against diseases so to speak can also have a contrary effect. Too many medicines may also act as poisons and may deplete the natural resistance. A healthy critical attitude to doctors can be a good thing. Especially nowadays where the health and the approach of diseases is very medicalized.

I ask this question to all parents: how do you raise your children? What mental and physical baggage are you giving them? Are you preparing them for life? And why should your children be vaccinated against all diseases? What are you afraid of?
But I also ask the question: how do you parents explain your child, if it has not been vaccinated against polio and then has got polio? What do you say to your child, if it is  lifelong disabled?
Parents need to ask themselves what is best for their children. And if they are deeply religious they should not say too soon God was willing to give their child polio. Because maybe God didn’t want it at all.

Time will come diseases can be cured in different manners than by preventive vaccination.
Time will come serious diseases hardly will occur, just because medical science has become that advanced.

And in this story is of value: parents shouldn’t presume too quickly everything is happening according to God's will, because God's will and  God's laws do not have to mixed up.
Getting stomach trouble by drinking too much coffee is happening according to the laws of God, but not according to God's will.


Monday, 10 June 2013

Everybody is hearing the voice of God

My God, today exactly two years ago I have heard Your voice for the first time. Would you comment on it?

My son, why do you not comment on it first?

Actually I am a little surprised not everyone is experiencing the same. That’s all.

Everbody is experiencing the same, indeed.
One only is labeling it in a different way.
The human mind or the tradition or faith or ego or the human thought are coloring their experience with the voice of God differently.
If God is talking to them, they are labeling it:

  • God, Brahman *, Allah, Yahweh
  • My God, Atman *
  • The voice of the Father
  • The voice of the Mother
  • The voice of their conscience
  • Their guardian angel
  • Their deceased loved one
  • Their heart
  • Their imagination
  • Wishful thinking
  • Their reason
  • Their intuition
  • The child in the inner self
  • Their good thoughts
  • Their thinking.

Since two years you are labeling It correctly, your My God. And with you many before you, many in the present and many in the future.
But you have heard Me from childhood. The rest of the people are also hearing the voice of God, and are listening to it often, but are just labeling It differently. That’s all.

You are blessed for your (two year young) clarity, My son.

My blessings to you all

* The 800,000 people with the Hindustani faith are recognizing since 5000 years the Atman, the Spark of God, the My God, and when they greet each other they say actually: "I great the God in you" (atmanjali mudra meaning "reverence for the real self, seal from atman, meaning Self). And the Atman is ONE with Brahman.

Nr. 170

Saturday, 8 June 2013

Renounce yourself (Teresa of Avila)


What’s left to be done: renouncing ourselves. This detachment and this inner struggle are very hard. Because we are so closely connected with ourselves and we do like to consider  ourselves (the path 10, 2 Teresa of Avila)

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You can not serve two masters.
Are you choosing for God or are you choosing for the devil?
Are you choosing for eternal life or are you choosing for restriction?
But do not be afraid.

Even if you choose wrong your whole life long, God will still save you, always, always, always.
But with how much pain and suffering will you return on the path to God?
The voluntary renunciation, the saying no to yourself, the embracing of the great life, choosing for the soul, choosing for the heart will set you free.
And know the pleasures you get from God are many times bigger than the temporally pleasures of earthly life.
It is the difference between light and dark, between a beach and a sandbox, between a a beautiful river and a mud trench.
It is the difference between room and restriction.
And if you are choosing the small, the limited and the ephemeral, God will accept it totally.

For know, it only matters what you want. What do you want?
Patience Above is infinite and God knows you will all eventually choose the great life, is it not in earthly life, it will be in the spiritual life. Because why would you play in a sandbox, if you can play on the beach?
Why would you be content with the limited, if greatness is ready to hand?
Teresa of Avila has found the wise answer early in her life. And therefore she was liberated and enlightened when she passed away. She chose the short way. What do you choose?

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 1 June 2013

Mourning ceremony is a festive arrival in the spiritual world

There is only one country: our earth
There is only one people: mankind
There is only one religion: love *

I have been to a funeral ceremony, where farewell was said to a good friend of mine, died from cancer on her sixtieth. It was such a special meeting, so impressive, so much love, and so many flowers. During the whole ceremony is not one word spoken of God or of any spiritual perspective, this family was not focused on religion at all. But the atmosphere, the choir, the speeches showed their sorrow and love for this particular life, so much as if I was attending a religious ceremony, and then a special one. It seemed to be a holy chapel.
And when I saw a gravestone outside with this text, I was especially touched by the last sentence: there is only one religion: love. It was exactly what I had experienced, heaven seemed to realized on earth, and still there was nothing religious at this ceremony.
How can this be? Would You like to go into this?

Your girlfriend has gone too soon. She didn’t want to at all. But she lived an intense life of love and attention for many. She loved people and their presence. And when everyone was asked to bring one flower this resulted in many life-sized bouquets of color. Just as her life was. She gave color to life and color to others. So did the others give these colors back to her. So far it seemed to be a loving but ordinary mourning meeting.
Her love for her husband, her love for her sons, her love  for her fellow men was answered by the same love, the love from her husband, from her sons and from her fellow men for her. But more so the meeting wasn’t one of mourning but one of love.
So the power of everyone’s love made the atmosphere special, as you say, almost religious.
The spiritual world is watching this woman and does not ask: what did you believe or what have you thought of what you've felt, but what have you done? And thus the only real spiritual faith practiced, on earth should be the religion of love. This should be the message in all religions.

"There is only one faith: the love"

Yet there is still something else.
Why have you had the experience as if heaven was descended on earth, as if you were in a sacred chapel, as if you experienced a powerful religious gathering.
My son, from the moment you heard that your friend had cancer, you have prayed every day for strength and confidence, and her has given this, partly because of your prayers .

In this mourning ceremony, and this wasn’t the experience of many attendees, you have been lifted up to the spiritual, festive gathering: “it has been accomplished, a life of humanity and friendship and love”. And where on earth there is a mourning farewell, in the spiritual world there is  a celebration of an arrival, It has been accomplished: your friend was welcomed, honored for her actions, respected by her protectors, welcomed by many angels and blessed by God.

And you were allowed to experience this beautiful meeting, not by seeing it but by feeling it. A holy meeting, because it was a spiritual gathering of love and blessing, of joy and hommage.
Be blessed you were lifted up to Our atmosphere and having got permission for this experience.

My blessings to you all

*Freely citated Gerardus Johannes Geers, Dutch linguist