Sunday, 24 November 2013

Zen and obeying God are looking like eachother


I was recently in a monastery and went one day to the regular morning Zen meditation.
While walking through the dimly lit, historical colonnade to the meditation room , my mind is realizing the following.
I know Zen especially is propagating the here and now. And consider man so often struggling with what ought to be and what doesn’t. What he likes and accepts and what he does not like and what he does not accept.
And thus he says yes to one thing and no to the other thing. How can one really be in the here and now in this way?

Suddenly I realize saying yes to everything, stopping fighting with what ought to be and what is not, thus unconditionally saying yes, accepting everything, is actually the same as obeying life, obeying God . Saying to life, to God, " You know better, I accept everything, please show me the way."
I realize obedience to God is actually the same as living in the here and now , as living Zen .
Zen is actually surrendering to life itself .
Obeying God is : surrendering to life itself .
If you believe, you surrender to God.
If you do not believe , you surrender to life .

But it is all the same.
In both cases, you end up in the here and now.


I take my meditation sit in the room , the gong goes after a while and meditation starts.
I fall into silence and feel absorbed in a soft, loving atmosphere of acceptance, of Being, of Silence .
It speaks for itself I am having a wonderful meditation, of which the silence and the power is sticking to me the whole day on.
And God is telling me afterwards :

Be Blessed, My son.
You are always welcome to My bosom. You are always welcome to the Here and Now.
Everybody is always welcome to the bosom of God.
Everybody is always welcome to the Here and Now .

My blessings to you all


Saturday, 16 November 2013

A monk is having less of an ego

I am staying a few days at a monastery .
I am always very impressed by the appearance of the monks .
They seem to have so little ego *. They seem to have given up so many things of which we, laymen, are still concerned about, is this right?

They have chosen for God and they have given up much of the world.
They have already forsaken a lot.
A private home, a partner, a sex life, kids, a career , status, a position, power, material stuff.
They are not all yet free, but much freer than laymen.
They have forsaken much compared to laymen.
They are forsaking a lot.

So they have learned to say often no to the ego , to say no to his wishes and desires and fascinations. And they help each other to choose for God over and over.
It’s all about a clear perspective , a clear choice, a main purpose to which all the rest is ​​subordinate.
So basically the ego does not get much chance to grow and their personality has become more an instrument of God, of the whole.

AND I want to emphasize their prayers for the world and their care for retreat visitors are contributing to a great spiritual credit. They are saving for eternity. Every time they are opening all windows for God to come in. So their " My God" is getting plenty of opportunity to express Itself in the earthy reality.

Laymen must not  think: oh , this is not my peace of cake”. Because each person is following his own path, and every day is providing new opportunities to ask oneself:
Am I choosing for God or for His opponent , the monkey of God?
Am I choosing for the whole or for the separation?
Am I choosing for the good or for the evil?
So please be inspired by the example of the monks .

My blessings to you all

* See

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

The death of a child


Would You like to comment on this issue?

It seems to be unnatural when a child passes away and parents have to commit their child to the earth.
Great sorrow and the big question: why?

However , it is quite natural .
A mother duck loses sometimes 11 of her 12 siblings. A couple of birds of prey are losing one of the two siblings to drought and food shortage, while they bring forth young ones once in the four years. A young zebra falls prey to a group of lionesses who at the same time have experienced a new dominant male having killed their young ones, because they are not his.
But this topic is not on grief and the why question? Not on chance and fate. Not on cause and effect. Not on the meaning of life and earthy suffering.
This topic is on life after death of a child dying young , let’s say Hans , a boy of 10 years old.

His parents and older sister are sitting next to his bed while he is succumbing to exhaustion by a terminal cancer in his blood . His mind has been shrunk into oneself, because the body could not contain and express any longer the vibrancy of the inner self. When his body dies and the parents and his sister are overcome by grief , his spiritual body is consciously put into sleep.
The body of Hans is taken away to a special sphere.
Spiritualists are going to lap up, but it is all truthfully .
This sphere is consisting of an immense defined area in the spiritual world , not even too far from the earth, where children until 16 years are brought up. You have four spheres: 0-2 years , 3-7 , 8-12 and finally from 13-16 years. The sphere of Hans is special for children aged 8-12 years.

