Monday, 24 February 2014

On inner freedom (Eleanor Roosevelt)


Pinky Mthembu@sistawithbooty30 jul. "@SheQuotes: "No one can make you feel inferior without your consent." ~ Eleanor Roosevelt #quote #SQN"

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Man is the guardian of his inner self . There is total freedom, there the free will is reigning, there the ability to be happy and to be God is prevailing. There one can be complete master of his own universe.
But why is this happening too little?
Let's examine mankind.

Because one

  • as a child is letting in everyone
  • has started to believe another may determine everything inside: a parent, a pastor, a partner, a teacher, a guru
  • has forgotten one can choose
  • has let the interior to be determined by the external world
  • has let the free will be influenced by others
  • the will and the opinions and judgments of others are internalized
  • and because a thousand other reasons.

"No one can make you feel inferior without your consent."

This tweet is radiating so much hope and strength and individuality and choice and inspiration and future.
There is another possible path, the path of the new man, the path of the personality, the path of God in man. The path of true faith.
And one may follow this path of autonomy, from the ego to the personality, from outside to inside and from the other to oneself,  with the help of the following questions and insights and steps:


  • What do I want?
  • What does the other want from me?
  • Why do I feel insecure by this or that?
Insights :
  • Another person can not determine my life
  • Another person is not allowed to make me feel small
  • The opinion of man is only the issue of the day.

  • Repeat this tweet every day
  • Remember for yourself every day your pure existence is enough. No one on earth has to opine something concerning you
  • Every day saying to yourself: the opinion of God is more important to me than the opinion of man. ( PS : the last step only if one is familiar with a loving God, for otherwise it will work contra productive, smile) .

My blessings to you all