Saturday, 2 November 2013

It looks like morning sickness

May I ask you something?

I experience regularly waking up in the morning , so between 4-6 hours , and really feeling quite horrible. Sometimes sad, sometimes I'm afraid , sometimes I am not looking forward at all facing the day, sometimes I feel lonely and wonder what life is all about.
I am not experiencing it always, but it can be quite vehement, all kinds of negative emotions are pouncing upon me , and sometimes I'm surprised at the vehemence .

And almost always the feelings disappear completely during the first hours of the day.
I wonder then : what was this all about? Why are they completely disappeared? Where are they coming from? Can You comment on this please? I assume more people do have this troubles?

Many people will recognize this. The more one gives feelings a proper attention in life, the stronger they will be experienced . People who suppress their feelings a lot , will not have this experience , but they probably will face a suddenly depression or a physical disease.
And then there is a group suffering no problems at all, because they are superficial, or because they do not have any problems (yet).

It's a simple cleansing, you are facing, and in this manner.
On the day you are experiencing all kind of stuff, and it is not possible to process this all emotionally during the day.
The reactions , the involved emotions , the processing of what happened, that all is done overnight. Everything is, by the human consciousness , and with help from the spiritual world, organized , relived , expressed in dreams , cleared away or cured.
And the depth of the emotions you are experiencing in the early morning are just the fine particles in the air after vacuuming , the leftover filth on the bottom of a washing-up bowl.

If that is cleared away, you're ready , you can go on cheerfully.

Vacuumed , having washed the dishes, having processed the day.
And then you can start with a next job , start a brand new day .
And the ego really loves to loose itself in that awful hour exaggerating the emotions and drawing conclusions . Stop it.
Just go on, and then everything will be cleared away. That’s that and Bob is your uncle.
My blessings to you all