The concept of this children's spheres is the same, and contains the following ingredients:
  • Recovery Houses
  • Group Homes
  • Schools
  • Sports facilities
  • Many parks and nature areas with waterholes , streams , tall trees , flower fields and lawns
  • Coaches.
All properties are decorated with warm colors and are light and atmospheric.
The children are living in groups of six children with two adult coaches. The coaches do not need to be a couple. Particularly quickly the newly arrived children are developing an intense friendship and love band with their new family. The children are in every possible way helped to overcome the sorrow and nostalgia concerning their earthy life.
High demands are made on the coaches: not in terms of pedagogy and educational experience , because they are often personalities , who have not had children on earth. Are earthly parents not getting children without any experience ?
The coaches are not necessarily a man and a woman, that depends entirely on what the children have experienced on earth, their character , their needs and their life goals.
But .... what demands must the coaches obey in the children's sphere ?
  • They must be teachable and open: they themselves have supervision when they meet questions and problems
  • They have a well-developed emotional life
  • They have to have an exceptionally big heart and to be very loving
  • They themselves have experienced on earth grief and the death of beloved ones,  for the sake of great empathy
  • And finally, they must have an exceptional big sense of humor.

Main goal is offering the children a protected , loving and painless life for the sake of overcoming completely the old grief and the causes of their early death.

Little Hans again.
Hans is staying a short time in a recovery house , where his guardian angel, his soul and his deceased grandmother (she has special temporary permission) take care of him and guide him to a physical (astral) and mental health.
Only when he is fully recovered , and this took place within two weeks , his grandmother and his guardian are accompanying him to his new family. Until he is fully accustomed, meetings are arranged between him and his great mother. This is a special construction, because she has no permission to dwell in the children's sphere.
Hans as ten year old boy is entering a group home with two coaches who were in their earthy life brother and sister . He is getting a room with a " brother" of 11 . The family is having six children again and is living the normal life of earthly parents, which consists of work and school periods , leisure and relaxation, sports and sleep .
Everything is done to make Hans grow up happily and carefreely until he is up to a life task at the age of sixteen years.
Here are no further details given on what is taught in schools , how the villages are composed , how children grow in other than earthy time standards , how Hans gets permission occasionally to " visit " his earthy family and how the new family composition in children's spheres can change when one moves from one sphere to another.
An early death of a child will be in the spiritual world in thousand ways coped and cured.
For God is love .

My blessings to you all

Saturday, 2 November 2013

It looks like morning sickness

May I ask you something?

I experience regularly waking up in the morning , so between 4-6 hours , and really feeling quite horrible. Sometimes sad, sometimes I'm afraid , sometimes I am not looking forward at all facing the day, sometimes I feel lonely and wonder what life is all about.
I am not experiencing it always, but it can be quite vehement, all kinds of negative emotions are pouncing upon me , and sometimes I'm surprised at the vehemence .

And almost always the feelings disappear completely during the first hours of the day.
I wonder then : what was this all about? Why are they completely disappeared? Where are they coming from? Can You comment on this please? I assume more people do have this troubles?

Many people will recognize this. The more one gives feelings a proper attention in life, the stronger they will be experienced . People who suppress their feelings a lot , will not have this experience , but they probably will face a suddenly depression or a physical disease.
And then there is a group suffering no problems at all, because they are superficial, or because they do not have any problems (yet).

It's a simple cleansing, you are facing, and in this manner.
On the day you are experiencing all kind of stuff, and it is not possible to process this all emotionally during the day.
The reactions , the involved emotions , the processing of what happened, that all is done overnight. Everything is, by the human consciousness , and with help from the spiritual world, organized , relived , expressed in dreams , cleared away or cured.
And the depth of the emotions you are experiencing in the early morning are just the fine particles in the air after vacuuming , the leftover filth on the bottom of a washing-up bowl.

If that is cleared away, you're ready , you can go on cheerfully.

Vacuumed , having washed the dishes, having processed the day.
And then you can start with a next job , start a brand new day .
And the ego really loves to loose itself in that awful hour exaggerating the emotions and drawing conclusions . Stop it.
Just go on, and then everything will be cleared away. That’s that and Bob is your uncle.
My blessings to you all