Sunday, 20 October 2013

Count your blessings


“The things you take for granted, someone else is praying for”

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Quiet so.
It should be a mantra , this tweet.
Man is inclined to look at what he hasn’t and his fellowman has.
In this way he is cherishing an attitude of dissatisfaction and frustration and victimization .And know the world of commerce and advertising and luxury really likes to cherish this attitude.
It's bad for mankind.
And the spiritual world feels compassion for this narrow and immature attitude .

Man can turn around his  perspective 180 °  and look at what he has and his fellowman hasn’t.
What will happen then ?
Then the world of desire will be stilled.
Then one arrives in the here and now .
Then one will experience a sense of blessing .
Then one will make contact with gratitude .
And do know the world of spirituality and religion should cherish this attitude. Then she would cherish among man inner peace and surrender.
That's better for mankind.
Then the spiritual world will welcome this wise attitude to life.

May the one who twittered this be blessed.

My blessings to you all

Nr. 188