Sunday, 27 October 2013

By their fruits ye shall know them


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I want to make a distinction between a belief and a religious community / believers .

Concerning a belief: ah, a belief may be very true , very pure , very idealistic . Sometimes it got started with a mighty prophet , sometimes with a single sacred event , sometimes God has initiated this belief on earth, sometimes a holy man , but in all cases it is the past , it's over, it's just theory.
I prefer to look with you at the practice .

Therefore we restrict ourselves to a religious community / believers .
That is an active practice on earth. There you can see people getting going, there are the results of the religious community visible. There outsiders can get an impression of the effect on the outside world . There you can ask the believers what their participation in this religious community has brought them.

So there we have to deal with objective effects .
There we can see the fruits of this religious community.
And therefore this is a handy guide :

“By their fruits ye shall know them”

Is one separating fellowmen, or bringing them together ?
Is one spreading lover or rather hate?
Is one giving man freedom or is one sowing anxiety?
Is one helping sick or sad fellowmen or is one making attempts?
Is one spreading tolerance or is one judging ?
Is one inspiring fellowmen or is one causing fear ?
Is one speaking about a world of beauty or about a world of ugliness?
Is one giving hope or is one discouraging fellowmen?
And above all is one speaking of a loving God or of a resentful God ?

In this manner one can discriminate if one is dealing with a good religious community / believers or with deluded ones.
In the first case , God is the source of inspiration .
In the second case, the devil, the monkey of God .
In the first case, man is progressing spiritually.
In the second case, man is getting in arrears.
So look at the deeds , not the words.

“By their fruits ye shall know them”

My blessings to you all

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Count your blessings


“The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for”

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Quiet so.
It should be a mantra , this tweet.
Man is inclined to look at what he hasn’t and his fellowman has.
In this way he is cherishing an attitude of dissatisfaction and frustration and victimization .And know the world of commerce and advertising and luxury really likes to cherish this attitude.
It's bad for mankind.
And the spiritual world feels compassion for this narrow and immature attitude .

Man can turn around his  perspective 180 °  and look at what he has and his fellowman hasn’t.
What will happen then ?
Then the world of desire will be stilled.
Then one arrives in the here and now .
Then one will experience a sense of blessing .
Then one will make contact with gratitude .
And do know the world of spirituality and religion should cherish this attitude. Then she would cherish among man inner peace and surrender.
That's better for mankind.
Then the spiritual world will welcome this wise attitude to life.

May the one who twittered this be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 188

Monday, 14 October 2013

We pray , God does the rest


“If everything you're praying for came to you right now, you wouldn't be able to handle it. Trust in God's perfect timing”

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Man can not have a proper understanding of how to pray .
Actually he is just playing around.
He does not know for what he is praying.
He does not know if  it could be asked.
He does not know what the effect is of his prayer.
He does not know how long to pray.
He does not know what the energetic consequences of his prayer are for the one he is praying.
He does not know the impact of his prayer on himself.
He does not know what time it stands for his prayer to be heard.

But….. the spiritual world is always happy with every prayer.
Each prayer is cherished.
To each prayer is listened.
Each prayer is heard as much as possible.
Each prayer has a powerful effect on the one who is praying.
Each prayer is an opening to the spiritual world.
To each prayer will be listened with attention and care.

From the perspective of the spiritual world is each prayer worth his weight in gold.
Each prayer is useful.
Each prayer has an effect , even if it is not heard.

“If everything you're praying for came to you right now, you wouldn't be able to handle it. Trust in God's perfect timing”

May you all be blessed for your praying .

My blessings to you all
See also :

Saturday, 5 October 2013

The silence in the inner self


Man is leading a life full of impressions , most impressions storm from the outer into the inner world. And the ego is creating then as many reactions from the inner world into the outer world. Just to survive and to secure itself. And this securing itself has become a new source of vulnerability and confusion

Give it all up.
Give thinking up.
Give feeling up.
Give desires up.
Give the body up.
Do what is necessary or what is good or what is fun.

But be guardian of your inner self.
Take distance from the troubled world of thought.
Let all feelings come and go again.
Let the desire life raging, it is less important than it appears to be.
Have a body, do not be a body.

How will man manage this ?
Create a special place in your inner self. And be taciturn on it. So the place will stay protected.
A lovely place, make it yourself, give it shape, exactly as you like it.
One chooses a spot on a mountain , the other nearby a fast flowing river, a third under a tree , a fourth in a gazebo surrounded by roses.
And know this place will actually be retained in the spirit and will appear to be retained after death. It will be your sanctuary .
Create your own place . And refine the place , give attention to it, cherish it as your place of peace and tranquility . And imagine a protection around this place where all the turmoil of life can not come through. It can be the silence of a mountain , or the power of a flowing river , or the grass around a tree or a hedge of roses around a gazebo . But with protection from all worries and problems and woes of life .
And if you're in your place and you will experience the turmoil of life , you breathe it out and outside protection . Because your place remains quiet and peaceful.
And breath quietness in again.
And do it as long as you feel the anxiety has been removed by you , by you alone.
And then stay at this place . And retreat to this place when life is plaguing you. When life is getting too heavy.

And the place will become a new force in your life , in your inner self.
And the place will then be connected by God with the spirit.
With the power of silence.
With the power of quietness.
With the power of being alone.
With the power of the spirit.
With the power of Being.
With the power of trust.

Practice , and you will experience.
Imagine and it will become reality .
Create and it will come into being.

Who else than you is capable of creating such a place? Didn’t God give you free will?
With this free will you are grasping the restlessness.
And with this free will you can release this restlessness.
And then God will be pictured.
And the soothing hands of your guardian angel will rest on your shoulders .
And the power of the spiritual world will be able to flow into you even more than before.
And finally if you have released all, you’ll have become this safe place for yourself.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 186