Sunday, 29 September 2013

Do not underestimate too quickly a difficult life !

I find it difficult to reconcile Your stories on evolution with “everything is all right”.
You have said in previous blogs "some" people are having a miserable and difficult life, just because they are standing at the wrong side of evolution.

And at the same time You seem to radiate in all blogs we can have confidence, all is well,  we are kept in love and in eternity.
Sometimes I can’t combine it all. Would You like to comment on this?

A lot of death, disease, suffering and sorrow is all around in the world .
This is part of the convulsions of evolution. The creation of a perfect transparent world of light and love is really taking some time. And this time is used by the method of evolution. In this process mankind, the animal and plant world as well, are going through terrible things, such as premature death, serious diseases and painful dying. This is a hard fact . Yust look around.

I have explained in many blogs the ways you all are supported by the spiritual world day and night, just to endure everything.
One aspect has not been mentioned before, and this I will do right now.
And this will resolve your dilemma .

In the whole spiritual world, where plants, animals, man, angels , gods , and many other to you unknown spiritual beings are dwelling, one general truth is well known . It can easily be seen if an evolutionary creature (man etc ) has had on an evolutionary planet much or little suffering. Those who have suffered a lot, are generally spoken more powerful , more beautiful , more loving and more open-minded than their fellowmen, who "have been in luck".

And this short little start of between 0 till 90 years evolutionary, physical life, in all its efforts, revenues, depth, life experience is bored in eternity for thousands of years. Such a intensely, harshly and rigorously polished diamond will shine for eternity . What a difference with the soft , simmering , sagging start of all others. With all respect.
So the spiritual world is observing behind all the suffering the magnificent consequences for the Inner Life.

There is nothing more to say.

My blessings to you all