Saturday, 8 June 2013

Renounce yourself (Teresa of Avila)


What’s left to be done: renouncing ourselves. This detachment and this inner struggle are very hard. Because we are so closely connected with ourselves and we do like to consider  ourselves (the path 10, 2 Teresa of Avila)

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You can not serve two masters.
Are you choosing for God or are you choosing for the devil?
Are you choosing for eternal life or are you choosing for restriction?
But do not be afraid.

Even if you choose wrong your whole life long, God will still save you, always, always, always.
But with how much pain and suffering will you return on the path to God?
The voluntary renunciation, the saying no to yourself, the embracing of the great life, choosing for the soul, choosing for the heart will set you free.
And know the pleasures you get from God are many times bigger than the temporally pleasures of earthly life.
It is the difference between light and dark, between a beach and a sandbox, between a a beautiful river and a mud trench.
It is the difference between room and restriction.
And if you are choosing the small, the limited and the ephemeral, God will accept it totally.

For know, it only matters what you want. What do you want?
Patience Above is infinite and God knows you will all eventually choose the great life, is it not in earthly life, it will be in the spiritual life. Because why would you play in a sandbox, if you can play on the beach?
Why would you be content with the limited, if greatness is ready to hand?
Teresa of Avila has found the wise answer early in her life. And therefore she was liberated and enlightened when she passed away. She chose the short way. What do you choose?

My blessings to you all